Inseong's Room

Inseong's Room
+ Please feel at home.                                          
♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
-huffs and decorated your room with my pictures-
♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -bites my lower lip as I finally stand fully in front of you, looking down shyly, realizing that this may have been the first time that he was fully in front of you-
-blushes lightly and looks up at you as you call me back, shyly walking over and sits on your lap-
y-yes sir~
-says shyly, turning to straddle your lap and wrap my legs around your waist-
-wraps my arms around your neck, looking up at you-
♥ Kim Inseong 6 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung no you aren't, but you will be
/my eyes follow your every movement, from your slight struggle and then success with taking off your pants to noticing how you purposely turn around when ridding yourself of your last article of clothing so I can have a clear view of your perky
/the sight is all too tempting, unknowingly my lips at the thought of how badly I want to wreck you, but I restrain myself from reaching out a hand and indulging in the urges
/I wait patiently for all of your clothes to be discarded on the floor before calling you back
come straddle my lap, pet
/patting the top of my still clothed thighs as emphasis
♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -bites my lower lip and in a harsh breath when you pinch my -
I.. I'm sorry sir!
-watches you as you take off your shirt, sitting up slightly when you do so-
-looks up at you with a dark blush at your words, sliding off the bed and standing in front of you-
y-yes sir~
-fumbles a bit with the button but manages to my pants and s it, sliding it off of my legs-
-steps out of my pants as it pools on the floor and turns slightly so that you would be looking at my as I pull my boxers down-
-bites my lower lip and wiggles out of my boxers, stepping out of them and drops it to the floor-
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♥ Kim Inseong 6 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /raises a brow at the slip of your tongue, roughly pinching your erect bud between my thumb and forefinger
aww, and you were doing so well too
/coos mockingly, clicking my tongue in feigned disappointment at your, albeit minor, mistake
/moves your shirt onto the floor, sitting up for a moment to discard my own
/instead of going back to position over you, I move to sit beside you instead with a clear smirk adorning my features
stand up and strip for me, pet
I want to see you in your entire beauty
♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -blushes more at your words and bites my lower lip-
-whimpers and mewls softly as you mark my neck, softly yelps coming from my lips as you leave hickeys all over my neck-
d-daddy.. I mean.. s-sir..
-flinches and shivers lightly when your fingers brush over my s-
-mewls louder at your actions, tugging my shirt completely off-
♥ Kim Inseong 6 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /noses at your cheek, pressing a chaste peck to the warmth radiating from it
you are, the most beautiful I've ever seen
/a smirk curls up the ends of my lips, gently kissing the purplish red mark the clear sign that you only belong to me
that's my good boy
/mumbles against your exposed skin before going back to work on the rest of your neck, leaving scattered hickeys from the column of your throat down to where the collar of your shirt which irritatingly covers the rest of your shoulder
/shifts my weight onto one arm while my other sneaks under the hem of your shirt, slowly roaming over your abdomen and ultimately pushing your shirt up higher
/the tips of my fingers teasingly brush over your s every so often while my mouth continues to busy itself with alternating between kisses and along your labeled neck
♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -laughs and nods-
mmh I should.. I forgot about that this time but next time I'll remember~
-blushes more at your words and looks away shyly-
I.. I'm not~
-gasps and arches my back slightly as you on a particular patch of skin, a soft mewl releasing from my lips as I bite on my lower lip-
y-yes sir~
♥ Kim Inseong 6 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /snorts and shakes my head in amusement at your words.
next time poke air holes into the box, love, I don't want you to actually die waiting for me
/smiles at the sight of redness blanketing over your usually fair complexion
god you're beautiful
/whispers quietly, never failing to be amazed by how breathtaking you always seem
/takes your sudden shift as encouragement to continue, wrapping my lips around a certain spot on your neck and gently at the unblemished skin, nipping and until a fairly visible bruise forms and pulling back slightly when to admire the first of many markings to be made
good, then for now you shall only address me as "sir," is that understood?
♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -smiles and clings to you as you pick me up and nuzzles your neck-
thank you for coming back fast enough... cuz I would have suffocated in the box
-says playfully, a faint blush rising to my cheeks at your words-
-bites my lower lip and tilts my head to the side a bit, exposing more of my neck-
-blushes and holds onto your shoulders, humming softly-
well I'm yours~ so I guess you're free to do whatever you want with the gift~
♥ Kim Inseong 6 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /is still caught in a moment of shock, but soon it all melts away into joy as I circle my arms around your waist and pick you up out of the box, a beaming smile gracing my lips with each word you say and the kiss that finishes it off.
well this surely was a surprise, baby
thank you for the gift, it's the best present I could ever wish for
I'll take good care of it, in fact- I think I'll make use of it right now
/carries you over to the bed and lays you down before hovering over your body; I lower my head into the crook of your neck, pressing wet open mouthed kisses along the expanse of your nape.
♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -listens for the footsteps and smiles when I hear them, holding my breath as I try to keep as quiet as possible-
-looks up as I hear you read the words on the label and your voice-
-giggles and pops up from where I was sitting as you open the lid-
Surprise~ happy birthday daddy~ I didn't know what to get you so... have me~ as your gift
-laughs and wraps my arms around your neck-
I wanted to be the first to tell you happy birthday..
-says cheekily and pecks your lips-
♥ Kim Inseong 6 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /walks into the room while yawning, completely oblivious to the decorations until noticing balloons and other additions that surely weren't there before; my brows furrow in a moment of confusion as I step further into the area, wondering where this all came from--although having a hunch--and for what occasion this is needed.
/my nonverbal questions answered when walking up to the rather large box, looks to the label attached and reads the words aloud.
'happy birthday to my desert fox'?
/finally realizes what this is all for, I forgot my own birthday but seeing that you remembered it doesn't fail to bring a smile to my lips.
pft.. my little songbird, you're so adorable
/murmurs softly under my breath; turns my attention back to the gift and lifts off the lid, eyes widening in pure surprise when I see you inside.
♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -hums and shuffles into your room with a big box and decorations-
-blows up balloons and decorates your room with the balloons and flowers and garlands-
-looks at the box and runs off to get a piece of paper and writes "Happy Birthday my Desert Fox~" on it before taping it to the top of the lid before stepping into the box-
-pulls the lid over my head and makes sure it's snugly on, sitting in the box for you to come back-
♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -wanders into your room with a small pout-
Where are you...
-huffs and crawls into your bed, hugging your pillow-
-puffs cheeks and buries my face into your pillow-
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♥ Hwiyoung 6 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -blushes and takes your in my mouth-
-starts bobbing my head up and down, my other hand fondling your balls as I hum into your -
-looks up at you shyly before looking back down, taking more of your length in my mouth-
♥ Kim Inseong 6 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /takes a sharp inhale when your warm palm comes in contact with my length, blood already rushing down to my lower half, feeling my twitch and slowly become erect in your grasp.
I'm glad you think so, baby
it's all yours -
/a quiet hiss seeps through clenched teeth, willing myself to not throw my head back from pleasure with fear that I'll miss the breathtaking sight before me.
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -looks at you and blinks-
-wraps my fingers around your and starts stroking it, rubbing my thumb against the tip-
Mmh so big Hyung~
-leans down to flick my tongue against the tip, keeping my eyes locked on yours-
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♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung no, not yet, but I'm sure you can change that
/has to bite back a laughter from erupting past my lips, heavily amused by how quickly your stripped off my pants
eager, aren't we? don't worry, babe, I'm not going anywhere
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong It's not hard yet~
-palms your crotch area before moving away to your pants-
-mmh.. I would like to offer my services~
-tugs your pants off and sets them on the floor-
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /visibly jolts at the sudden grab, my twitching under the many layers and warmth of your palm
well, if you're offering, baby, it's not too late to help
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -tilts my head-
I.. I didn't mean to cause a problem~
But if I did...
-bites my lower lip and cups your crotch-
I would have helped out~
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /parts my legs enough for you to situate yourself between them, slowly propping myself up onto my forearms
you were being too hot, that's what you did
and if you kept moving those damn hips any longer, we would've had a serious problem on our hands
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -pants softly and looks down at you, a faint rosy tint rising on my cheeks-
-wiggles a bit as I try to get between your legs, looking down at you innocently-
Hm? Wait w-what did I do..?
-sits between your legs-
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /when my lungs start to burn and air becomes too much of a necessity, I reluctantly break the kiss; breaths in heavy pants as I try to speak through the rigid inhales and exhales
if you're going to keep moving like that, baby, I hope you plan to take responsibility
/highly hinting at the way you continue to wiggle on top of me
♥ Hwiyoung 7 years ago
@♥ Kim Inseong -whimpers and mewls into the kiss when you on my tongue and on yours in return-
-squirms more, just the kiss itself making me flustered-
♥ Kim Inseong 7 years ago
@♥ Hwiyoung /a subtle smirk tips up the ends of my lips when I take silent notice of your own tongue moving to press against mine, urges it on by laving and gently on the muscle
/unnoticeably flinches from the movement of your hips, the action creating a delicious friction which suddenly has my pants becoming all the more uncomfortable as you're seated too close to my crotch for comfort


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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