➴ restaurant。



width must be 240; height can be 100 or higher
myoui mina. 2 months ago
@im changkyun. mina smiles warmly at changkyun's response. as long as he enjoys his work, then she's glad to know of it, relieving of her worries about him. she keeps noticing his quick glances and suddenly, the familiarity of their connection seems to make her feel curious.

"hey, it's interesting! it is wonderful and being able to enjoy your work is a privilege. I'm glad to hear it especially from you," she says, meeting his gaze; though it does give her the same butterflies, the one she felt back then. is this how she realizes that she still holds the same feelings from before? afterwards, she nods at his sentence, agreeing to dig in the food as she is getting hungry with every second that passed by.

as they start to eat, she thinks back to how he acted during their university days and how long it has been for them since they parted ways. "life has its way to bring us back to meet, huh? I didn't expect to meet you again," she mutters after taking another bite of her food. her mind hopes for something more; although it feels she will have to let this go and be friends instead with how they're acting around each other. "let's enjoy this meal. good food is always hard to come by," she grins sheepishly from her words as she tries to relieve the tension in the room.
im changkyun. 2 months ago
@kim mingyu. today is the day where mingyu was released from the prison. changkyun drove to the prison where he was to meet his friend, mingyu, whom he had helped before.
mingyu had been imprisoned for protecting his younger sister from bullying and the thought that someone trying to do the right thing could possibly end up in prison doesn't sit right with changkyun himself.

as changkyun arrived at the prison, he parked his car and took a deep breath to calm his nervousness. he checked his notifications and sent a message to mingyu letting him know he was there and waiting.

he still remembers the day when mingyu was arrested. watching him get taken away for something unfair was so stressful. changkyun couldn't understand how the law can be harsh and unjustified. mingyu only had simply acted like a brother would, and yet he had suffered for it.
han jisung. 2 months ago
@kim mingyu. After leaving the construction site, Jisung had went home to finish a few other projects and shower and make himself more presentable to go out and do the interview with Mingyu. The excitement from actually securing an interview with the other had caused more jitters than usual to settle within Jisung's veins. A small amount of nervousness and anxiety was normal for him, and something he had dealt with multiple times before. Though, what Jisung didn't account for, was that building his nerves up to actually go to the interview had caused him to run a little behind. Once the alarm had went off on his phone telling him that he needed to leave, Jisung mentally cursed himself fumbling to gather everything he needed, a small notebook to take notes in, a voice recorder just to relisten to just in case he missed anything, and of course his wallet.

He rushed to the restaurant, checking his watch with every few steps that he took hoping that he wasn't late, he didn't want to make a bad impression to the other after all the work he went through just to talk to the older. Upon entering the restaurant, he checked his clock again. Eight pm right on the dot. He took a few settling breaths before looking around a small bow to the worker, before he noticed Mingyu in the corner booth, pointing at him to tell the worker that he was sitting with him before going to the table. "I'm here!" He greeted the other once he reached the table. "I hope you weren't here for long?" He asked before taking a seat setting his stuff on the table beside him.
byun wooseok. 2 months ago
@kim jennie. Once the kitchen had completely cleared out of its bustling brigade, Chef Byun took the time to make it back into his office and grab onto the small folder he had put together for his new student; a detailed menu he meticulously put together for the occasion, along with a complete list of ingredients to get as well as a comprehensive step-by-step guide for each recipe. The perfect way to ease a beginner into Haute Cuisine. Thankfully, while Eunji left her teacher in the dark about a lot of informations about his new protege, she at least did give him a heads up on the woman’s cooking abilities for him to prepare adequately.

Hearing the sounds of footsteps nearing the back of the house, Wooseok hastily fixed his appearance upon glancing into the mirror hanging behind his office’s door before emerging back into the kitchen, folder tucked under his arm.

Pushing the door open as she entered into his domain, the chef’s eyes first wandered past the two frames and into the empty dining room, reminding him that he was once again staying behind for the fourth time this week —though he quickly managed to shake off the looming tiredness and advert his eyes onto his guest, welcoming her with his signature simper upon excusing the hostess.

‘Thank you, Haneul. You and the rest of the front house can go home, thank you for the good work’ he politely told the young woman that soon disappeared behind the scissor doors.

While Wooseok wasn’t big on keeping up with pop culture, the man could have sworn that Miss Kim looked rather familiar to him. Perhaps did his student omit such detail knowingly for him to be as natural as can be during this impromptu crash course. The woman was elegant, refined in the way she presented herself and sophisticated in a way that could, for some, seem a bit withdrawn. Though, he could clearly see past this persona, only to see a nervous individual on foreign territories — and he couldn’t blame her. Kitchens were still an intimidating environment, even for him.

Nonetheless, his hand soon extended out to meet her own in a firm, confident yet warm handshake. ‘It’s a pleasure. You’ll have your friend Eunji to thank, she made quite the convincing plea if I may say so myself’ her soft and dainty fingers lingered oh so slightly against his rougher palm before breaking off the handshake, the man now gesturing his new apprentice to follow his lead further into the kitchen.

‘Do you drink, Miss Kim? And do you plan on serving any wine before, during or after the meal you’ll prepare for your parent’s wedding anniversary?’ soft smile never wavering, he delicately laid out in front of them the menu he had been holding onto for her to discover, along with the list of wine pairings he had worked on with his sommelier prior to this meeting. ‘A couple wines would pair up very well with the different courses we came up with and I’d like to have you taste them and give me your thoughts, if of course you do drink.’
yu jimin. 2 months ago
@kim minjeong. (Wooo woop ahem ill do better next time lmaoo but let’s alternate sizes mhmmhm youhavenochoicebuttoagree but just a heads up some post will be bigger some will be smaller eiii )

Jimin could hear the roaring echo of the engine before she could descry the lithe blonde maneuvering the machine, the noise was of an intimation to know she would appear any second. It was amusing to her that Minjeong kept up locking her motorcycle despite the area Jimin worked would be the last place her prized possession would go missing, but she knew it was a mixture of habit and her lack of trust in people; despite the safety rate of the location. The impact of the younger girl’s embraced rocked Jimin where she sat but she nonetheless was quick encircling her arms over the shorter to return the embrace with equal force and excitement in her movements. Her words initially brought laughter to erupt from her lips before she took on the feigned act Minjeong’s words implied. Making forged weeping sounds as she ‘desperately’ clung onto the severely missed individual. “I don’t know what i’d do if you took even a second longer!” Feigned exasperation coated her voice before she broke the act and busted out into a fit of laughter. “Oh, let me go get the food and we can be on our way!” Fortunately for Jimin, the elderly couple who owned the restaurant had no issue with her taking the extra food come closing time. Perhaps they were just used to her doing it by now but either way she greatly benefited from it. “The goods are secured!” She chirped, emerging from the building once more with the to-go bags held up in the air.
lee minho. 2 months ago
@kim youngkyun. Minho knew this would happen; he knew that if the two of them sat down and began to have a conversation about everything that's happened thus far, it would end up with at least one of them being emotional, or at least one of them would end up angry. Perhaps he avoided such a thing because he couldn't fathom being any angrier about their break-up. Or perhaps, it was because Minho knew that he would still react rather strongly to Youngkyun and any chance of seeing him upset. Even as he sat patiently, trying his best to remain level-headed, the prolonged eye contact between the two of them was more than enough to cause a falter in his attempt at remaining hostile. And like a violent storm that had passed as quickly as it started, wind that was once howling against the windowpane and threatening to overtake the house completely was now barely audible, barely felt, while sorrow filled Minho's chest at the sight of Youngkyun's tears.

Now it was Minho's turn to sigh shakily, trying to divert his attention to anything else, more than aware of the silent signs of Youngkyun's panic, having helped ground him for the years that they were together. He remained silent as he took another large gulp of wine from his glass, quick to refill his and to also pour more into the glass of the male across from him. It was evident that they both would need it. "I still follow your personal account on my private instagram, yes," he responded honestly, voice gentle as to not cause any more harm than he already stirred up inside the both of them. "I guess there's just some things I still can't let go of, either." Another gulp before he pushed his glass away, finally opting to be an adult and be open to communication without much pugnacity. As much as Minho tried convinced himself that he hated Youngkyun, he didn't like seeing him so upset. Maybe he really didn't hate him at all. Not even a little bit. "Does that bother you?" He paused, opting to clarify a few seconds later, "That I still follow you on social media. I know it's weird."

He inhaled once, held the breath for a few beats, then released it, brain desperate for oxygen. Minho wasn't sure what to do with himself, anger now fully dispersed from him.
im changkyun. 2 months ago
@myoui mina. he didn't know if his life is colorful enough to tell. hearing her job as a wedding planner makes changkyun sigh in relief somehow because he always knows mina is someone who is good at planning such things. to have something that you dream as a job is very important and good to thrive on, honestly. well that's what changkyun thinks. as for him, he almost couldn't reach his dream job as a mechanic because of his father's antics but despite it, it doesn't stop him from becoming one.

"i'm a mechanic and i own my own garage. well not as grand as yours, but i like doing it," he answered as he stole a quick glance at her. she's still pretty and the same, like the old myoui mina that he has known ever since their university days. he didn't dare to look at her beautiful features for so long as it weakens him. the only thing she manages to do after all these years — is to weaken him.

he sighed and muttered, "my life is just a cliché one, it's not interesting at all." there are many other questions that he wants to ask her.

"why aren't you dating yet?"
"are you waiting for me?"
"do you still like me the same?"

but he couldn't. the waiter comes over with the food and he thanked the waiter. "let's dig in and call it a day."
myoui mina. 2 months ago
@im changkyun. mina appreciates changkyun's effort in keeping the conversation alive. the awkwardness is still there, yet at least there is progress. she couldn't help but notice the way he avoids her gaze and the weariness in his voice. her mind flashbacks to the man she met in college and seeing him like this tugs at her heart.

"I'm actually working as a wedding planner," she responds, her voice soft but steady. "I'm still working under a company, but I hope to start a business myself in the future. it'll be challenging but at the same time, it'll be rewarding to help couples plan for their special day." from the very moment she mentions it, she remembers the days she would picture both of them reaching that point in their lives. it is embarrassing, seeing how deep she felt for a one-sided love.

"what about you? I would like to hear of it," she sends the question back at him. she wonders about his life, wanting to catch up with what's happening. this dinner makes her hope that it could offer a chance for them to reconnect... even just as friends.
kim mingyu. 2 months ago
@han jisung. [ moved from downtown ]

Mingyu hadn't bothered changing out of his dusty construction uniform. There wasn't anyone to impress, anyway. And if he were to change out of his battered clothes, it would seem as if he were trying too hard to manipulate the audience, presenting himself in a better light. It'd been too long to care about nuances like that. If people didn't care back then, they certainly didn't give two s to care right now. The man arrived a few minutes earlier than the scheduled time and scanned the restaurant, the faint aroma of tofu stew wafting through the air as he looked for the tiny journalist.

"So eager to have this interview and is late? He's hilarious," he mumbled and lifted two fingers at the old lady towards the back of the store. "Table for two." The lady nodded at the empty booth in a cozy corner at the back of the restaurant, a dim light hanging over it. The place was fairly empty, just the way he liked it. He settled into his seat, his larger frame taking up almost half the space as he idly scanned the menu. He already knew what he wanted. He just needed an excuse to stall. If the journalist didn't arrive exactly on the dot, Mingyu would use that as an excuse to leave and say that his time wasn't respected. Cold eyes fell toward the watch on his wrist, a finger tapping away at the table.
kim minjeong. 2 months ago
@yu jimin. homogeneous rumination left in her mind from their familiar banter, Jimin had equally been her personification of morality both good and bad. She knew her nagging only resulted from a place of care, and for that sole reason the blonde always found herself heeding despite her resistance.

The trip diminished to a blur of lights blinded from the sheer speed she traveled, much slower than she would normally but still she seamlessly weaved through the traffic essentially cutting the distance to the building she frequented almost as if it were her own place of employment.

Pulling up to the designated lot, she killed the engine and swung off the bike, taking the extra precautionary measures to lock it up before her spurious ocean orbs took brief intake of her surrounding, lighting up when the stygian tresses cascading like a waterfall of ink filled her vision, sprinting over to greet the comely female, Minjeong eased her arms around Jimin’s slender waist, squeezing her tight as if even a bit of relented strength the other would somehow float away, but truly it was simply her form of wordless admission that she had missed the girl, with their varying schedules being the sole hindrance, and far as Minjeong could recall she hadn’t seen her friend in at least eight hours, with the former being lost in her deep slumber she hadn’t even heard when Jimin headed off to work.

“Gorgeous gorgeous ladyy! i’m finally here, i know you missed me so terribly, no need to cry!”
im changkyun. 2 months ago
@myoui mina. changkyun sighed and nodded at the woman's remarks. there was no way he would say anything after they had grown distant since their graduation days. it had been too much for him to admit how much he actually liked her because of his cowardice, and also partially because he thought he didn't deserve her.

changkyun was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. the only thing that distanced him from his family was his interest in cars and engines instead of his father's business. involving himself with such things led him into unavoidable situations — especially illegal ones, and he definitely didn't want mina to find out about those dirty deeds he'd done.

so he thought he didn't deserve her. she deserved someone better. it could never be him. he knew that and had been willing to move on from his feelings for her ever since — but still, it was quite hard for him to easily forget her. the woman of his dreams, where he could only dream and not bring it into their reality, pained him.

"what's your job right now?" asked him, not intending to be nosy but at least he's trying to keep the conversation going.
kim youngkyun. 2 months ago
@lee minho. Words.

It is just words Youngkyun. Breathe Kyun, breathe, remember you need it to survive.

He kept telling himself this but his lips trembled at every sentence that his former lover was saying, the pain that he heard through the words hurt him also, he turned away while taking a sip of his wine. Sighing a bit and contemplating his next move, he took his ring off his index finger, a family heirloom, and spun it on the table while looking directly at Minho's eyes. Those eyes that he would always look at during their time together in his apartment, those eyes that he would stare at when he would prepare his favorite meal for him, those eyes that entranced him into a deep slumber whenever he was scared of a thunderstorm or a dog coming up to him. These eyes would look at him like a wolf stalking its prey, but it was not of that nature, no, it was more of an amber glow that appeared in his mind while looking into his eyes, it made him swoon with affection and care for Minho, the elder ex-lover that he longed for.

Amber also happens to be one of Youngkyun's favorite hues to edit with the photos that he took, the album that he made for them was edited with amber hues that he left at his house, and it's in a box, marked Boo. He put it in the attic unlike the memories of him and Minho, where he can't get that out from the front door of his brain and into the attic part of his brain, he has that memory in his mind every day whatever he does.

Now the lips, those lips that Youngkyun would kiss whenever they would lay down in the same bed, at the beach whenever they decided to go there, whenever they would lay down watching a scary movie or to watch a cheesy rom-com with Roo and Boo, he got Roo and Boo right before he met Minho, and he named Boo after him, as whenever he would call Minho, Boo, his cat and Minho would both look at him and he would giggle until he told Minho about the named cat. These lips gave him his first kiss, he had been so shy before meeting Minho and it brought out his personality more, and he got to meet friends because of him as well. He would be forever grateful to those lips that opened up for him, just like how Minho opened up his life for him.

Tapping his fingers, he let his ring fall to the ground and sighed a bit again, the constant sighing had to stop, and in Youngkyun's mind that was all he could do. Sighing is his way of being protective of his emotions but also it shows what he is thinking. He took quick sips of the wine in the glass, swishing it around in the glass before sipping as well, it made little waves that reminded him of the beach that they would go to. The ripple effect is worse than any butterfly effect that he has been put through since their break-up. He opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't he was lost for words and for the first time, he bowed his head and led with something that he should have on that night, "I am sorry." His lips trembled as he said those words and shed one tear down his cheek that rippled down onto the table, the ripple effect was causing him to hyperventilate lightly to himself, with each breath causing his head to become lightheaded and he smiled lightly at Minho, with each breath causing his chest to rise and fall more substantially. "I know the answer to the questions I am asking, I just want to hear you say the answers." He looked away and took out his phone to turn it off, so he could focus on the conversation at hand.
lee minho. 2 months ago
@kim youngkyun. Minho almost wanted to repeat the other's sentence in disbelief again, but he was beginning to think it was because he was so surprised with himself for even entertaining a conversation with the younger, especially after how everything turned out between them two. Something that was once so sweet had long since turned sour. He wished that it didn't have such a strong pull on him and the way he felt sometimes. When Youngkyun mentioned how long Minho had been, allegedly, staring at him, he couldn't help but scoff, even if it was possible that he had really looked at his ex for that long. "I don't keep up much with social media to know. I'm sure you would know the answer to that question though, right? Considering you, apparently, are still keeping tabs on me and my schedule even after our break up." Minho was sure Youngkyun took note every time his username showed up in said instagram stories. His tongue pressed into the inside of his cheek, fighting the urge to bounce his leg to help keep his irritation at bay. If it was evident from his eyes how much this conversation was getting to him, he didn't need his body language to reflect that, even if one could argue that his crossed arms alone was more than a great indicator that he was at least uncomfortable.

The elder's eyes drifted down to Youngkyun's hands. The same ones that he used to press his lips into before he made his way to Youngkyun's cheeks, then lips. They were the same ones he used to clutch tightly whenever something scared him, or whenever he was worried that they'd lose each other in a crowd. The same ones that would gently hold Minho's face, while his big, brown puppy eyes gazed up at Youngkyun, silently asking for another kiss or phrase of affection. Minho's eyes violently snapped back up, aggressively blinking as he tried to rid them of whatever emotion that was beginning surface through, one that he feared still showed his affection, even if it were only for a second.

Wordlessly, Minho grabbed ahold of the wine bottle and began pouring it into Youngkyun's glass. When it came to pouring for himself, he visibly hesitated, contents of the bottle spilling much too quick and far too messy for someone with his experience. "You know, we wouldn't have to argue with each other so often if you didn't make this place your favorite eatery, despite your constant criticism." Minho's glass was now to his lips, taking a large gulp in hopes of gaining courage.
myoui mina. 2 months ago
@im changkyun. with a deep breath, mina looked up as she stops fiddling with her dress. her eyes widen in surprise, recognizing the man sitting across from her. she is in disbelief and awkward with the sudden meet-up after some what... years?

"changkyun? they set us up?"

her voice is soft as ever despite the turn of events; her date being someone she had (h̶a̶v̶e̶?̶) feelings with and not someone who is a complete stranger to her. her first blind date turns out like this and she chooses to try her best to ease the tension.

she sighs quietly, eyes focusing on the candle resting in their shared table. she mutters in response, trying to make an effort to break the awkward silence between them. "it's unexpected, but since we're here... let's enjoy the meal then? no expectations, no pressure. what do you say?"
kim youngkyun. 2 months ago
@lee minho. "I haven't forgotten, just a new perspective, if you will." Looking at his ex up and down he sighed a bit, he wasn't bored, just, taken aback by how he was acting. He seemed a bit off or on edge, something that Youngkyun could pick up on eventually, but he would not use that tonight unless he was tempted to. Temptation is what brought him here just like Adam and Eve were tempted in the garden, he was drawn to Minho like the forbidden apple, just waiting for him to take his next bite. Examining his body language, Youngkyun felt bad for the man he once called his lover, his muse, his partner for life, or so he thought. He never thought that one "mistake" would ruin them and cause them to be in a situation that they are in right now.

Gesturing for him to sit down as he did, Youngkyun wanted to take control of the situation, something that he was never good at around his friends or lover, well ex-lover now. "A few minutes? It seems like you have been here already for 10 minutes and 31 seconds, and you were staring at me for a good 4 minutes and 54 seconds." He glanced away from Minho feeling different feelings than when he first arrived and what he came here to do, he leaned in with his head on his hands, showing off his clean fingers, which showed that he was keeping up with himself and not a complete wreck after their break up.

"I am well, just doing jobs here and there, you would know if you kept up with the Instagram stories I have been posting, I know you still follow my professional account, or did you unfollow that account too?" He tilted his head at him as he tapped his chin, waiting to see if he would either lie to him or crack under pressure, it is a game to Youngkyun again now, but it was a different type of game, it was one of up-front honesty and regret, and not of trickery. Sighing into his next sentence, "So.. are you going to sit there or offer me some wine? At least we should drink in celebration that we aren't yelling at each other yet, no?" He held his glass out in a casual manner, waiting for the other to pour him a sip of wine, "Or do you want me to pour it for us?"
lee minho. 2 months ago
@kim youngkyun. From where Minho stood and from where Youngkyun sat, the elder prayed that it wasn't obvious just how hard his heart was thrumming against his ribcage. It pissed him; it would be normal if he felt this way whenever his kitchen was crashing down on the hardest nights of the week, or if his life was being threatened. He didn't react this way over one night stands, over flings, over seeing somebody in public after he ghosted them for months. No, Youngkyun had always been the exception to him behaving or feeling things normally. "Sit and converse?" Minho repeated as if that were the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard, as if it didn't take him a few seconds longer than normal to respond. "You must've forgotten who I am, Mr. Kim."

His eyes looked around the restaurant, taking in just how slow the restaurant was tonight. Maybe he could sit with him. It would /only/ be for a little bit. It would have to be. Minho didn't think he could stomach tonight being a night of vulnerability with his ex. He huffed a long sigh, pulling the seat out across from Youngkyun and planting himself in it, "but I guess I could spare you a few minutes." Minho folded his arms across his chest, covering the embroidery of his full name that had been stitched into his chef coat. He didn't even want to look at his ex for too long, all the memories of their previous relationship finding a way into his thoughts from something as simple as the shirt Youngkyun was wearing. Yet, he found himself gazing at the younger, expression back to unreadable, but his eyes said differently.

"You seem well."
yu jimin. 2 months ago
@kim minjeong. Aware of how futile it is attempting to elucidate the peril consequences of reckless driving, Jimin possessed quixotic resolve when it came to the safety of those close to her. Her features consistently contorting with distaste at the ceaseless teasing, she practically felt the satisfaction Minjeong felt on the other end.

[ text to: G.I.Jeo :salute: :bandage_heart: ]

– jeojeo sometimes = normal persons all the time :smiling with smiling eyes:
– i can already imagine them :cringingx3: im surprised your earbuds aren’t in by now!!
– ill plead the fifth this time! :shushing: ㅋㅋㅋ
– :upside-down x 5:
– make it -deleted-
T Y P I N G . . .
– see you when you get here! :salute:

A gentle click dimmed the blaring blue light that was beginning to irritate the raven-head’s orbs after constant use. Opting to occupy the remainder of her time people-watching; a past time she’s grown fond of. Many questions filled her thoughts about the arbitrary bystanders, where were they heading? was it important? how many times have they walked this path? Each time she would fabricate a story that made sense to her based on their semblance. seldom would a face come up inscrutable in her mind, perhaps that was the most mirthful part for her.

Bringing her wrist to eye level, she was surprised to find five minutes passed by already. At realization a smile took residents to her comely features, knowing the blonde would arrive any moment now.
im changkyun. 2 months ago
@myoui mina. after being pestered by his father (especially) and his friends to go on this so-called blind date, changkyun couldn't help but sigh out loud when he finally arrived at the restaurant. he was only doing this in the hope that it would be the last setup by his father or friends. if they tried to set up another date after this, changkyun would surely explode.

after gaining some information about the woman from his father, changkyun entered the area and sighed again. the staff welcomed him, but he didn't feel welcomed at all as his gaze wandered around the place to locate the woman he was supposed to meet. that's when he felt his heart drop.

the sight of a woman waiting for someone made his breath hitch. why did they have to meet again? let's hope she's not the one he's supposed to meet today because, damn. judging by appearances, it seemed like she was. changkyun sighed again as he lazily strode towards the woman and took a seat in front of her, not daring to meet her eyes.

"let's make it short today. it's not like i want to be here anyway."
kim jennie. 2 months ago
@byun wooseok. despite being an actress for seven years, commended by her prowess to make believable characters that could boil one’s blood, what separates jennie from her previous roles is how she's transparent when not in front of a rolling camera. it shows by the way she's unable to hide the uncertainty that's drawn on her face when the hostess tells her that chef byun wants her to come to the kitchen for their appointment. her gaped mouth closes when she feels it grow dry then, hands wrinkling the skirt of her dress when she closes her fists on the soft material. “i didn't think we're going straight to it…” she murmurs to herself with a nervous chuckle, flexing her fingers just so she could smooth her palm on her lap— a telltale sign of her gathering her composure.

the hostess must've picked up on her discomfort because the smile on her face becomes wider— encouraging. “i hope that you don't think of this as overstepping, but chef byun’s notorious for being the best teacher in his field; the kindest, even. there's nothing for you to worry about.”

jennie wants to argue with that; not because she doesn't believe the woman but because there's a lot of things to worry about when meeting your mentor for the first time. she's reminded of the many instances she had to go through evaluations, interviews, and auditions just to get the part that she wanted on the shows she wanted to be in— how she’d hide in the bathroom by herself, trying not to cry because she believed that she’d flunked the only chance she got to be casted in them. she had never been immune to the fear, even with how many times she's gone through it.

now, she's stepping towards something she's never done before. she's bound to panic at some point.

as she wrings her fingers, following the heels of the hostess towards the kitchen (tuning her out as she yaps away about chef byun’s humble start at signiel seoul hotel and his achievements), she wonders how he’d react when he finds out that her skills for cooking could go as far as frying a (burnt) fish. surely, he wouldn't kick her out of his kitchen for that, right?

“ah! here we are,” the hostess announces as she opens the double doors of the kitchen, head whipping about to find byun wooseok’s location. “chef byun, miss kim is here for the appointment.”

jennie did not have enough time to prepare herself before she's face-to-face with the man himself. and she's dumbfounded, awestruck by what greeted her. if she had not known any better, she'd mistake him for a model— an idol; he’s got the height for it, after all. she also didn't even think that he was as young, either. swallowing thickly again (all the while ignoring the knowing look that the hostess has on her face when watching her reaction), jennie squares her shoulders, the persona of kim jennie— the actress— finally coming forth. “i thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from you, chef byun. i’m kim jennie.”

she reaches a hand out towards him, signifying their first official meeting.
kim youngkyun. 2 months ago
@lee minho. Youngkyun had woken up that day wanting to do his usual routine of going to a certain restaurant that he would love to bother the owner there, it was a favorite pastime of his. It was because the owner was his ex that was a significant person in his life for a good chunk of his adult life. However much adult he was though, is still to be determined, because of the breakup, it was messy but he grew more in those years with his ex than he has in his whole life. He would always thank him for it, even if it ended on bad terms.

He got dressed and decided to wear a fancy shirt and some black slacks, definitely different from his normal attire of just all-back clothing, but he figured tonight he would be a bit different. There was a significant aura around him as he walked towards the taxi he called, he was nervous, but he enjoyed the nervousness, he also brought his camera as he never left home with it. He also decided to wear some oversized glasses, just for amusement, which he didn't think would fit him, but he remembered that he had them.

As he was taking the taxi to the restaurant that his ex owned, he couldn't even say his name in his head, only out loud, it would bring up many memories, most of them good, but there were some bad ones, he felt like he wanted to tell him something but he could never muster up the courage and decided to cause hell at his restaurant instead and do all the little menial things he could, to make his life harder,

Walking inside he sat down at a table, and he saw him, Lee Minho, Min, and his mind went from calm and easy back to being nervous and on edge, his fingers were tapping his legs as he noticed him, there was something about him, even from when they first met that drew him into his life. He noticed his glance and tried to look away but to no avail, the glance was met with a confused puppy-esque look on Youngkyun's face, and he noticed.. he was getting closer. Internally, freak-out mode was active for Youngkyun, he decided to play with his hair a bit and look at his phone until he heard the familiar voice. "The food has been adequate tonight, moreso than normal, so no reason to bother the chef at his job. Would you like to sit and indulge me in conversation?" He decided to take a formal route, instead of being playful.
lee minho. 3 months ago
@kim youngkyun. Minho really wished working in restaurants wasn't always so stressful. Sure, he knew this from the knowledge passed down from his father and even working in this very restaurant when he was a teenager, but back then this place was nothing compared to what Minho made it into. That isn't to say it wasn't amazing under the ownership of his father, his father just happened to be loyal to old ideals while simultaneously wanting to compete with the new ones. So when his father passed and it was his turn to run the eatery, he kept touches of his dad but ultimately, he had made it into a place that he could proudly say he worked his off to achieve. Hard work doesn't come without stress, which is why even on a slow night like this, Minho had to step out of the kitchen before he exploded from overstimulation and make his way through the dining area.

He gave polite smiles to the few people that sat at his tables, some older couples and a few people that sat alone, which wasn't at all uncommon sometimes. But like a moth to a flame, there was a particular figure that Minho's attention had been drawn to. Minho couldn't even see his face, yet just from his stature alone he had only one name in mind. Kyun. No, Youngkyun. Had he stopped by yet /another/ time to cause a scene? No, this table had been occupied far longer than it usually is before he calls in a complaint. "," he complained quietly to himself, debating between rushing back into the kitchen or feeding into his own, demented curiosity and finally getting to the bottom of this game of theirs.

His feet that once felt as if they were rooted in their spot began to move on their own, only stopping once they were directly across from Youngkyun. Minho's expression was initially unreadable, but a pinch of agitation was beginning to surface through. "Any reason in particular why you haven't terrorized my kitchen yet?"
myoui mina. 3 months ago
@im changkyun. "you should meet up with him! who knows? he might be the key to unlocking your relationship status!"

a light groan leaves mina's brims as she recalls the very words her friend said to her. despite her worries, the same friend assured her constantly that this man, who she would meet up with, was not a creep. the wedding planner is not one to take up the opportunity, yet she feels it would be best to experience it for once in her life.

mina steps into the bustling restaurant lobby and her eyes scan the tables nervously. the sounds of glasses clinking and the soft chatter of the people surround her immediately. she smooths down her dress, waiting patiently as the nerves of a blind date tug at her stomach.
cho miyeon. 3 months ago
@byun wooseok. « FREE CULINARY WORKSHOP! » Miyeon noticed a nondescript poster in the window of one of her favorite restaurants. She had been here time and time again, but this was her first time seeing it. "Free culinary workshop..." She read it aloud, her entire body leaning over at eye level with the poster as she mumbled the contents of the advertisement, nodding her head as she spoke her thoughts out loud, "Oh, so it's going to be the owner teaching!?" How exciting! Miyeon greeted the staff familiarly as she entered the restaurant, bowing with a large grin. "Oh my god, long time no see!" She exclaimed as if meeting an old friend, "You haven't been on hostess shift in so long!" Miyeon reached in to give the hostess half of a hug as she asked, "How have you been?" The two spoke like old friends as the hostess led Miyeon to her table and as she sat down, she exclaimed, "Oh! By the way, I saw that poster in the window about the workshop - is that still happening?"

And that was how she ended up at a culinary workshop early in the morning. Miyeon rolled her feet from heel to toe as she stood outside the restaurant with her hair sticking out in twin braids from a large bucket hat. Her canvas bag slung behind her back looking as if she were about to go on a trip in her wide leg jeans and all. She took a glance at her phone to check the time, then looked at the poster in the window. "It would be SO awkward if I tried to open the door and no one was inside," She mumbled to herself with a chuckle. Despite being quite a regular at the restaurant, Miyeon had never met face to face with the owner, so she was curious to meet him. The closest she's gotten was seeing his large shadow rushing across the restaurant, but she had heard whispers about him from the staff. He was tall and an exceptional cook and, apparently, he's a chaebol!? He had gone abroad to study the culinary arts, and it was that knowledge that made his restaurant stand out amongst the crowd. He sounded fascinating and Miyeon couldn't wait to meet the person behind her favorite restaurant.

Miyeon pulled open the door into the restaurant, noticing the space lit differently than usual. She looked around, amazed at the change in ambiance the restaurant usually had, then her gaze landed upon that large stranger and, given his height, he must be today's head chef! Instantaneously, Miyeon's face lit up in a bright smile as she greeted him, "Hi! I'm here for the workshop..." and she took a look around the empty restaurant, "Am I early?"
[post deleted by owner]
byun wooseok. 3 months ago
@kim jennie. Summer was always synonymous of a considerable influx of new guests in the opulent Signiel Seoul Hotel in which Wooseok’s restaurant soared to popularity, though this year something else seemed to attract quite the crowd ; The young chef had managed to score the establishment’s first Michelin star during its first year of operation, resulting in the public flocking from every corner of the globe to witness the genius of the man and taste even a single of his well curated dishes.

His expertise wasn’t only valued by patrons but also by past students that never hesitated to reach out to him whenever in need of advices, something the chef insisted on himself, though Eunji had quite the surprising demand when seeking for her mentor’s help; to aid one of her dearest friends to curate the perfect menu for her parents’ anniversary. And while the request seemed quite odd at first, something seemed to inch him into accepting the challenge no matter how hectic his schedule was as of lately.

It was now the end of the evening service, the last few clients finishing up with their dessers while the back of the house staff completed the cleaning of the kitchen that Wooseok noticed the hurried steps of the hostess.

‘Chef! Miss Jennie Kim has arrived for your private appointment — I sat her down at her table’

Thanking the hostess, he was quick to let her know to allow his guest into the kitchen and proceeded to dismiss the kitchen staff for the day, as the service ran latter than originally anticipated. ‘Good work today, everyone! See you tomorrow morning, it’s a full house so get a good night of rest’ he smiled, patting the shoulder of his sous-chef upon reaching for the sink, washing his hand and making himself presentable for his private atelier.

A certain nervousness had built up inside the young chef since his student’s request, wondering if his selection of dishes would uphold the woman’s standards for the event she was planning. Though, only time would tell.
jeon soyeon. [H] 3 months ago
@byun wooseok. Soyeon had look down at her watch.
Awesome, fantastic.

"and then that's why I was never allowed inside the premises again!"
the male laughed as if he had told such a riveting joke.

Soyeon painfully offered him a smile as she took a sip of her drink.
How did she end up here.
She had decided, for one night only, she would peruse the dating app realm to see who would be in her area. Just to see what type of guys are like in the city.
This wasn't what she had in mind.

She was supposed to be going on a date with a six foot tall athlete who supposedly likes going to the animal shelter in his free time.
Yet she was now stuck with a short, acne-proned male with no ambition in life except for trying to find out how many places he can get kicked out of. What a strange concept...

He reaches out for her other hand on the table, her attention going back onto him as she clenches her jaw on what he was about to say next.
"I'm having a fun time. We should keep seeing each other."

Soyeon held her breath, looking down at their overlapping hands.
"I- Well.. "

She was at a lost for words. Every cell in her body is screaming at her to pull a dine & dash but her morals tell her otherwise. She starts to look around to pull out any excuse she can find but all the patrons were blissfully enjoying their own food and their own company to pay attention to her pleading eyes. Her gaze finally settles in on a man looking at her direction, standing near the kitchen. It was a bit too dim to see his face but he seems vaguely familiar to her...
She starts to cough and stammer to her date to buy some time, hoping to grab the other man's attention.
kim jennie. 3 months ago
@byun wooseok. she knew that something was amiss when eunji didn't answer her messages an hour before their planned meet-up. she also had suspicions when she didn't find the woman outside the restaurant like they had agreed upon a few days ago.

now, as she stands in front of the hostess of the establishment, a crooked smile dancing upon her lips, jennie wonders if she's being pranked. eunji had promised that she'll be the bridge for her and her new teacher. she was hopeful— expectant, even— that she would not be left alone with a man that she only knew by name. but eunji is nowhere to be found, so jennie, awkward and unsure, purses her lips and says, “hi. i have an appointment with chef byun.” when the hostess tilts her head in inquiry, jennie is then quick to add, “i’m a friend of eunji’s. she’s supposed to come here with me, but there was an emergency. she— she told me that she already notified chef byun about our change of plans. i’m... i’m jennie kim.”

when recognition lights up in the woman’s eyes, the tightness in jennie’s lungs loosen in return. “oh! of course, ms. kim. chef byun’s just finishing up in the kitchen right now so it might take a while for him to cater to you,” the hostess responds with a genuine smile on her face, a hand reaching towards the interior of the room. “let me take you to your seat. is there anything you’d like to drink? we’ll quickly notify chef byun of your arrival.”

“ice cold water is fine, thank you,” is jennie’s quick reply, grateful for the hostess’ warm welcome as they weave their way towards the reserved table meant for her and eunji. it's when she sits down does she realize that this was the same seat she had when she first discovered byun wooseok’s expertise in his field, and as she watches the hostess head towards where she believed the kitchen is located, it hits jennie like a brick that the next person she’ll see is the man himself. for the first time. her new teacher— the person that would help her prepare the best set of dishes for her parents' anniversary two weeks from now. byun wooseok.


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infinitevoid 2 months ago
hallo, can I reserve jeong eunji please? thank you admins :>
tsujikiri 2 months ago
Hello dears, could I reserve Kim Mingue please?
larkspur 2 months ago
hello, can i reserve actress gong seungyeon pls, thank you :D
grumps 2 months ago
hello, i'd like to reserve woo dohwan. thank you very much
ardere 2 months ago
can i reserve lee dabin (yeonwoo) please? thank you!
bowlofjajang 2 months ago
hello can i please reserve dreamcatcher's jiu?
chikan 2 months ago
hello do you need more males or females atm?
Chae_Dandelion 2 months ago
Hi, can I reserve Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) from Seventeen?
rainypm [A] 2 months ago
: ̗̀➛ now open! comment name + group to reserve!
Purple_gummieball 2 months ago
sohara hinata please?
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