Hwiyoung's Room

Hwiyoung's Room
+ Please feel at home.                                          
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong Heh.. I don't want to be kicked out or something though
Or maybe we just... don't use fire.. like... no oven desserts or something~
-smiles at your words and tilta my head-
Weird? In a good way I hope~
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung but that's what could make it so fun! we just will need to be careful of the stove and oven and make sure the fire department is on speed dial-
/my brows raise at your words, seeing the heat decorate your cheeks brings a warmth to the back of my nape and smile of my own to tip up the ends of my lips
well I'm honored to be your best birthday gift, I've never been referred to as a gift before, it's- nice
it makes my heart all fluttery and weird
/emits a sheepish chuckle
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -laughs and shakes my head-
I don't want to burn the place down.. I can't cook for gods sake
-blushes as my eyes flutter close-
No.. you in general
-says shyly and smiles-
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung if you want, we could do that too, it's your day I'm just here to make whatever you want happen
/mirrors your smile and closes the distance again only to nuzzle the tip of my nose against yours
the kiss? would you like another then?
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -laughs and nods-
Or we could have a cooking day where we watch cooking videos and try to make them
-Hums and looks at you, smiling as you peck my lips-
His might as well be the best birthday gift I've ever gotten
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /picks my head back up when you lift yours to look up at me; shrugs my shoulders a bit
ordering in might be easier, so let's do that
next time when we're not in such a warm cuddly position, I'll cook for you
/leans in and pecks your lips lightly before pulling you closer in my arms and hugging you tightly
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -nods and hums-
a chill cuddle day it is then!
-blinks and looks up at you with a slight tilt-
or we could order in? I'm fine either way~
-laughs and hums-
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung a chill day then? that's easy
we can cuddle the whole day if you want, and if we get hungry I could try to cook you something! I'm not the best cook, but I'll try my best
/lowers my head to bury my nose and mouth into your tuft of hair
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong uh...
a perfect day.. would just be a day when I can be all cuddled up in bed... the whole day..
-laughs a bit-
I'm a very lazy person..
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /hums softly, lifting up a hand to pet the top of your head
then what would be the perfect day for you? let's start off with that question first
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -looks up at you with a small pout on my lips-
I don't know really.. it's hard to come up with one..
-hides my face in your chest-
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /attempts to fight back a chuckle that threatens to slip past my lip, murmuring a soft "cute" under my breath as I watch you struggle with what wishes you have
/my brows raise at your decided answer, a warmth rising to the back of my neck as a bright smile comes to claim my lips
well lucky for you, that wish has already been granted
what's next on your list then?
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -laughs softly with a faint blush-
-blinks up at you-
oh.. uh.. I've never had to think of any... uh..
-purses my lips in thought-
I don't know...
-whines softly and purses my lips again-
-looks up at you playfully and hums-
you? I'm kidding~
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung hmm my personal little clingy koala, I like it
/says back with a firm nod and wide grin
/though said small soon falls through when I listen to your response
well this year you have me, and for the following years as well I'll be there for you
now let's make this day one you'll never forget, what would be your first birthday wish, songbird?
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -smiles and hums-
I'll just be clinging to your back wherever you go~ just like a koala
-says playfully before blinking-
I don't keep track~ there has never been someone to celebrate it with
birthday's aren't fun if you're celebrating it alone.. although I do get a birthday allowance from my coworkers..
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung I don't have to, but I want to try for you
though I don't mind having a little cuddly koala like yourself clinging to me
/arches a brow at your words
you forgot about your own birthday??
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -looks up at you with a faint blush-
It's okay you don't have to try so hard Hyung. I'll just cling to you in my sleep or something
-blinks and furrows my brows in thought-
Is it? Oh.. it is huh..
I didn't even realize...
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /pokes my bottom lip out in a small pout again, feigning hurt which soon dismisses into a bright smile at the kiss, almost instantly "forgiving" you
/lowers my head a bit to rest my forehead against yours, squeezing you in my arms
I hope so, I try really really hard to be cuddly, especially for you
/loosens my arms around you again to shift back slightly and gaze upon your entire expression
also- it's your birthday today, isn't it?
I may or may not have looked into the mansion files to check- I hope that doesn't come off as creepy I didn't intend it like that
/adorns a sheepish smile
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -looks up at you in a confused expression-
hm.. I guess it would depend~
-says jokingly and stares up at you before pecking your cheek-
yes yes I think so. You'd still be better than any cuddling pillow would ever be~
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung but if pillows could cuddle back, would I still be better?
/voice quiet, almost in a cautious whisper as I gaze down at you hopefully now
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -purrs lightly and nods-
mmh you definitely are~ pillows don't cuddle you back
-hums and nuzzles you softly-
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /tilts my chin down and looks to you with adoration, raising a hand up to pet your hair
am I comfier than a pillow?
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -smiles and hums softly-
-leans into your embrace and nuzzles your chest lightly-
You're comfy~
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /my pout soon contorts into a small smile, never having been mad at you to begin with anyway
/is tugged beside you, my arms moving to coil around your waist and embraces you close to me in response to your one word question
/humming softly in content at the warmth you provide
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong Hums OTL
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -laughs a bit at your words and leans up to press a light kiss to your pout-
-gums as I'm put down onto the bed and lays down, pulling you down with me-
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung hey, don't sound too surprised
have a little more faith in me please
/says with an evident kidding tone with a playful pout taking form on my lips
/carries you into the room and gently rests you on the bed, releasing my hold around you before taking a seat on the open space beside you, falling back to lay over the bedsheets
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
are we crashing hwiyoung's room-
g A S PS
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
/freely sprawls out on hwihwi's bed
wow- this is such a cute room
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
/takes v-card of my room


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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