× restaurant

five star restaurant.
state-of-the-art culinary dishes at your servce, enjoy a fine dining and some wine with your partner. maybe come here for conference meeting and such too, or perhaps a wedding. 
j jaehyun β 4 years ago
@l taeyong Ω Jaehyun could only watch with amusement. He was certain he and his would be husband were disaster in making. It would have been great if the later agreed to his escape plan— there was no point in knowing each other when it was predetermined they would be together. The Lees' already bound by the contract and a hefty sum. "No. Not at all." He refrained from rude remarks, as he rounded back to his seat. He could tell the feeling of discomfort was mutual.

"Should we order then, Taeyong?" Jaehyun had no intention of engaging with his Taeyong's father or his. The two old geezers could talk whatever the polite business they want. It was exhausting to handle them Anyways. "I recommend sushi and ramen. BBQ chicken too."
o sehun β 4 years ago
@l han α After receiving a particularly alarming text message from a close friend, Sehun knew that the only remedy would be a good meal and a nice long talk. He sent a message with the details of a good restaurant for the next day and was more than prepared to listen and offer advice. It couldn't be anything good and Sehun was well aware of how terrible things can get, he can only hope that this could provide at least some reassurance.
By the time he was off duty from the hospital, Sehun was genuinely looking forward to their meal and ready to unwind from a long day at work. Although the conversation may not be pleasant, they have known each other for many years and struggled with the same things. A wealthy family didn't come with the advantages one may think and both of them were well aware of that. Out of the two of them, Sehun had more freedom and was able to get away from their controlling ways but not everyone could be so lucky. The very thought made him frown, but there was nothing else he could do that he wasn't already doing.
The set time for their meeting was around midday and he made sure to arrive a couple minutes early to avoid being late. He took a seat at their reserved table and ordered some water as he waited patiently for his friend to arrive. It will be nice to catch up in person for a change and discuss their troubles with someone actually willing to listen. Sehun relaxed into his seat and skimmed through the menu, already noting the dishes he wanted to eat.
l taeyong Ω 4 years ago
@j jaehyun β Laughing. He’d only just met, but the beta was laughing at him. As much as the Jung wanted to hide it, he was doing an absolutely terrible job. With each imperceptible shake of his shoulders Taeyong’s impression of this would-be fiancé of his worsened, storm clouds gathering behind his frozen mask of politeness. Even if all this was merely a photo for the newspapers, for the public to mull over, it seemed as if the other didn’t even have the basic decency to pretend to be serious. He hated princelings, but he hated careless people even more. At the very least, the omega had no plan on becoming laughing stock and quite frankly, neither did his father. The Jung pair was only giving them - well, Taeyong- more reason to justify calling off this joke of a marriage. Well, all the better for him.

Ignoring the subtle battle of pheromones in the air, he refreshed the perfected smile on his lips, curving cherub tiers to perfect angles. He forced himself to stay still when the detestable presence has the gall to move in closer, though the slight hint of sourness in his otherwise sweet scent would have not doubt given it away. “I’m-“ whatever the omega had planned to say, the sentence stuck to his throat as Jaehyun took it upon himself to kiss his hand, breath forcibly slamming the brakes in his body. The soft brush of lips across his hand was all but torture for Taeyong, a shiver running down his spine as he resisted the urge to tear his hand away, or slap the other, or both. “Jaehyun-ssi, you jest.” The look on his face was only ugly for a fraction of a moment before it returned to a stiff mask, slowly extracting his hand away from the offender.

“How... considerate.” He manages, taking a step back just to ensure that the beta won’t do anything worse- at least not in front of the elder Lee. “I’m... on a tight schedule today, you see. If you will not object I would prefer to remain here for the lunch to—not cut away any time from this meeting.”
l han α 4 years ago
@q kun β @l sunmi β "Do it for the family, Han. Stop being such a stubborn child."
Sometimes the young heir felt as if his father could record his words and make him listen to them in his sleep and he wouldn't have remembered them more. It felt like sleepwalking, going through the motions of complaining, his mother sighing ailingly on the couch, her tea cup quivering ever so slightly between her elegant fingers. His father's face going red, the dreaded twitch to his right eye and a warning uttering of his name. Another complaint, his mother's cup clinking against fine China, his father's voice growing louder. "Did I raise a selfish brat?"
His temper sparking, a flare in his chest and then his mother's soothing hand on his arm, her warm brown eyes looking up at him with a silent beg. Do not start a fight again, they'd say, the unspoken words a thousand times louder than if she would have yelled at him. Her smile, always so gentle, perfectly styled hair curled away from her forehead, ever so gently graying at the roots. "Please, Xiao Lu.", she said while his father scoffed in the background, his presence fading as his mother raised a hand to lay it against his cheek. "You know it is important for us that you have a heir. Sunmi comes from a very good bloodline. She's a healthy beta woman and you two would have the cutest of children."

His mood instantly soured. Like milk, left out of the fridge during a sweltering, humid summer night. He frowned, his mouth pulling downwards when he brushed off his mother's hands and took a step back. "You don't even know if she's a common or a rare beta, mother. You never bothered to ask her family the last time they were here." He gave back angrily, but his voice didn't raise, didn't change pitch. His mother shook her head, sighing once more.
"She's a good choice for you." Was her simple reply and Han sneered, eyes flickering back up his father.
"Would it be so bad for you if I fall in love by myself, father? You don't-"
"Love has nothing to do with upholding a family line, Han." His father cut him off and Han couldn't help but breathe out slowly, shaking his head as his eyes wandered to the side and down to the floor.
"Go take her out for dinner as was agreed on and then we'll see, alright?" His mother jumped in again, feeling the change in the room as she usually did. "If you really don't like her at all, we'll find a way to negotiate."

It was her voice, her gentle persuasion that had Han standing in front of this house now, looking at the doorbell with a scowl, finger hovering over the button even after he had rung it. His mother could probably make him stab his eyes out, if only she asked for it. The door opened, Mr Lee himself greeting him and Han hurried to bow, adjusting his tie with a nervous hand. "Good evening Mr Lee. I am here to pick up Sunmi up for the promised dinner. I arranged a reservation and was told to pick her up at eight?"
The man in front of him gave him a once over, eyes filled with approval and not for the first time, Han felt like a prized cow, ready to be slaughtered and served. People said alphas had it better than omegas and even betas, but Han begged to differ. "I will call her downstairs for you, Mr Lu." Mr Lee hinted at a bow, disappearing from view and this moment of solitude had Han hunching forward, banging his head against the door frame repeatedly, although softly as not to alert anybody inside the house of what he was doing while waiting for his future fiancee to join him outside the door.
j jaehyun β 4 years ago
@l taeyong Ω Jaehyun's lips trembled and he physically restrained himself from bursting into a fit of laughter — frivolous and inelegant; both his father detested and never forgot to warn him off his unbecoming. He lingered on the neatly parted whites, gelled to wet puddle, and somewhat felt the crisis. The stiff posture and the scent of burn —sulfur and coal— told a lot than the pair of Lees' were willing to show. But then again it wasn't his business.

He was as bound as the omega in front of him —they were to be wedded and all this grandeur act was a mere publicity stunt.

Newsflash: The Jung heir's off limits.

"Nice to meet you." Jaehyun excused himself out of his seat, taking a smooth glide to Taeyong's side. Up close, the other appeared even prettier, and the sweet scent faintly tangible. At least his father is considerate this much though whatever the reason might be.

"Taeyong," Jaehyun grabbed Taeyong's hand gently in his, bringing it up for a courtesy kiss on knuckles —a mere brush of lips on what jaehyun could only describe as softest cotton sheets like in his bed. The prospect of laying with his would be husband and procuring an heir seemed manageable. "would you mind to elope with me?"

Mr. Lee tensed up. Jaehyun held back a scoff. His father was quick to rid of the doubt, as he prompted, "My son's a bit of romantic. He wants to introduce Taeyong to his friends since they are to be /husbands/."

Jaehyun nodded along, baring a harmless smile at Taeyong. He knew Mr. lee gave no s about his own omega son, just as his jaehyun's father. "Unless you're truly hungry, we can lunch here."
l taeyong Ω 4 years ago
@j jaehyun β God, he hated this. Being all but the least desirable omega in his family, Taeyong had hoped that the day would never come where he too would be sold off towards the highest bidder but-- here they were. Forced into a petite suit that showed off what his "omega qualities" where supposed to be, and even with his shock of white hair (recently dyed to spite his father) tamed to look more like a docile white cloud than the rebellious nest he'd intended for it to be. All, of course, for the purpose of making him look more pleasing to the eye so that the beta (he'd heard it was a beta today, after all he figured the family head wouldn't want to waste a proper alpha on him) would take him on. You know, like the business deal that it was. Regardless of how the other party felt, he certainly didn't see it as anything more and really, Taeyong wouldn't be here today at all if they hadn't promised him the one he wanted most after this was all over- freedom. But now he was having second thoughts. Standing a little bit behind his father, the omega petulantly raised his eyes to meet the stranger. To his surprise he at least looked the part of a well-groomed heir, but no amount of handsomeness could erase that arrogant air. He hated him already. "Taeyong....it's, a pleasure to meet you." Never mind the fact that he had to grit his teeth to spit out the last few words.
j jaehyun β 4 years ago
@l taeyong Ω Jaehyun squirmed in his chair, loosening the first button of his dress shirt and the tie around his neck, wetting his lips which seemed to be parched despite the amount of cold beverages he has.
"One more sip and you'll splash, son." His father's imposing stern voice rang in his ears. Jaehyun turned to met with his dismissal gaze. Jaehyun retracted his hands, placing them back on his lap. A picture of diligence.
"Hello Mr. Jung." Jaehyun turned to find a man of same as his father. Grey, wrinkled, and artificial politeness. No surprising, at all. His gaze travelled to the old man's side.
Surprised? He certainly was. He felt a flush on his cheeks, quickly getting to his feet unless he wished wrath of his father's dissapprovements.
"Greetings, Mr. lee." Jaehyun tipped his head slight, acknowledging their presence. "I'm Jaehyun."
w jackson α 4 years ago
@l ten β He squinted his eyes and took a mental note of how fast the latter denied his mere question – suspicious, he commented just in his thoughts. Compared to Jackson, the male in front of him was dressed appropriately, looking like he earns a decent amount of money to afford luxurious brands. unlike to his own getup – a white vneck topped by a worn-out black blazer paired with a navy printed jogger pants which were full of holes wearing nothing but a flipflops for his footwear.

Pulling on the chair across to where the latter was situated, Jackson seated himself without even asking permission, all he thought was what’s gonna happen next? “I see.” He mumbled as he snatched the paper from the other’s hold before placing both of the notes side by side tryna see if there’s any clue or whatsoever. “I don’t think I know you, and neither you know who I am too, right?” quite oblivious that the man in front of him have already busted his true nature, he focused himself on how the two of them could possibly be connected. “could this just be a prank? Wow, kudos to them cuz I really fell for it”.

Jackson leaned against the chair whilst crossing his arms against his chest, adverting his gaze elsewhere. “by the way, why’d you followed the note? What were you expecting?” he asked the latter, eyes still fixated on the view outside of the window. “a prank? a blind date?” who’s stupid enough to set him up?
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@w jackson α Time trickled by like sand through the narrow hollow of an hourglass, second ticking slowly into minutes, and soon fifteen minutes had passed. It had not been long, but with nothing of interest occurring so far after his considerably long wait, the beta finally decided to just order some food to hopefully pass the moment with. Plus, if whatever he was supposed to wait for didn’t show up, it would seem like he was being stood up, which wouldn’t look very good for him.

As he waited for his orders, flicking the corners of the sticky note in one hand, he noticed a figure passing his table before standing opposite of him, prompting him to lift his gaze from the paper. Ten studies the man before him, noting his appearance, before catching a whiff of the other’s scent and realising this wasn’t a human, but a wolf that was in front of him. He raised a brow in confusion initially, then the male showed him the note, eyes widening just the slight bit at what was written upon it — the exact same message, and the same handwriting.

“I didn’t send you that,” denied Ten almost too quickly, immediately showing his own sticky note to the stranger. “But I received the same message as you did.” His brows furrowed in concern as he looked between his own note and the other’s, musing, “Seems like whoever sent us this note have something to tell us?” A pause. “Or they only wanted us to see each other?” A disbelieved chuckle left him, shaking his head. “No, it couldn’t be, right?”
w jackson α 4 years ago
@l ten β "aye man, someone left this outside.. I think it's for you?" a hoarse bass voice like an echo in an empty house broke Jackson's ritualistic nap, it was like that every day at 10 pm most probably because he stays up till the morning - an insomnia thing really. "the hell is that?" he uttered whilst taking the small note from his follower's hand, it read something about going to a restaurant by.. 1 pm? "who gave this? he questioned to which the other male responded: "we found that slipped under the door, no name or other details".

What was his schedule again for today? was he supposed to meet someone? did he missed a schedule these past days that somebody might've wanted to meet again? "whatever", he was gonna disregard the note but as soon as he immediately remembered that his ex was gonna visit him he mouthed '' and decided that this haunting looking invite was a better idea to attend rather than hearing his former lover rant about how he ghosted them.

"I'll drive myself, y'all just chill here aite?" he said before leaving his den, and after a few minutes of driving he finally arrived to this specific restaurant, it didn't look suspicious... nor befitting to his taste but all he wants was to get this over with. Jackson sluggishly walked inside the vicinity, glancing at the half occupied seats before calling for a server asking for a specific 'table 10' only to notice that somebody was already there, could he be the one who wanted to meet him? at each big stride he grew closer and closer only to stop once he was in front of the man who seemed like was holding a note as well. "uhh, excuse me? were you the one who sent me this?" he showed the crumpled paper to the man who was quietly seated at his chair.
l ten β [A] 4 years ago
@w jackson α Ten knew better than to follow some suspicious sticky note plastered on the desk of his penthouse with ‘Be at the restaurant tomorrow by 1PM, something will be waiting there for you at table 10’ written on it.

But, deciding that humouring the message was a great idea, Ten decided to follow as instructed. Plus, there wasn’t anything for him to do anyway for the next day, not as if his nightclub opened so early either. The most he would do was just send his daughter to his neighbour to take care of for the moment while he was busy with whatever the note was for.

At one in the afternoon of the specified day, Ten found himself looking at the table numbers for table ten, soon sliding into an empty seat upon finding it. He played around with the sticky note in his hand for a bit, trying to decode what the message was trying to tell him. A waitress came by and gave him a menu to look at before leaving, though Ten didn’t actually look at it as he was too occupied figuring out the mystery behind this sudden message.


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evilgamegyu 4 years ago
/wiggle/ e u e my other account is dead but I don't think I'll return cause my muses for him is off......so delete him ;3;
stxrswyxu 4 years ago
May I have Im Changkyun?
breedable 4 years ago
can i get nakamoto, yuta
memesol 4 years ago
So my muse is usually chungha but she's taken? but hasn't been active since the day she was created. Can I snag her when the time is up? lol
saorsa 4 years ago
Congrats on being featured babe <3
Am-Potat 4 years ago
Lemme reserve Wang Yibo, please and thank you ♡
c287a76cc9fab79f3d66 4 years ago
Can I get Denis Dang please?
eb311df8c0c9e838f820 4 years ago
can i cc solar :(
Oxytocin 4 years ago
May I reserve a Kim minseok please?
luckystar-- 4 years ago
Please reserve Oh Sehun, thank you!
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