Jimin's Room

Jimin's Room
+ Please feel at home.                                          
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan thanks, willie!
/while sitting up i swing my legs over the edge of the bed as well, kicking them back and forth with a grin as i begin to munch on the delicious breakfast, the small tummy grumbles ceasing when i've started filling myself up; watches you leave and tries to eat as quickly as i can.

/continually glances between you, max whom i have settled onto the ground, and the house, an invincible smile on my face; it's hard to explain the feeling of my heart racing and the incredible happiness that emanates from me.
/catching your gaze from the corner of my eye, about to look up but before i can blink i'm scooped up, cheeks flushed and i bury my face at your neck, grinning brightly.
i think max and i are going to love it here..
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ baek's precious angel *returns the gentle kiss, but i don't want to get things started because i know how difficult it is to stop once i've felt your lips against mine*
*draws back and sits up, legs over the side of the bed*
okay, well you take your time, alright? here...
*grabs the coffee and bagels and sets them on your bedside table before going to pick up a few boxes at once, toeing your bedroom door open*

*an hour later, we're standing on the curb in front of my house, your boxes on the sidewalk and max in your arms, little nose quivering*
*it suddenly dawns on me that you're standing here beside me, and that you're giving me a chance, and i scoop you up into my arms suddenly- bridal style- with a warm smile*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan i-- i think that'll take a lot of work.
/snickers as the pup definitely proves otherwise, he's way too cute to be too aggressive but i can't help but admire the thought of a guard dog
/moves two hands up and cups your cheeks to give your lips a tiny kiss, nodding, slowly moving to sit up and stretch out, hair all disheveled and my clothes wrinkled and sloppy.
mm.. most of it is all packed up and ready to go. there really isn't much so it won't take too long..
/dips my head in approval and beams, cheeks warm, thinking over what it'll be like for max and i to have a much bigger space, my heart aflutter.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ baek's precious angel *hums over your cute noises and the little comment that almost makes it sound like max is our human son rather than your pet puppy*
I'll train him up with some of the army techniques so he'll be a ferocious guard dog-
*at this point he sneezes cutely, rubbing his muzzle into the blankets almost to prove me wrong*
Dammit, boy
*nuzzles against you, returning your affection with little kisses along your jaw*
I see you've packed up most things on your own
*gestures to the few boxes here and there*
I'll take them out to the pickup while you eat your bagel, sound okay?
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan and he'll be strong like you!
/a few bubbly noises escape my throat at your touch, even the smallest poke of your fingertips to my skin is enough to settle me down, knowing you're here and not leaving.
bagels? that sounds yummy!
/hums softly and places an appreciative kiss to your chin and then your jawline, not really wanting to move although the thought of food now has my tummy rumbling.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ baek's precious angel *stares at you when you smile so brightly, and honestly, I can relate to max when he perks up to wag his tail, because that's how excited I get when you turn that smile on me*
I'm sure you're right. He'll be as sweet and as personable as you
*gently the skin behind your human ear, down to your nape*
Bagels. One sweet and one savoury. I wasn't sure which you'd like so I bought both
*laughs to myself over my own smitten actions, knowing how long I stood in that bakery pondering*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan i.. don't like being alone so when i saw max and he looked at me.. i just - couldn't resist bringing him home with me. when you aren't here, he helps me feel at ease.
/glances down to where the puppy is and smiles brightly at him, even the slightest bit of eye contact has him wagging his tail.
i guess that's true.. maybe he's going to get used to kittens because he'll grow up with me?
/grins up to you and nuzzles against your cheek, exhaling softly.
really? what did you bring, willie?
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ baek's precious angel You're the only kitten I know who would be so eager to raise a pup, of all things.
*chuckles softly over the notion of your small kitten self all curled up with a puppy*
Then again, you're also the only cat boy I know that doesn't repel dogs. He's so fond of you despite being opposite species, hm?
*muses out loud, glancing down to see him putting his head on your foot protectively*
*kisses your temple gently, taking in the calm of the moment*
I brought you some breakfast.
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /nestles up into your arms and allows my eyes to close again, my smile more sleepy once i relax into your warmth
/my ears are laid back, calm and at ease, unable to suppress tiny purrs of delight, nuzzling your hand
/soon enough max hops up to join us but he's not too energetic, more so just lazily nestled up at our feet and it makes me feel so warm inside; all of us curled up close together.
i slept nicely.. max kept me cozy and safe all night!
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ baek's precious angel *my heart skips a beat quite suddenly and painfully at the sight of your wide, trusting smile. Even though it's so early, you're so warm and so soft, and I want to protect you from everything*
*nuzzles your cheeks which are a little swollen and creased up by the pillowcase, and I wish I had a photo to be able to see you like this forever*
*instead of voicing any of these pathetically hopeless thoughts, I roll over to land in the bed beside you after kicking my shoes off*
*pulls you into my arms and gently brushes your hair back to tuck it behind your ear*
Sleep well, tiny one?
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /the loud noise of max's excitement have me waking up more properly this time with a muffled groan into the pillow
/turns my head slightly to be able to see you, naturally a wide smile taking over the sleepy lethargic look, finding the sight of you handling the puppy to be endearing
/shifts a little, not paying too much attention to what max decides to chew on and i focus up on you when you come closer, brushing my nose against your own.
morning, willie..
/purrs out quietly, eyelids lidded.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ baek's precious angel *of course i had forgotten that max would be here, and I'm rushing forward to stop him from leaping off the end of your bed with excitement- catching him safely in my hands*
*whispers to myself as he squirms in my arms, whatever he can reach and wagging his little tail*
*sets him down on the floor once he's calmed down and watches him dart off to chew on a pair of your socks in the corner*
*sits on the side of your bed, my hands resting on the mattress either side of you so i can lean down comfortably and give your forehead a gentle kiss*
morning, baby boy
*greets you softly*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /curled up in the warmth of my bed with max laying atop of my legs, some noises came from the pupper which had me opening my eyes with a small groan, rubbing away the sleep
/shifts lazily, not overly fond of the idea of waking up at this point but i feel something hitting my legs that can only be max's wagging tail
/raises my head, eyesight a little blurry since i'm half awake but i'm too sleepy to really pay much notice, bringing the blankets up closer to my chin to snuggle up some more
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *returns bright and early on Saturday morning, wearing an old flannel shirt so it's comfortable for me to help you lift boxes and move things if you need to*
*walks through the mansion, noticing that very few kittens are awake and I'm kind of hoping you're sleepy too so I can spend a bit of time waking you up*
*lets myself into your room quietly just in case*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /feeling somewhat victorious when you return to capture me in another kiss, i gladly return it, fangs gently tugging on your bottom lip until you really need to go.
i don't want you to go..
/gives your body one last tight hug, still against the idea of you going but i'm too late to say anything more when our nuzzling has ended, laughing softly as you stride away and i wave, plopping down onto my bum to give max his desired attention.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *everything about you; so sweet and rosy; makes me step back into you, pulling you against me for a slightly deeper kiss*
God. It's hard to let you go.
*murmurs against your lips, genuinely having a hard time reconciling the idea of having to leave you*
I've got to get out of here before it becomes impossible.
*nuzzles you and lets you go, crossing the room quickly and tugging the door open*
*glances back at you with a small, secretive smile, and disappears*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan really? that'll be fun!!
/glances over at max who has since flopped down with a grunt, merely watching us most likely with confusion as to why no attention is on him.
i won't give up on you.. don't say silly things, willie.
/looks back up to you and brushes my nose against yours, not wanting our lips to part but the inevitable happens and i'm left whining softly at you in protest.
i will.. b-but- um.
/plays with my fingers and lets go of your shirt, mumbling a few timid words.
i'll miss you a lot- and.. be careful too!
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin I think you're right. There's plenty of room for him to run around in the backyard and you can both explore the woods behind the house if you like
*caresses you gently with rough fingers*
I'm glad to hear it. Wouldn't want you to give up on me too soon
*kisses your lips very softly, holding your jaw and releasing you with a pleased little rumble*
Keep yourself safe, okay?
*pulls away*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan i think max will be good company while you're away.. that way i won't be lonely.
/blinks, a wide blush creeping across my cheeks and i, of course, smile brightly.
/my ears droop when you need to leave, nodding slowly and i bite my bottom lip for a few moments; contemplating.
mhm.. i can wait that long.
/steals a tiny peck, the smile returning as i have something to think of while you're away.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *laughs a little and agrees only conditionally; I think I can be a good dad to little max but maybe not a human*
Anything to see you smile like this more often.
*says fondly, taken aback by myself and clearing my throat a little, thinking you look so sweet and small clinging to me like that*
Yes, kitten. I'm sorry. I've got a few projects to wrap up before the weekend. Then we can move your stuff into my place, right?
*winks cheekily*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan you'll be a great dad!
/catches you looking but doesn't say anything, instead giving your chin a soft, fleeting peck.
he will look so perfect in a blue collar. it suits him. and a little tag- yes!
/squeaks in delight and stands on my toes when we're both on our feet, this time trying to kiss your cheek and holds onto your shirt lightly.
.. do you have to go, willie?
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin Who knew I would be a parent so young?
*chuckles and watches your lips as you grin*
*blinks and makes sure to look back up at your eyes when you speak next*
Of course I'll come with you. we should get him a handsome collar, too, and a little tag for his name.
*pecks your forehead and gets up, helping you up too*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /my hold tightens only a little, disliking the thought of not being around you for a while and i want to prolong your stay with me right now, thinking of ways to do so.
our baby max!
/shows a goofy grin and turns to watch said puppy get up and sniff around again, reminding myself to ask you something.
want to come with me to buy him some toys and treats soon? after you're done working, of course.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *gathers you into my arms on instinct, feeling that you want to cling and if I'm honest, i want you to hold me back*
*hums and nuzzles your hair, thinking its sweet that you'll miss me even though it will only be a few days until you see me again*
i love max
*my chest feels warm inside that you asked my opinion*
a perfect name for a big strong boy.
*ruffles his fur and then lets him scamper off*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /my ears fall at the thought of you leaving right now but i nod slowly, savoring the time we have together now
oh.. i'm going to miss you..
/holds onto you tightly in refusal to let you go in the end, letting the puppy scoot off of our laps just so i can steal the attention without shame, nose pressed against your chest.
i was thinking max. do you like it?
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *rests my chin on your head, feeling you practically vibrate with softness and I want to crush you in a bear hug right now*
*stays gentle anyway and rubs your waist in a reassuring way*
I've got to go to work now, kitten. I was just stopping by on the way.
*looks at the puppy chewing on my fingers*
Any idea what you'll call him?
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /smiles into the kiss next and i hold onto your shirt, resisting the want to just - curl up in your lap but the puppy keeps me from doing so, instead i snuggle the pupper and nestle against your side at the same time.
if willie is happy, i am too!
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *stares at you, appreciating how earnest and truthful you are in every aspect of life, not playing games*
*dips my head down and kisses you shortly, feeling all spontaneous and light*
That makes me happy.
*knocks our foreheads together gently and gives the tip of your nose a playful nip*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /gives the puppy immense attention, stroking his head and pointy fluffy ears, lifting my head up to pay my full attention to you.
/nuzzles your hand, cheeks still that red shade of red when you touch me and i smile widely, holding onto your hand gently.
n-no, i don't want to keep you on your toes. i'm saying yes..
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *watches the puppy squirm and wriggle and move and uses my hands to make sure he doesn't fall and hurt himself as he jumps over us*
* your red cheek softly, my gaze on my fingertips*
Yeah. I mean it. Never meant anything more.
*chuckles teasingly, letting go of your face and just giving you a warm, boyish grin*
In any case, you don't have to answer now. You can think about it as long as you like, keep me on my toes if you like


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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