
Seoul (Mall)    
+ The place where kitties and masters are shopping.                                        
♥ Yuri 6 years ago
@♦ Lee Jooheon Okay~ /timidly shuffles into one of the doll aisles, looking at both side with wide eyes trying to find the right eyes. Would he looks creepy with topaz or aquamarine?
♦ Song Kyungil [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Wooseok It would kind of be a waste but I like all of you so it wouldn't matter anyways.
I'm trying my best to behave...until we head for the ~
*grins widely when you hug me from behind, resting a hand on your arm*
I wouldn't stop you from being you. I like you just the way you are.
*glances back at you with a soft smile when you kiss my neck*
Good then. I look forward to seeing that.
*chuckles a bit*
Nah~ I don't find it weird.
It makes me wanna protect you even more. To teach you as well. Be the one to help you experience things.
*cant help but laugh when you frown and act hurt*
You're so cute. I'm not saying you cant. But I want as much of your attention as I can the less you have to give to taking care of plants, the better.
♦ Lee Jooheon [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Yuri *smiles as you cling to my arm, letting you lead me to the art store*
Alright. I'm sure we'll find a nice pair of eyes for him~
*walks into the store with you, looking around a bit*
♥ Yuri 6 years ago
@♦ Lee Jooheon /hums out happily as i waddle into the mall while clinging tightly to your arm, taking you to one of my favorite art store. They have big doll eyes here, we can find one for Honey!
♦ Song Kyungil [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Wooseok I like my kitten's booty~ It's round and cute.
It's also really tempting to give it a squeeze right now but Imma be a good boy.
*perks a brow curiously*
What? Really? That's weird...there's absolutely no reason to be embarrassed of you in any way.
*smiles as you swing our arms*
Mhmm. We'll be boyfriends then~
I would love to see you walking around in just underwear and my shirt. That'd be so y and so adorable.
*kisses back with a bright smile*
Okay. Then we'll talk about it later baby.
You know, I don't mind you being clueless about stuff.
It's endearing.
*nods a bit, releasing your hand so I can examine some of the plants*
Are you sure you can take care of them babe?
We can get the ones that only need to be watered once a week so it's not too much.
♦ Song Kyungil [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Wooseok I wont let a good thing go to waste~
*smiles widely when you kiss my cheek*
Who cares what others think. As long as my kitten is happy then that's all that really matters.
If you wanted to walk around the mall in one of those trex costumes because it made you happy, I wouldn't care. I'd still hold your hand and walk with you proudly.
*leans down to peck your pout gently*
Well at the moment we're master and kitten~ Soon we'll take it further.
You can help yourself to whatever you like at home sweetie. It's your home now too.
So if you wanna take whatever clothes from my closet, you go right ahead.
Like I said...whatever makes my kitten happy.
*nods a bit*
I don't really NEED to know. But I'd like to.
*arrives at the plant section, looking around*
What do you think? Fake plants? Real plants?
Just green? Flowers?
♦ Song Kyungil [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Wooseok Dont worry. I'm sure there will be plenty of times where I get lost in your .
*laughs softly*
You can be excited baby. I dont mind.
It's cute.
*is amused by how excited you are*
You can always borrow my clothes to sleep in or just wear as comfy clothes. I don't mind.
And if you need new clothes, let me know and we'll go shopping.
*hums softly and nods*
Okay. We can talk about it when we get home then.
*pecks the tip of your nose and smiles*
Now lets go pick out those plants first.
*leads you along towards the section of the store that has plants*
♦ Song Kyungil [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Wooseok That's absolutely true.
*grins down at you*
You can help me pick out some nice plants then.
*hums softly and nods*
Sure baby. We'll look through all the different patterns.
*walks into the shop with you as I listen to you, holding your hand once again*
We'll pack your things and bring them over soon okay? Maybe after we finish up here.
*smiles at you, leaning to kiss your forehead*
If you think of something you might need, just let me know okay? Don't be shy about it.
*pauses to wrap my arms around your waist, hugging you*
Why don't you tell me then~ I'd love to hear how much it means to you.
♦ Song Kyungil [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Wooseok last then~
*chuckles softly*
Mm that's true. I just figured maybe some green in the house would be nice, like a couple of plants.
But I would like new bed sheets and blankets for my new kitten~
*smiles widely when you hug my arm, leading you towards the store with home stuff*
I think there's plenty of space for you to bring your things in, so that shouldn't be a problem...
Is there anything that you'll need though?
*pecks the top of your head*
I'm excited for you to live with me too~
♦ Song Kyungil [A] 6 years ago
@♥ Wooseok *swings our hands a little as we walk into the mall, glancing around a bit*
Is there anywhere you wanna check out first?
We need to get some new bed sheets and pillows and blankets.
I think maybe some new decor would be nice too?
*looks down at you and smiles*
Since you'll be living with me, you can help me pick stuff out~
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon Pm? )
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I smile when I see you eat again, taking my last bite, leaving some of my noodles in the plate
/I look at you and a shiver goes down my spine at the idea of your lips marking every part of my body, looking at you while biting my lower lip
Well... If you'll take care of the dishes I'll be able to get ready faster
/I say with a playful grin, actually hating doing the dishes
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I kiss you back, letting your lips rush against mine before pulling away with a chuckle
I love you too...
Now more eating less kissing...
I promise I'll let you kiss me all night long
/says teasingly while taking another bite from my food
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I laugh when you move my chair closer to you, leaning to you a little as we eat, glancing at you from time to time
I'm your little maid kitten
I cook I clean and wear y outfits
I'm amazing so keep me
/I say jokingly, smiling at the small peck against my cheek
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I laugh and gets by your side, shaking my head a little
Don't worry I'll make sure you'll work out really good after
/I say teasingly, laughing a little before I start to eat, humming at the taste, not realizing how hungry I was until now
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I turn around and looks at you with a smile, placing a soft kiss on your lips and letting out a small chuckle
Yeah... I promised you a fashion show later remember?
/I whisper teasingly, taking both plates and places them down on the table
Eat well...
I hope you'll like it
/I say with a smile
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /chuckles a little, looking at the plates filled with the food I made
/tilting my head when you sick on my skin, pressing back against you
Joon... You were starving few minutes ago...
/I whisper breathless
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I tilt my head to the side, humming at the small soft nips
Maybe you should
/whispers and when you press more against me I bite my lower lips to hold myself back from jumping on you
Depends... Do you want to have dinner?
/I ask and smiles when you approve the dish, watching you setting the tables while I mix the noodles with the vegetable and chicken
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /chuckles
Yeah... Maybe you should show me more of that dominant side...
/I say teasingly, purrs at the small kisses on my neck, resting against you while letting the food cook.
You are such a distraction... Even the best chef will be a lousy cook if you'll press against him like that
/mumbles while taking the spoon out taking some of the food and blows on it, turning to look at you
Here have a taste
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon It's alright... Although you are kind of a master when it comes to....
But I like to call you Joon as well
/mumbles while slicing the chicken, making sure to stir everything and make sure it's cooked, humming a little as I put some water in the pot to boil, putting the noodles in as well
My Joonie.... I'll spoil you until youbwont be able yo take it
/I whisper and leans against your hug, adding seasoning to the stir
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I smile at you while finding everything I needed, starts to chop the vegetables while putting some oil on the pan, making sure it's hot enough and for a moment I feel like I'm really home
Are we changing rolls now?
Should I call you baby?
/I ask with a chuckle, stirring the veggies on the pan
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /chuckles at your words I take some of the bags following you into the small apartment
I hoped you'll do that
/whispers with a wink, taking my shoes off and walks to place the bags on the counter
OK... Food!
/I call with a smile, washing my hands before I take out all the things I need
Take care of the rest OK?
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I give your hand a small squeeze, smiling back at you, humming
Mmm then dinner and a little modelling will do... Maybe you'll give me a few tips on how to pose
/chuckles and blushes a little, the elevator opening as you lead us both back home
I was kind of hoping on that
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon Oh yeah I have those too... But the idea of walking around in lingerie and oversized shirts in your apartment quite fun
Of course you are the only one I'm yours
/leans against you in the elevator humming
Nahh I think resting and cuddling After dinner will be better...
And maybe.... Trying on some of the things we bought
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /looks at you a little I bite my lower lip, smiling a little
I don't mind walking around in your shirt and lingerie... I'm just not sure what will happen when I'll go outside
/I say with a chuckle, humming as we get into the elevator waiting for it to reach our floor
You must be starving...
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I look at you a little and I blush at how serious you look, puffing my cheeks a little
You already make me happy so I don't think there is much you need to do
/my tail swaying when you say the word home, smiling a little since I realize I need to get used to this place.
I still need to get most of my stuff from the mansion all I have here is a few pair of we just bought
/I say with a chuckle and follows you out
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon And I really appreciate your photos
/I say with a laugh, biting my lower lip a little at your smile, holding back my own grin, thinking how much you make me happy when I'm around you
Do I look /that/ spoiled?
/I ask and feels the cab stops in front of your apartment building
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon You showed me your photo... Believe me when I say you are a good model
/I say with a small chuckle ,following your gaze as you look out of the window
Well you could just hired a maid or a chef you know...
/I mumble with a small smile
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon Oh no...
I thought models have some kind of a strict diet
/I mumble and shakes my head, watching the road as we get closer to your place, smiling at the thought of this place being my new home
I'm going to make sure you'll eat well... And throw all the junk food awsy
♥ Minki 6 years ago
@♦ Park Seojoon /I smile a little and rests my head on your shoulder, relaxing a little as the driver takes us back home
You are lucky... I'm not sure what you ate before I came /I say with a cheeky grin, holding back the need to just kiss you


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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