where did you graduate from? how far in your education did you get to? let us know here and find your former classmates here! feel free to include any preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, or prep schools that your character may have gone to, even if they didn't particularly graduate from there! you don't have to put down a specific school name, just the town or city the school was in.
as your connections change, it's inevitable for the information in this room to change so feel free to post in this room as many times as you need to, however no discussions are allowed in this room! tag an admin in the chatroom if you have any questions.
post your character's education in the following format or similar:
[ character name ] attended [ elementary school ], [ middle school ], [ high school ], and graduated with a degree in [ subject ] at [ university ].
ex. shiah yoo attended dandelion elementary, dandelion middle school, dandelion high school, and graduated with a degree in nursing at the local university in the city.
christian yu attended elementary, middle, and two years of high school in sydney and graduated from dandelion high school. he also attended a community college in sydney but did not graduate.
james lee spent his education in los Angeles and has a degree in economics and a certificate in audio engineering.