❀Flower shop

♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (that's good then, I'm glad to hear that :D)

Kihyun blushed a little at the other's words and shook his head. "It is? I'm far from amazing Chani-ah, and there wasn't anyone who wanted to be my friend before, so I had no-one." He smiled when he heard the other giggling softly. "Don't worry, I'm careful, but even then you can't help getting hurt sometimes. It's not often though." He frowned a little at the pout on the other's face, not liking that fact he made him pout. He looked at the other. "Okay, we can split the bill. If you insist on paying next time, then I'll have to insist I pay the time after that then, since you wouldn't let me pay this time." He smiled a little at the cute sneeze from the other, pulled t he other closer, rubbing his arm gently to help warm him up. "I haven't had it in a long time either, so it will be nice to have it again, and have some nice company at the same time." He followed the other as he started walking towards the restaurant he spotted. He laughed softly as the other sighed softly when the entered the warm building, sighing happily himself with the warmth. He spoke to a member of the staff and got them a table, heading to it with the other.
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (Thankfully it got restored over the weekend! :D)

"That's really surprising honestly! I would've thought that someone as amazing as you would have much more friends!" Chani mused as he walked with the elder, giggling softly at his words and shaking his head. "Aish, hyung, you have to be more careful! Those types of burns really hurt." He mumbled, his ears flattening against his head as he pouted, the thought of the other getting hurt making him sad and worried. Blinking at his suggestion, he sighed in defeat and nodded. "Alright, we can split the bill. But just for today! I insist on paying next time." He says with a bright smile only to wrinkle his nose and sneeze /rather cutely at that/ into his elbow, leaning closer to Kihyun for warmth as he hummed softly. "Tteokboki it is! I haven't had that in ages, it'd be nice to eat it again, especially with someone else!" Looking around, he spotted a restaurant on the next block and made his way to the warm building alongside the elder, sighing softly in relief once they entered. "Ahh, its so warm! It's perfect!"
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (hopefully they will restore it soon, I'm glad you're safe though)

Kihyun looked at the other and nodded, smiling at him. "You are. I've never had any friends before now. I'm honoured to be your first friend as well Chani-ah." He laughed softly and nodded again. "I'm really clumsy sometimes, even if I don't look it. Thankfully, I've never really hurt myself too much, other than some burns when I've been cooking." He smiled when the other nuzzled his cheek, gently nuzzling him back. He listened to the other as they discussed the meal. "I really don't mind paying. But I don't want you to feel bad, so we can split it between us then." He continued walking with the other, looking around for places to eat where they could be warm. "Yeah, something hot definitely. Sure, let's go for Tteokboki then Chani-ah." He looked around again, looking for a place that sold it.
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (Still no power yet ;; but good news, they're finally working on trying to restore it! ^.^)

Chani's eyes widened a bit in surprise at the elder. "I-I'm your first friend also? Wahh, I'm honored!" He said happily before tilting his head. "You're clumsy also, hyung? I would have never expected that honestly! I'm glad you're going to take care of yourself also though! I don't want you getting hurt." He mumbled, nuzzling your cheek as he nodded. Enjoying the warmth radiating from you, he hummed and chewed on his lip. "Y-Yah, I can't let you pay for our whole meal! We'll split, okay? I'll feel bad if you treat me like that.." Thinking to himself, he shrugged slightly and wrinkled his nose. "Definitely something hot, though. Tteokboki maybe? That sounds really good right now."
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (that's not good, I hope that you get power back really soon)

Kihyun moved closer as the other leaned further into his embrace, shaking his head at the other. "I would never laugh at you for that. Honestly, I'm the same, I've never had friends before either. So you're my first friend too, and we're both inexperienced in those things. And it really is wonderful to have friends." He frowned a little at the thought of the other being in hospital. "Of course I would come and visit you often, but I hope that you won't have to go to hospital. I hope that you wouldn't feel bad about that, everyone needs someone to look after them when they're sick." He smiled at the other. "I guess it's partly because of you, so I can look after you if you do hurt yourself again. But also because I'm a lot more clumsy than I look, and I hurt myself often too." He nodded and smiled more. "Right, I'll be prepared for anything." He quickly paid for his things, waiting for the other too, and heading back outside. He wrapped his arm around the other as they stepped outside, and the other curled his body back into his embrace. He shook his head at the other's question. "Not really, I'm fine with anything Chani-ah. What about you? What do you want to eat? Hyung will treat you."
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (So the data is working at my house now, but we haven't had power since like, 5am est Sunday T__T)

Leaning further into the elders embrace timidly, he shrugged softly and chewed on his bottom lip. "D-Don't laugh at me but- I've never really had friends before. You're my first friend, really, so I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to that, most things in general actually, that's why I'm so surprised. Having friends sure is wonderful! If I end up in the hospital anytime soon, which I really hope I don't, then I hope you can come visit me often! T-Though I'd feel bad if you had to look after me when I'm sick." He whispered quietly, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment when the elder picked up things for a first aid kit. "Is it because of me? Well, at least now you'll always be prepared for anything right? Or at least, whatever is in your abilities to fix." He said with a shy smile as they made their way to the register to pay for their things, Chani curling his body back into Kihyun's embrace as they made their way back out to look for a restaurant. "Anything in particular you feel like eating, hyung?"
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (you don't need to apologise for that, your safety is really important, and I hope you stay safe)

Kihyun sighed softly alongside the other, listening to his words. He felt bad for the other, his parents not even visiting him often in the hospital when he was so sick. He could understand if they were busy and couldn't make it, but the other said he knew that wasn't completely the case. He couldn't even imagine how lonely he would feel being stuck in hospital with hardly any visitors. He almost missed hearing the other mention about how he was used to the lonliness, but he didn't mention it to the other, instead, smiling when he noticed the tips of the others ears turning red. He nodded at the other. "Really. I would visit you often, every day if I could manage it. I'm glad it makes you happy to hear, and that you smiled a little. Why are you surprised? This is what friends do for each other. I would have been happy to spend time with you so you weren't lonely." He smiled more at the other. "That's true, sometimes it can't be avoided. I'll just have to make sure to look after you when you do get sick then. You're welcome Chani-ah, I'm happy to take care of you." He looked down at the other feeling his head on his shoulder, and smiled, continuing walking. Kihyun was glad it didn't take too long to find a place. He looked over at the other as they walked in the store, there being a little bit of cold air as they walked in. He followed the other as he pointed to a shelf. He waited and watched as the other picked up the strongest one they had. He looked over the shelf himself, picking up a few boxes of painkillers, and going to find some plasters and things before coming back to the other. "Sorry Chani-ah, I just wanted to make sure I have things for my emergency first aid kit that I'm going to make sure I carry around with me now." He headed over to the checkout with the other, so they could pay and go find somewhere to eat.
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (Sorry for all the delayed responses, I've been busy with homework and preparing for the hurricane ;; I live in Miami so yay)

Chani shook his head slowly and sighed. "No, they didn't. I'd like to think that they were so busy they couldn't really come but.. I know that's not completely the case. It's alright though, I'm used to it- the loneliness I mean." He uttered quietly, smiling a bit at the elders words, the tips of his ears reddening. "A-Ah, really? You'd actually visit me often? It makes me really happy to hear that! It's the thought that counts after all. I'm surprised you'd do that for me though.." He trailed off before chuckling softly under his breath and shaking his head. "It's not a big deal, I've gotten accustomed to getting sick so often. It's a bother, yes, but it can't really be avoided. Thank you once again for taking care of me, though." He whispered, his blush deepening significantly when the other wrapped his arm around the younger, his head resting a bit on the elder males shoulder as they walked. He definitely felt a lot cozier than before, and a lot warmer for sure. Entering the store, he felt himself shiver a bit from the cold air inside though didn't pay it much mind as he looked around. "Ah, I think that's it!" He hummed as he pointed to a shelf with various different painkillers and walked over to it, picking up the strongest one he could find before nodding at the elder. "Did you need anything, Kihyun hyung?"
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee Kihyun watched the other and smiled softly. "I'm sure that they are using the money you send them for the things they need Chani-ah." He listened as the other continued speaking, a frown appearing on his face again at his words. "They didn't visit you often? Were they busy that they couldn't visit more often? You must have felt so lonely, being in hospital for so long, with only a few visits from your parents. If I had known you then, I would have come and visited you often to keep you company." His frown didn't ease off, even after saying that, having noticed the smile the other had on was clearly forced. He was worried about the other, but wasn't sure if bringing it up would be a good idea or not, he didn't want the other to feel pressured, or make him feel worse. He let out a small laugh, hearing the other huffing quietly as he placed the jacket back over him, and helping him to pull it tighter around him. He nodded. "Okay, that's fair enough. Although you admitting you get colds easily just means I made the right decision to give you my jacket to keep you warm." He smiled softly and wrapped his arm around the other, pulling him a little closer to help keep him warm. "You're welcome Chani-ah, it's what friends are for, and I'm happy to look out for you." He spotted a store nearby, and gently led the other over to it, opening the door and walking inside with the other, looking for the painkillers.
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun Chani rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment and shrugged lightly. "I can only hope that they're using my money for things they actually need to help support them, though I guess I wouldn't mind if it were for other things. Either way.." He trailed off before sighing. "They didn't even come visit me in the hospital that often to be honest. I was mostly alone during that time." Clearing his throat, he tried to smile again, though he couldn't hide the fact that it looked forced this time around. His wall was definitely breaking, and at this point, he didn't really care. It's not like Kihyun would run away from him if he finally broke, right? Huffing quietly under his breath when the elder placed the jacket back on his shoulders, his cheeks still bright red, he then nodded his head slowly and wrapped the clothing item tighter around his torso. "A-Alright.. I'll keep it.. for now! The moment I see you shiver even once, you're getting it back! I know I get colds easily, but I don't want to be the cause of you getting one either." He grumbled softly, staying close to the elders side to try and absorb some of his warmth. "T-Thank you though, for looking out for me. I really appreciate it."
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee "That is a really long time to be in hospital. You're parent's wouldn't care how much the hospital expenses were, they would just be happy you were better. However, I can understand feeling bad about them paying it. I'm sure they appreciate everything you do for them, and are glad you take care of your health." Kihyun laughed softly at the salute from the other and the blush on his cheeks. "I know you did." He shook his head, hearing the others quiet whine. "You're not weird and embarrassing, you're cute and adorable Chani-ah." He couldn't help laughing again at the squeak from the other when he placed his jacket over him. He shook his head as the other tried to give him the jacket back. He didn't feel that cold, having warmer clothes on than the other did, worried he might get sick. "It's fine, take it Chani-ah. I'm not cold, but you are, you're shivering." He places the jacket over the other again. "Please, I don't want you to get sick. Your sweater is much thinner than mine." He smiled and kept walking with the other, looking out for a store to get painkillers for him.
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun Chani sighed softly and nodded a bit. "I believe I was there for a few weeks, but I can't really remember. I felt really bad for having to make my parents pay for the hospital expenses, so I've been working extra hard lately! While also taking care of my health, of course. Everything's alright, hyung!" He said with a salute, blushing further when the elder pinched his cheeks and shaking his head. "J-Just wanted to clarify! I-I'm not cute though, I'm weird an embarrassing!" He whined quietly. Once they were outside and walking side by side, Chani squeaked softly in surprise when the elder put his jacket over his shoulders, his cheeks cherry red yet again as he quickly shook his head and tried to return the clothing item. He didn't want the other to get sick because of him, and he was also just embarrassed in general, the gesture almost making it look like they were a couple and flustering the younger. "N-No, I'll be okay, please take it back! You'll get cold, hyung! T-That sounds like a good plan, though, let's do it." He said with a slight nod.
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee "I can only imagine how scary it was for you Chani-ah. And you were really sick. You must have been in the hospital for a while being that sick. I'm happy that you've been extra careful since then when you don't feel well, I can worry less since I know you're taking care of yourself." Kihyun smiles back at the other and watched as he shook his head. "Okay then. I wasn't sure if there was anything you had to do that you might have needed help with to close up." He smiled brightly at the other. "I'm happy you suggested going for dinner." He laughed softly as the other's cheeks turned red. "I know in a friendly way Chani-ah, you're so cute." He gently pinched the other's red cheeks before smiling at him. He nodded when the other was ready to go. "Okay then." He walked out of the store and waited for the other as he locked up and checked to make sure. He noticed the other shivering and that he was only wearing a thin sweater. He took off his jacket and placed it over the other's shoulders to warm him a little. "Let's go and get you some painkillers first, then go somewhere warm for dinner."
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun "It really was scary! Turns out I had a bad case of pneumonia, and it was worsened due to my weak immune system. It was bad, but I've been sure to be extra careful since then when I'm not feeling good, so don't worry!" Chani hummed as he smiled brightly at the elder and shook his head. "Everything is more or less alright with the shop, so it's all good! I'm glad you agreed to go out with me! I-I mean, not in a romantic k-kind of way, b-but in a f-friendly way!" He quickly stuttered, his cheeks reddening as he sighed shakily under his breath and grabbed his side bag, slinging it over his shoulder before nodding at the other. "Let's go!" He hummed, turning the lights off and exiting the store after the elder did, making sure to turn and lock the doors before beginning to walk, shivering a bit from the cold air as he was only wearing a thin sweater. "So hyung, where to first?"
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (sorry, I thought I had replied already)

"I can't imagine that working while you were sick would have went well. It sounds like you had a scary experience then, and I'm glad that someone found you and got you help. You must have been really sick at that time." Kihyun smiled softly at the other watching as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm glad to hear that you stay home now when you feel too sick to work." He looked at the other and nodded. "Okay, I'll try not to worry, but I can't make any promises, I think I'm always going to worry a little bit." He felt a little better seeing the other's reassuring smile, smiling back at him. He watched the other put the bottle in the recycling when he finished it, before he checked the time. He tried to push all the worried to the back of his mind for now, nodding in agreement with the other as his words registered with Kihyun. "Do you want me to help you close up? A walk sounds nice, and I think you definitely need painkillers." He smiled more and nodded again. "Dinner sounds good to me Chani-ah." He waited as the other went behind the counter to grab his things and keys, Kihyun guessing that the other didn't really need to do much to close up.
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (I'm glad to hear it c:)

"Yeah.. I tried working once when I was under the weather and well- that didn't end very well to say the least. All I remember from that day was doing inventory of the teas and then the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital a day later." Chani mumbled softly, rubbing the back of his neck as he sighed. "Since then, I just stay home when I'm feeling sick, but only severely. Petty headaches like this are nothing really, please don't worry hyung." He says with a reassuring smile, finishing the water before taking heavy steps to the recycling bin and tossing it in. Checking the time, he shrugs quietly before looking back over at you, masking his pain once again as he smiled. "I can close up now since it's getting pretty late. You and I can go for a walk, get some painkillers, and maybe go eat some dinner?" He suggested rather shyly as he went behind the counter to grab his things and keys.
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (thank you, yeah things are better now ♥)

"I'm happy you didn't say when you're sick as well. And it's good that you have a stress relief, it's important." Kihyun smiled at the other and nodded. "I know that you really love it." He smiled even more watching the other looking around his shop with admiration. Kihyun frowned as the other groaned, noticing that the other was in pain, a little upset with himself for not noticing it sooner. He stayed close by the other just in case, being worried for him. "I can't help but worry Chani-ah, You're in pain, it doesn't help to know it happens pretty often, it makes me worry even more. I would go and get some pain medication for you, but I don't want to leave you alone." Not knowing how else to help, Kihyun gently rubbed the other's arm, hoping he could at least comfort him a little.
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (No worries, I hope everything is alright now! ♡)

"Yeah, I spend most of my time in this place, at least when I'm not sick. It's my biggest stress relief, and I just love it. I really, really do." Chani said softly, his eyes roaming around his little shop with admiration evident in the chocolate brown orbs. Though once the headache hit him, he felt extremely dizzy and groaned softly, not being able to hide the pain this time as he gratefully took the bottle from the elder and drank a few gulpfuls. "I-I'm alright hyung, don't worry. This happens pretty often, it should go away soon." He explained quietly as he leaned against the wall and took a few deep breaths.
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (I'm so sorry that my reply is so late, I had some issues at home)

Kihyun frowned a little and shook his head at the other. "You're not weird Chani-ah. There's nothing wrong with not being used to it. You're not the only person who isn't used to them. I'll try not to so much now." He smiled and nodded his head at the other. "Okay then, it's no problem. The offer is always there if you change your mind." Kihyun laughed softly as the other pouted at his words. "You would be a very cute cherry Chani-ah." He stopped teasing the other and watched as he continued organising the flowers and moved to another shelf. He nodded in response to the other, even though he wouldn't see it, so he spoke up. "I know. No-one could sacrifice so much time, effort and sleep like you do for a job they didn't like. It shows how much you love it." He watched the other frowning a little as he noticed him resting his palm over his forehead, standing up so he could walk over to check on the other. He turned back at the other's words, grabbing the bottle of water and taking it over to him, looking at him worriedly. "Are you alright Chani-ah?"
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun Chani huffed quietly and shook his head. "N-No, it's not your fault at all hyung, I'm just.. weird, I guess." He murmured quietly, rubbing the back of his neck slightly and smiling a bit with a shake of his head again. "I'll be alright, thanks for the offer!" He hummed, pouting when he was called adorable. "Wahh, at this point, I might as well turn into a cherry at this point." He groaned, shrugging lightly as he organized the flower plants, making sure they looked pretty before nodding confidently and moving on to another shelf. "Well, I picked this job for a reason. If I didn't love doing this, I sacrifice so much time, effort, and sleep also for it, you know?" He said quietly, resting his palm over his forehead and groaning silently, feeling a wave of dizziness hitting him as he felt a sharp pain run through his head. "Aish.." He whispered, cursing his body for giving him a headache at the worst possible time, though he remained calm on the outside and smiled lightly at the elder. "Hey, hyung, mind bringing me my water?"
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee Kihyun laughed even more when the other was unable to keep a straight face and started giggling. He shook his head a little. "You don't have to be sorry about it. I should be the one saying sorry. You're not used to it and I keep doing it a lot. I hope that you will be able to accept them in the future." He watched as the other took off his flower crown to fluff his hair lightly. He nodded at the other. "I do insist Chani-ah, and I'm happy that you'd love to have me around longer." He smiled at the other as he fixed the flower crown back on, watching as the other put his number in his phone. "It's okay, you can take your time. And if you do need help I'd be more than happy to help you." He laughed a little more as the other puffed his cheeks out, denying he was cute. "You're adorable. Puffing your cheeks out just makes you cuter." He told the other carefully, not wanting to upset him as he went to organise some of the potted plants. "It makes sense, people coming home from a long day at work and wanting some flowers for their partners at home. They can't come during the day." He nodded a little in understanding. "I could only imagine how busy it gets around Valentine's Day. All those people wanting to get flowers for the people that they like. It's not so good that you don't sleep on those nights. But I guess it's good for the business." He sipped on his tea watching the other organise things.
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun "Yeah, I'll sue you!" Chani insisted, though he couldn't keep a straight face and ended up giggling quietly. "Either way, I'm sorry. I'm just not used to receiving so many compliments, i-it's really hard for me to accept them also." He quietly admitted, taking his pink flower crown off and fluffing his messy hair lightly, smiling slightly when the other said he wanted to stay. "Well hyung, if you insist, I'd love to have you around longer." Fixing the crown back on his head, he gently took the others phone in his hand and added his number, returning the phone back once he was done and putting his own away. "I'm not really one with technology, so I might forget how to even send a message, but I'll figure it out! It shouldn't be too hard!" Tilting his head at the other, he puffed his cheeks out and shook his head stubbornly. "I'm not! I'm super embarrassing.. and clumsy! I-Im not cute at all." He insisted as he got up and walked over to one of the shelves in the store and organized the potted plants after noticing they were messy and out of place. "I often close pretty late anyways. Surprisingly, business can get busy at night, though it depends on the day. For example, the night before and of Valentine's Day, forget about it! I never get sleep those nights." He spoke as he organized.
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (*bows* You're welcome ^^
I don't think anyone would mind them watching them xD)

Kihyun smiled as the other huffed and hit his arm playfully, laughing happily at the other's words. "You'll sue me? For complimenting you? That's cute." He watched the other as his cheeks turned red, deepening even more than that. He nodded at the other. "Of course I'll stay, and I'm sure. I know I don't have to, but I want to stay." He shook his head a little. "I'm not that tired yet so it's fine." As the other took his phone out Kihyun pulled his own out, it was old and a little beat up but it still worked fine. He smiled at the other. "I'd love to keep in contact with you too. I'm not worried, I know you won't. But you can contact me any time that you need me or just want to talk." He carefully took the other's phone and added his number to it before handing it back to him. "I don't think you're embarrassing, you're cute."
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (*curtsies* Thank you very much, I try~
Right?? It's like they're watching me.. >___> ... <___< ..
Not that I would mind though ;D)

Chani huffed yet again and hit the elders arm playfully. "One more compliment and I'm suing you.." He whined, his cheeks mirroring the color of a cherry. Nodding slowly at the other, he hit his cheeks lightly to hopefully lessen the blush, though it only deepened from the others words. "Y-You'll stay? Are you sure? Y-You really don't have to, I-I'm sure you're very tired!" He stuttered, chewing on his lip as he nodded a bit and took his phone out. "I'd love to keep in contact with y-you, don't w-worry, I won't spam o-or anything! I promise!" Closing his eyes, he sighed once again in frustration from his stuttering. "Gosh I'm so embarrassing.."
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (Wonbutt xD Your nicknames for them are brilliant! They all try to get your attention. Haha it's like they knew you were talking about them xD)

Kihyun watched as the other pouted and shook his head at his words. "You're right, you're not that cute...You're adorable. And you deserve all the compliments in the world." He laughed softly as the other crossed his arms with a huff, nodding at the other's question. "We both have never been out of the country so it will be new for both of us and an amazing experience. I'm sure we will be able to find our way, or ask someone if were did get lost." He nodded again, smiling at the other. "I trust you, and I know you'll do your best. Thank you Chani-ah." He noticed the stars appearing outside and looked at them for a while, listening to the other speak, a small frown appearing on his face as the other mentioned the mean and rude customer. The frown changing to a blush as the other kept speaking. He shook his head in response to the other's question. "I don't have to leave soon, I can stay here longer with you." He smiled and nodded. "Of course, we should exchange numbers so we can always keep in contact with each other." He smiled at the other, finding the slight stutter cute.
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (Right?? Like, when I first got into them, it was Wonbutt, then it became the maknae and now it's Eomma Keyhole, so basically, I just gave up having a bias-- I love how as soon as I started typing that Hero started playing I'm dead)

Chani pouted even more from the others laugh and vigorously shook his head. "A-Ani, I'm not that cute! I don't think I really deserve that many compliments either.." He groaned in protest, crossing his arms with a huff before he blinked at the other. "A new experience for both of us? Well, let's hope we don't get too lost or confused while there! Trust me, I'll do my best to protect you hyung! The best I can!" He said with an eager nod, gazing at the slowly appearing stars outside with a rather calm expression. "It really has been an eventful day. First I get my tail messed up by a rude customer, then to make up for that, a handsome kitty comes to my store and keeps weird ol' me company." He whispered softly, his cheeks tinted pink as his gaze flickered to the elder. "Do you have to leave soon? I'm going to be here for at least a few more hours to pack up and whatnot. I-I should at least g-get your n-n-number!" He stuttered in embarrassment, cursing himself for being so pathetic in situations like this.
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (I don't have one either, I kid myself that I do, but I don't, it's too hard to pick just one of them. Haha Kihyun does that to me a lot xD)

Kihyun laughed a little more at the reaction from Chani, unable to help but find it adorable. "You're so cute Chani-ah. You deserve lots of compliments Chani-ah, you're amazing. I know you try your best and it shows." He smiled at the other happily. "Oh, it will be a new experience for both of us then, it will be more special. You don't have to thank me for that, you asked me and I liked the idea. And of course I am going to look out for you, we can look out for each other now." He smiled seeing the blush darkening on the other's cheeks. He nodded in agreement with him. "Exactly. We have tomorrow and the day after that, and the one after that too. There's no need to rush, we have a lot of time." He looked at the other curiously as the other shook his head, but forgot about it as the other supped his water and looked outside. At the other's words, Kihyun turned around to look outside as well. "Oh it is. I didn't even notice. We have been talking for quite a while. I lost track of time I've enjoyed myself that much." He smiled happily at the other. "I feel the same. It's been such an amazing day."
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (Glad I could make you laugh! ^.^ I don't have a bias in MX tho cause they're all too perfect T_T Eomma Kihyun has me flubbed up as of late though)

Chani covers his reddening cheeks with his palms and pouts. "N-Nyaaan, so many compliments hyung.. But t-thank you! I really do try my best.." He trailed off in a mumble, not used to receiving so many compliments in one day, or even in general. "I've never been outside of the country either, but the trip will definitely be more fun with a companion! Thank you for agreeing to come with me, and of course, looking out for me. I'm so grateful." He hummed softly, chuckling a bit at the other before nodding, the blush on his cheeks darkening at his words. "A-Ah, well, I'm sure I would've had something to help that. Besides, w-we'd always have tomorrow!" He stuttered, flustered by the elder saying that he was having a nice time with him, mentally cursing himself for acting like a teen with their crush, though it had him thinking- crush? Did he- No, he didn't. They just met after all. Shaking his head to shoo those thoughts away, he sipped at his water again and peered outside. "It's starting to get dark.. We've been talking for quite a while, hm? This was quite possibly the best day of my life so far, if I'm to be completely honest."
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@♥ Kang Chanhee (I love MX but I haven't thought up any nicknames for them. Sunshine Child On Crack XD I'm crying with laughter XD That's brilliant~)

Kihyun laughed softly and gave a thumbs up back at Chani. "I'm glad it makes you happy. How could I not be having a lovely time? You do well at making customers feel at ease and comfortable. I feel like it's not my first visit here it's that comfortable. You're a good host, and definitely a good person Chani-ah." He smiled happily at the other, seeing how happy he looked too. "I've never travelled to any foreign places before, so it will to have some company when I go for the first time." He listened as Chani spoke about having snuck out of his parents house, no saying what happened but Kihyun could guess it was something far from nice. Kihyun noticed that Chani looked a little different for a second but couldn't place what had changed and put it down to him talking about the story about something horrible happening to him and left it at that as the other had a bright smile on his face. He nodded. "That's right, I will look out for you now Chani-ah." He gave another small laugh at the eomma comment. He watched the other drink about half a bottle of water quickly and listened as he said it was a bad idea to sample too much. "I'm glad that I decided not to try anymore right now then, I don't want to ruin spending a nice time with you by having a sore stomach."
♥ Kang Chanhee [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kihyun (Mhm! That's my nickname for him, Eomma Kihyun~
MX is my ult group so like, I have multiple funny nicknames for all of them xD Like, I call Hyungwon Memewon and Minhyuk is Sunshine Child On Crack)

Chani grinned and gave the elder a thumbs up. "It fills me with pure happiness that you're having a lovely time here already. I always try to make my guests feel at ease and comfortable, it's partly being a good host, a good owner, and just a good person in general." He said softly, eagerly nodding in happiness when the other said he'd join him. "That's relieving to hear! I do hate traveling to foreign places by myself ever since- well- it's not a very pretty story, but let's just say I decided to sneak out of my parents house once and I had everything but a good time." He whispered almost darkly, the thought alone sending cold shivers down his spine. It was at this moment his facade almost broke, and he hoped the elder didn't see too much of his true face before he pulled on his bright smile again and shook his head. "Ah, but I don't have to worry about that sort of thing happening if you're with me. I'm glad that eomma is reassured now, though!" Sitting down after grabbing another water bottle, he chugs down about half of the bottle before humming at the others words. "Definitely not a good idea to sample too many at once, it'll give you a killer stomachache. Trust me, it wouldn't be the first time that has happened to someone."


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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