
Seoul (Park)    
+ The place where kitties and masters can spend time together.                                        
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@Yejoon *smiles happily*
Thank you~
*follows you over as you tug me to the cash register*
Really? That sounds really good~
*leans against you a little as we wait for the ice cream*
I'm excited to try it~
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@Yejoon *laughs softly*
There is~
Could I get another scoop then?
*smiles back at you*
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@Yejoon Oh, I didn't know that~
*looks at the ice cream again*
I wouldn't know which other kind to get~
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@Yejoon *giggles softly*
*looks at you curiously* You can get two? And they don't have to be the same flavour?
*looks at all the ice cream*
I'll just have the mint one~
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@Yejoon Yay~ *smiles happily* Oh that sounds really nice~ *laughs softly and lets you tug me towards the ice cream shop* I might try that one as well, it sounds really good~
♥ Kihyun 6 years ago
@Yejoon *looks around the park in wonder before turning back to you* Can we get some now? We could walk around while eating it~
♥ Nakamoto Yuta [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki Yuta pursed his lips at the elders words and sighed shakily. "Yes, it would have been nice if you had told me prior to when you were going to leave, but times were much harsher back then. Whether you had the guts to tell me or not, the past is the past, and I don't want to focus on that. I'm never going to hate you no matter what, Kento-nii. I may be upset and maybe even slightly pissed, but hate is not a word in my dictionary when it comes to you, and frankly, it won't ever be one either." Taking a shaky breath, he tried to calm his racing heart, as the last thing he wanted to do was act on impulse and end up hurting his precious big brother who he had only just reunited with. "I'm not going to blame you for that, I never will either. That was your decision, and even if I didn't know about it and feared for your life, how could I ever blame you for that? You can't fix what happened, just like I can't fix what happened to you. I had that coming for me way before you left I'm sure, so why blame yourself for things you couldn't have changed?" He whispered quietly as he clung onto his big brother for dear life, burying his face in the crook of the elders neck as he took a shaky breath, his eyes fluttering closed to block out his hazy vision and throbbing head. He definitely had a fever now from the stress of the situation, and from also being out in the cold night air with a thin sweater and skinny jeans. Running his shaky fingers through the elders hair, he quietly sighed. "Well, we have many more years to come, but this time, it'll be together. We no longer have to be apart from each other and sneak around like we're being hunted. We can do whatever we want, go wherever we want, and mend each other back together gradually. The fact that you'll at least attempt to try is enough for me. Aieru, onii-sama." He muttered softly.
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
It was a long day for yunho and he felt very annoyed to the point that he wanted to punch something. A unplanned event happened and his over protective side was about to kick in if it wasn't for his way of calming himself down. Being so new to owing a kitty was stressing him some way he knew he had to put rules on a certain someone and he just felt guilty. He made his way down the sideway hearing the waterfall near by.
♦ Kim Mingyu 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki I guess I just have a lot of concerns for my surrounding
I thought you looks sad because you lost your way-- which is true anyway, but I thought I could help you find your way home
But if accompanying you like this already help then I'm glad
*tries to explain so you wouldn't misunderstand my decision to stay behind and listening to you who's a total stranger*
Well who knows, maybe someone want to listen to your rant and help you feel better so they can be happy together with you
*didn't know what I'm talking about anymore but still trying to make you feel better*
Not all master want cute kittens though, maybe someday you will find a kind-hearted master that wants to adopt you the way you are and because they want to heal all of your wound
*let out a soft sigh unknowingly while staring up into the sky*
I didn't know what is a 'good master' supposed to be either
♦ Kim Mingyu 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki A stranger kitten, I know
*chuckles while watching at your movements, noticing that your ears are flat against your head meaning that you're probably bored or sad*
*listening to your words while staring at the path, humming softly just to let you know I'm listening*
Maybe some people want to talk with you out of concern when they see you looking all sad and down because the do care of your well-being, not just out of pity
Maybe they also want to help you feeling better--
*shrugs my shoulders lightly since I really don't know what else should I say about your problem*
Do you want to get owned though?
*glances at you slightly with a raised brow, then quickly let out a smile at your compliment*
Thank you, that's quite nice to hear from a kitten since you probably can sense my ability as master more than I can do
*chuckles knowing that my words doesn't really make sense right now*
♥ Nakamoto Yuta [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki Flinching when the elder started yelling, he bit down hard on his lip and looked away. "S-Stop it.. I don't want to get mad at you or even dare hurt you! You don't deserve it, not at all! Nothing is your fault, so stop blaming yourself! You know my father was always an , he would've found a way eventually, even with you there! W-What if he killed you..? So honestly, I'm glad you left, I'm glad you were able to escape. Yes, I took double the hits from everyone in town afterwards, but I eagerly took it if it meant you weren't going through that anymore!" Shakily resting his hand on the elders head, he choked back a sob. He knew he would always have the feeling of betrayal in the pit of his gut towards the elder, but that couldn't necessarily be avoided. He wasn't even a teenager yet with he left, and children aren't very forgiving. But Yuta was always more mature than the rest of the kids his age, and he always tried to come up with legitimate reasons as to why the elder left him like that. "Yeah, I got upset, I cried once or twice on the swings of the playground we always met in, but I never once blamed you." Hearing the elders dream about him, his eyes widened and he covered his mouth with hand. "T-That's.. scary. I'm so sorry.." He murmured under his breath. Glancing up when the elder moved away from him, the feeling of safety that the elder provided washing away before he caught the sadness in his eyes and frowned deeply, the frown deepening at his words following. Clenching his teeth, he fisted the collar of the elders shirt and brought him closer so that they were face to face, frustration evident in his expression. "You can go ahead and blame yourself for leaving me behind to the abuse of everyone in the town and even my parents if it helps you sleep better at night, but don't you dare blame yourself for me getting sold to that horrific place. You can't change the past, and you won't ever be able to. I would've gotten sold there no matter what, you wouldn't have been able to stop it.." He trailed off, his grip loosening as his hand started to tremble and mind started to go fuzzy. "It's a sad reality we live in Kento-nii. Hybrids are treated like absolute , treated as if they're lesser than humans and just pieces of garbage! It's just how our ty world is today, and there's hardly anything we can do about it without getting ourselves killed! You can't blame yourself for the actions of others. There was no way I could've gone with you, it just wasn't possible. So don't blame yourself for that!" Letting go of his collar, he wrapped his arms around the elder again, sitting on his lap as he desperately clung onto him, the feeling of safety washing back over him instantly. Though, something was off about the younger, he felt unnaturally warm. He was known for getting sick very often, especially when he was under a large amount of stress. "Kento-nii, I love you so much. I can't explain that in words, nor how much I missed you for the last eight years of my life. Forget about the past, forget about what you couldn't do then, you can't change any of that. Think about what you can do now."
♦ Kim Mingyu 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki Trying to be nice, I guess
There's nothing wrong with helping people though
*gives a small smile before shrugging my shoulders, turning to look at you again when I feel your gaze is on me*
I'm glad if I can help you just by staying with you like this
I hope you're feeling better soon
*didn't know what else to say other than that since I don't even know your problem and didn't want to bother you by asking further*
Why? Is there some kind of favoritsm or something going on there?
*raises my brows slightly at your words*
Yeah I haven't been there, haven't had a thought of adopting any kitten
Not yet maybe
♦ Kim Mingyu 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki Well I can just simply leave earlier but then you said you would love to have a company
So I thought a simple company would be harmless
Though I don't know if I'm being a help or not for you
*shrugs my shoulders lightly and stares ahead*
Ah the kitten mansion
*hums softly at the new information, looking at its direction which I'm supposed where it is*
I've heard about it but never been there before
♥ Nakamoto Yuta [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki Clinging onto the elder tightly, he slowly sat back down on the bench with him, not loosening his grip the slightest. He almost felt like he was dreaming, that at any moment now he would wake up and Kento would be lost again. His whole life after the elder left was hell, and there were so many moments where he needed him by his side, but he managed to stay strong. Just barely. And now that he was reunited with him, a huge weight off of his chest was finally lifted. Resting his head on the elders shoulder, he shook his head slowly and sniffled. "I-It's fine Kento-nii, I forgive you. I really do. I managed without you, but I-I never stopped thinking about your well-being. If you were alright, healthy, alive even. And I'm so glad to see you are." He murmured softly, his hand moving to lace his fingers together with the elders. Looking up at him, he frowned deeply upon hearing his words, his heart panging slightly in sadness. "So.. You were always planning to leave then..? I-I understand, I'd probably do the same thing if I were you.." He trailed off, a few stray tears rolling down his cheeks before he quickly wiped them away and cleared his throat, trying not to get too upset with the elder. "I.. Well.. You know how my parents were total s, right? Not too long after you left, my mom passed away from her sickening drug addiction. After that, dad needed more money, so.. he sold me into ion here in Seoul." He whispered almost inaudibly, his eyes turning blank as the horrible memories flashed through his mind. "I've been through some bad times since you left Kento-nii.. And after being everyday, going through three miscarriages, and being beaten or whipped half to death when I rebelled, all before I was even eighteen.. To say I'm suffering would be an understatement. Finding the mansion was the only good thing that's ever happened to me so far, and now, finding you."
♥ Nakamoto Yuta [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki Tears filled his eyes when the elder said his name, his body reacting before he could stop it as he quickly jumped up and tackled the male in a tight hug. Being significantly shorter than the man, he wrapped his arms around the elders torso and clung onto him as he released a short sob, burying his face in the man's shirt. "Nii-sama.. It really is you.." He cries softly as he clings onto Kento, sniffling a bit before shaking his head. "Y-You don't want to know, trust me. But.. how did you get here?"
♦ Kim Mingyu 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki Yeah this part of the park have quite a few
*nods slightly in agreement to your words, then turns my head to look at you again*
I'm not pitying you though, I just thought that maybe I can help you with something
And yeah, randomly sitting together with a stranger isn't what people usually do
*chuckles softly to lighten up the atmosphere between us since I don't want to be awkward*
Nice to meet you too, Kento
*nods a bit when you give me your name and offers a small smile*
Do you live near here?
♥ Nakamoto Yuta [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki Hearing the elder's voice all of a sudden, he jumped in fear and almost ran away, though for some reason his face looked.. familiar. Like a distant memory. "I-I.. I couldn't sleep." He replied in a careful voice, slightly wary of the man in front of him. His heart on the other hand felt strange, the familiar feeling growing the more he looked at the elder. "I-I apologize for staring, but you look.. familiar. Have I met you somewhere?" He asked softly with a tilt of his head. His mind raced a million miles as one name came to mind, but it couldn't possibly be his childhood best friend. He was still in Japan, wasn't he? Besides, Yuta had been very young when they knew each other, as the elder was a good five years older than him, but either way, he couldn't shake the feeling he got from the man in front of him. "You're not.. I'm so very sorry that I'm just assuming like this but.. Are you Yamazaki Kento.. by any chance?"
♦ Kim Mingyu 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki *listening to your words with a neutral expression before nodding at your question, lips slightly curled up into a smile*
Yeah I often walk through this course when I go home to reach my place faster
*staring at you for a bit more before deciding that it'll cause no harm if I stay behind with you for a few moments, since you really sounded like you need a company*
Alright then, I will accompany you for a bit
This is my first time being like this with a stranger you know?
*grins sheepishly at my sudden confession as I join you on the grass, sitting beside you while keeping some personal space*
My name is Mingyu, what's yours?
♦ Kim Mingyu 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki *stares at you for a bit to determine if I should just keep going on my way or stay to help you, since you don't really look panicked or anything for someone who's lost*
Well, but you still have somewhere to live at right?
I mean-- it might get dangerous out here when it gets darker
Oh and I'm just someone that works near here
I happened to saw you and thought that you look...
*pausing a bit to search for a nice word to phrase your expression*
... kinda troubled?
So I figure you might need help but, do you want to be alone?
*looking back at you with a slightly concerned face, now realizing that you might've just wanted some personal time and I might've just disturbed it*
♦ Kim Mingyu 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki *I was humming softly to myself while walking in a normal pace, crossing the park as a shortcut towards my penthouse from my restaurant*
*then I saw you sitting all alone looking all concerned and somehow sad? I'm not sure but at least your face shows no hint of happiness*
*at first I hesitate to approach you to offer some help, but then I just go with my instinct and walks carefully closer to you*
Hi there, kitty-- what are you doing here all by yourself?
Are you lost?
*trying to offer a warm smile without making myself looking like a creep as I look at you*
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon It's OK...
Today is a new day and I have you here
So I'm good
/purrs a little against your hold, smiling happily
I love you...
/whispers with a grin, leaning to your small peck
Hold me it's the best thing you can do for me
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon I actually had a crazy few days
Even quite upsetting and I found myself without motivation...
/leans against you and closes my eyes to the kisses
I'm here for now so I hope to spend some time with you
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /hands moving to touch your cheeks, smiling to you
Don't get me wrong, I miss you, and I'm selfish cause if I could I would've kept you by my side forever but what's the point of spending our time fighting or being sad about missing each other instead of just being with each other?
The lack of time won't change but it's the time we share that matters
♥ Nakamoto Yuta [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Kento Yamazaki It was almost midnight, and Yuta found himself realizing old habits didn't really die hard. He had attempted to try and sleep early for once, but his insomnia and anxiety just wouldn't have it, and he woke up screaming not even an hour later. So he decided to take a causal stroll in the park to clear his head, something he often used to do with a child. As he sat on one of the many benches, head tilted back and eyes gazing at the stars above, his mind couldn't help but wander back to the boy he used to accompany on late, restless nights like these. The boy who lay together with him the grass as they counted stars and reassured each other that their hells would end soon, and that society would eventually accept them when they grew up. He wondered how the boy, or now man, was doing. He truly wondered how Kento was. Was he healthy, did he still live in Japan, did he ever think about the younger? Fluttering his eyes shut, he let a few tears escape them and roll down his cheeks as he shuddered a sigh, trying to enjoy the cool nights breeze.
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon Don't worry...
We have all the time in the world, and we'll do those things
Life will always keep us busy but it's those small moments that makes them special
/turns to kiss your lips
So I'm thankful for those moments and getting to spend those moments with you
♥ Hwanhee 6 years ago
@Lee Soohyuk The boy blinked a bit confused when the rain stopped around him. He hummed at how deep the voice was and looked up at the male with fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. "Y-yes" he gaspednout raising and drenched sleeve to try and rub his face of the tears. His arms then moving back to tightly hugg his knees and stare out blankly while shivering. His eyes showing nothing but sadness as he just sat there frightened and unsure of what to do at the moment because of the strange man.
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I stay in place, feeling the vibrations of your laugh against my back, smiling to myself, knowing how much I love being close to you, feel you near and that I'm greatful for every second I spend with you
You are babying me again~
/I say with a chuckle, purrs at the small peck against my temple, blushing at your words and glad you can't see my face and know you still have that kind of effect on me
/I only whisper your name, leaning more to you, closing my eyes
Thank you for spending this afternoon with me
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /i snuggle more to your chest, closing my eyes for a second, purring at the way you hold me in your arms, feeling relaxed, safe when I'm with you and I can't help but enjoy this simple moment of just being here
Well... I did it cause I wanted a beautiful day, so no need to thank me...
/I whisper and nuzzles your neck, placing a soft kiss on your skin before I turn to watch the sun setting down, humming
It's beautiful isn't it?
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /i put the food aside for now, smiling at you when you lean back, resting my head on your chest
I know right?... I'm glad I did it
/I whisper softly, fingers drawing small patterns on your chest as I speak, unconsciously matching my breaths to yours
I love you
/I say those three words in a small whisper, wish there was a way for me to explain how I feel
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon You are turning me into big mush agaim
My master is the greatest because he loves me
So I'm lucky as well~
/says with a small grin and pecks your cheek, opening my mouth to take the piece of sushi roll into my mouth
Mmm soo yummy~


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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