
Treasure Mansion
+ The kitties home.                                          
♥ Yuri 6 years ago
*wanders in*hello...? is anyone there?
♥ Yoongi 6 years ago
i blinks my eye and looks around at the masion grounds this the place? I dont know i say to myself. I moves my tail nervously, i think so, after being all by myself for awhile this is for the best ,nods my head and walks toward the door.
♦ Choi Junhong 6 years ago
Zelo blinks looking up at the mansion curiously "hmm it's big so that's where the kittens live?" he murmurs having heard about it from his classmates and saw the advertisements. He thought it would be nice to have a roommate after living alone for a long time even if it's a cat. He pauses at the entrance before taking a deep breath taking a step in.
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho ((OOOOOHHHHHH I didn't know they were on hiatus. OKIE! Thanks! Sorry I was making lunch ><))
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Kevin [] ahhhh sorry....i just thought that i shoudn't answer for now since moonbin is on hiatus
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho ((jsyk its your turn))
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Kevin Moonbin takes one look at Kevin hyunggie before he finishes up taking all the things from the bathroom and moves to the bed and gives him a quick peck on the cheek before packing up the rest. "Alright... This is all. If master desires it, we would like to make you happy," he answers with a soft smile as he gives the master his utmost attention.
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin frowns and moves to hug the teacher. "Its ok. Its ok."
He whispers softly, sadly. "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to make you this sad. If being around us makes you cry then isn't it better to not be with us?"
He asks sadly, "I can tel you really loved them. And I wish you could've had them. I'm sorry we made you sad."
His ears are flat, tail limp and eyes watery. He doesn't like seeing others cry, even if he's used to it. But his hormones are everywhere and he wants to help the teacher.
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin Yunho shook his head and only started crying a bit more. The memories came back one by one, that day his old lover was going to give brith but he never got to ever see them again, both of them died in the hospital. From that Yunho didnt want to know how being loved felt like, he locked himself up in his room and barely came out. His life became dark and filled with sadness like never before. His tears spilled as he tried speaking "I lost them both....and every time i see reminds me of poor baby kitten...." he whispered in tears.
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Kevin Moonbin looks up at the sound of shuffling of feet coming from the direction of the bathroom and out the master comes. Jun's teacher. And in his arms is Jun himself in a kitten form still and sleeping. The young man couldn't help but smile and nods at the older male. "Don't be afraid to let out your feelings. We don't hold any judgement," he simply replies as he stands up and looks at the teacher. "I'll take care of the last stuff from the bathroom and we're good to go."
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin blinks and hugs Moonie as he sits with the other. Looking up he smiles and then blinks. "Yunho-ssi?"
He asks softly, "its ok... if you need to cry."
He moves to stand, wobbling a little as he comes and pets the sleeping kitty. "Thank you for doing that. He needed the grooming. We still need to trim his nails and stuff but that can wait."
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin As yunho finished up washing the young one, he wrapped jun up in a towel and dried him off but didnt realize that Jun had already fallen asleep in his arms. He walked out of the bathroom slowly and still humming a song completely forgetting about who was here around him till he touched the end of the bed and looked up. With a proud grin on his face he set Jun down between kevin and moonbin and finished drying him carefully and gently. "He fell asleep in the tub in my cute and precious" he smiled but soon it turned into a frown remembering his was a forgotten story yet every time he saw a small kitten he would get sad and on the verge of tears. " I...." he looked jun and sniffled.

[] yunho has a past so later on you guys will find out more
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Kevin "Oh... I see." He mumbles softly as he continues to pack and zips the bags close and looks back at Kevin. "Alright that's all that's needed and I'm just going to wait until they're done from the bathroom." He smiles and sits down on the foot of the bed and sighs softly.
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin hums and packs Jun's small suitcase and duffle. Making sure his bunny suit and stuffed toys are there too. Done he moves to the other room to help with their things. "Only things left are in the bathroom."
He smiles and looks at Moonie, "He's Juns teacher... is that what you mean?"
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin He decided to help the kittens out and took jun in his arms. Yunho got a towel and a fresh clean pair of clothes for the little one. Walking into the bathroom, he set the kitten down in the tub and filled it up just a bit above his paws. With his finger tips he massaged the small head of the kitten while humming a song. The little kitten purred and kept close to his hand as the bath went on. "I hope i can be a good master for your brother and his lover.....and also you and the unborn kittens" he whispered to the kitten while sitting inside the tub not minding if you got wet or not because right now he just wanted to sit there and wash the little kid.
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho ((Kk take your time))
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@Yunho [] okie! :3
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin [] just came back from work, im going to reply in just a bit
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Kevin Moonbin could feel the sense of reassurance and comfort from the master's hold. It's strange, Moonbin doesn't recall seeing him around here before. He must be new. The young kitten bends down and begins to pack all of their things to prepare for a new life. Or hopefully, it will be a fresh start for the two of them. Moonbin lets out a soft sigh as he folds the clothes before looking back at the master. "U-Umm.... M-Master? What do you do exactly...?" He whispers softly
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Moonbin ((AHHH! They never showed up in my notifications I'm so so sorry!))

Kevin blinks and giggles softly, "if you can get him into a bathtub when he's a kitten and shower him it'll be a miricle."
He laughs and moves to open their door. "Moonie, love, can you pull out our cases. They're under the bed and I can't bend that much. I'll get Junnies things and then help pack ours."
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin Yunho saw the sadness in the kittens eyes and thought that maybe it was too soon to say one has a easy time getting over rejection and being left behind. He had been through it and it took him awhile to he understood. He looked down at the other kitten still in his hold and smiled warmly "Anything you guys want" he said. He draped his arm over moonbin's shoulders and followed kevin from behind. "I can help shower him....if you want, i dont mind really" he suggested hoping he could help over the pregnant kitten and take some of thier stress away
[post deleted by owner]
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Kevin At the feeling of his embrace, Moonbin realizes that it feels just like Jinho's embrace-- warm, welcoming, and natural. His eyes are almost brimming with tears, tears he knows he shouldn't have forming. It's been a while now since he left, but Moonbin still couldn't help but think about it once in a while. "Food... What kind of food?" He looks up to the master who formerly initiated the hug.
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin blinks and bites his lip. Slowly nodding he hums, "well... You can come up to our room and help us pack if you'd like. Then... Food would be appreciated."
He nods slightly, smiling he blinks at the others comment. A small sad look on his face. Because Jinho had said that too. Shaking his head he nods. "Well... Thank you." He mumbled and reaches to take Jun. Cuddling the black kitten they turn to head upstairs. "Jun you can t run every time you need a bath. I know you don't like them in this form but it's either us or the groomer."
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin Smiling widely, yunho patted jun's head and got up. "Do you guys need help? i can drive you guys to eat....ill pay" he said and helped kevin then moonbin. They were sweet and nice, he understood why they were shy and everything. What type of master was their other one to reject these two kittens and plus unborn babies. He frowned at the thought and just hugged the two lightly. "Ill take care of you both, trust me" he whispered to them
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Kevin I look at the master and hides behind Kevin hyunggie just a little and covers my face by pressing t against his shoulder. I nod at hyunggie's words. "Okay... We can do that." I muffle my words and holds onto him tightly.
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin blinks and sits down, letting the other touch his belly he hums. "They're not moving right now but sure."
He smiles and then looks as Jun jumps on the other. "Well... Junnie likes you so sure.... If Moonie says ok?"
He looks at the other, "A test week. Then we can decide at the end. All three of us. If he doesn't like us we come home. If we're not comfortable we come back as well.... ok?"
He asks, "We do need to get our bags if so."
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin He shook his head and smiled "I wouldn't mind, i just need to get to know you guys both" he nodded and sat down. "May i?" he asked pointing at kevin's bump. He slowly reached out and place his warm hand over kevin's bump while looking at moonbin. " You guys seem so nice and i just want to take care of you guys....yeah" he took his hand back and put them on his lap waiting to hear what they would say. "Just one chance is all im asking, a week to get to know you guys, is it a deal?" he said just before jun crawled back into his lap and purred.
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Kevin I turned my attention to Kevin hyunggie who seemed tremble a little, instinctively I reached for his hand and gave it a small squeeze before I turned my look to the master. "I'm willing to try... but it'll be a hard work from here. Kevin hyunggie is pregnant and needs someone to be with him whenever we do check ups... you won't have three kittens but three and two newborns soon."
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin blinks and looks at Moonbin. "Uhm..." he blushes, "yeah our daddy... he... well vanished. Uhm... as for Jun and the babies they will need anouther master when they're old enough but they can't be alone right now.... are you sure you want to take us and end up with three little kids?"
He asks softly, "I am pregnant with twins...."
He's a bit worried, "I mean... if you're sure... and Moonie is willing we could try it."


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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