Dongwoo's House

Dongwoo's House
+ Myungsoo lives here.                                 
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo /brushes my fingers through your hair as I sit close to you, watching both you and the kittens carefully with a proud smile on my face/
Are you alright, love?
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo / a hour later i lay there with our kittens by my side as i feed them, my eyes are shut closed from being tried, soft purrs as if calling you/
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo /bows as the nurse lets us in, thankung her before following you inside/
Everything will be alright, sweeatheart.
We can do this.
/caresses your head softly with a reassuring smile on my lips/
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /the nurses think for a bit before letting it go and leading us to the room, i instantly change into my kitten form and meow in pain as i lay there on the bed, i look at you with my flatten out/
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo /leads you to the hospital, my arm wrapped protectively around your frame as we walk in/
I need to be with him right now...
/squeezes your hand while I speak to the nurses/
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /slowly getting out of the car, i take your hand as i bite my lip to not scream out loud/ we go...
/i hold onto you while walking inside the hospital, even once they tell me to let go i hold to you shaking my head/
C-can he come...? i can't do it without him
/i beg to them
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo /nods my head and speeds up, holding onto your hand with my free one/
I am sorry, love. We'll be there in 2 minutes.
/takes a turn as we finally arive and stops the engine after parking the car/
Let's go.
/takes your bag and gets out, opening the door for you/
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /as the pain gets more intense i put my phone and gently rub my belly/
Drive faster dongwoo! it's hurts....
/i squeak, i take a hold of your leg and squeeze it
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo /glances at you from time to time as I drive, making sure to pay attention to the road at the same time/
Of course, you can eat whatever you want baby.
I'll get you everything you want.
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /i play a game on my phone to keep me distracted for bit/
After the aegis are here....can i eat something?
/pouts a bit
i didn't eat anything for dinner
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo /leads you to the car carefully, making sure that you are all safe and sound as I open the door for you, helping you to get in/
Yes, love?
/quickly gets into the car and fastens our seatbelts before starting the engine/
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /i hold the bag in my hand and walk out with you hoping nothing bad will happen/
/i get in the car, opening my bottle of water up i drink a bit, my hands rest on my big tummy as i wait for the car to turn on/
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo Alright, we will go to the hospital right away then.
/nods and gets the keys before walking over to you and helping you with the bag/
Let's go, baby. We will be there in no time.
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /i nod and hold on to you/
I have a bag on my side of the bed with papers and clothing for me and also some blankets
/i let you while you go get the bag, i walk over to the couch and try doing from breathing exercise while waiting/
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo Soo?
/places a hand on your lower back, worry easily auduble in my voice as my eyes widen upon hearing your words/
Have you prepared anything to go to hospital? Clothes, documents...?
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /i put my hand on my lower belly as another wave of pain comes through/
P-pain....real pain....
/i reach for a mini book on pregnancy and read through the list, suddenly i feel a huge pain run through my body/
I think my water just broke...
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo [sure o u o]

Baby, what's happening?
/follows you inside, looking at you worriedly/
Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything
[post deleted by owner]
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /walking in the house i go to the kitchen and fill a cup of water with some ice feeling pain in my stomach/

{ can we do a time skip?}
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo A small smile curled up the corners of his lips as he rubbed Myungsoo's belly, gently caressing the baby bump as he traced undefined patterns with his fingertips on it. Dongwoo hummed, nearly fluttering his eyes shut as his lover's kisses felt just too good, the realization how much he had missed the latter hitting him now hard. "How are you feeling right now though?" He asked, glancing down at the kitten worriedly. Dongwoo didn't want the other to feel alone, and hearing that he had been depressed was making him feel even more guilty. Sure, he wanted thrm and their family to lead a good life, that was why he was working so hard. But at the same time, he didn't want to disappoint and abandon the love of his life either. "I love you too, my sweetheart... Nothing will ever change that".
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo Myungsoo nodded knowing to trust his master with every word. He took dongwoo's hand and place on his baby bump as he showered him with kisses and nibbles on his neck making lightly red love bites on his neck. "I was so scared....a week alone, i went to the doctor and he told that i was showing signs of depression.." he explained to his lover so he could know why he was acting the way he was. It was gonna take time for myungsoo to get use to dongwoo being gone for work but he had to stay both strong and healthy to be able to keep their twins healthy. " you dongwoo, never forget" he pecks his lover's lips and sat back on the bed with his ear flatten out as they had been all week.
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looked at his lover worriedly, fearing that he was having a nightmare. Sighing, Dongwoo gently d the other's head, playing with his hair a little when the other male finally seemed to recognize him. "I missed you too, my sunshine" he whuspered, pulling Myungsoo closer to his body. "I'm sorry, Soo... I should've been there for you more..." Cupping the kitten's face, he brushed the tears away from his face, leaning in to plant a small kiss on his nose. "I would never leave you, baby".
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo Myungsoo his other side with his hand softly resting on his baby bump as he purred in his sleep but then he heard a voice in the room and feared instantly. He woke up scared covering his face. Kicking a bit to get away he whimpered dongwoo's name so the person could leave but then he came to his senses and peeked up to see who it was "D-dongwoo...i missed you" he crawled towards him and hugged crying on his shouder "i thought you left me" he said through his sobs
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo Dongwoo hated that this turned this way, but having loads and loads of work didn't allow him to spend much time at home. Even worse, he wasn't able to spend time with his loved ones when they needed him the most and he was feeling like because of that. He hadn't have finished all of his work tasks yet, but sensing that there was domething wrong with Myungsoo, he had decided to take a few days off from work, only to spend time with his lover, pamper and spoil him endlessly. Loosening his tie as he finally came back home, Dongwoo entered their bedroom only to find the other male asleep, curled up alone on the bed. "I'm sorry, baby..."
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo It had be a rather long week for myungsoo as he tried not missing Dongwoo while he was at work. He picked up their bedroom and cleaned up the kitchen. With a hand on his stomach he made a nice meal for when his boyfriend came home. It had been awhile since he had last seen dongwoo and ever since he told him the new. He could feel dongwoo's warmth when he came from to sleep but he spend the rest of the day watching t.v and being alone and all of this was getting to his head. What if dongwoo didn't want him? what if dongwoo didn't want the kittens? what if dongwoo didn't love him? all these questions were messing with him that every moment he spend crying while curled up in the bed wanting dongwoo to just hold him but he was hardly here anymore. Myungsoo had seen his doctor and was told that he was showing signs of depression that could to harm in the kittens ives.
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo /makes my way towards you after getting some ice from the kitchen/
Okay, there you are.
/takes a seat next to you then hands you the ice/
Hope it'll help
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /sits on the couch waiting for some ice while bitting my lips nervously
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo /lets out a soft chuckle and pecks your head/
♥ Kim Myungsoo 6 years ago
@♦ Dongwoo /opens my eyes a bit seeing if i fell but when i feel your hands i look up and whimper/
/I climb back on to your shoulder and purr in your ear your ear lobe/
♦ Dongwoo 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Myungsoo /catches you just in time and craddles you in my arms/
Hey, be careful smol one.


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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