
Seoul (City)    
+ The city that never sleeps.                                          
♥ Luizy [A] 6 years ago
@♦ Chanyeol /is thankful when you don't pry, thinking it's kind of nice to find someone who talks to me who isn't obsessed with drinking, college campuses, even culinary schools, have their share of stereotypical college kids, smiling when you greet me
The pleasure is all mines, sir
/looks between you and my co worker and my jaw drops just a little, blushing when your arm comes around me, my heart racing with nervousness because oh em gee I'm being whisked away by a famous person
/my co worker nods and takes the tray, going back to doing the job he was assigned, looking up at you when you speak
Um, whatever you like, I don't really have a preference from where we are-- but maybe away from the eyes of my boss?
♦ Chanyeol 6 years ago
@♥ Luizy /quirks a brow ever so slightly when you say that you don't drink, deciding not to pry there - after all, i'd hate to give off the wrong impression by pressuring you or anyone else to drink when they don't like to/
"well then, cho seungyoun, it's a pleasure to meet you."
/grins warmly and gestures to another caterer to head over, noticing that they seemed concerned, but i simply hand them the tray, placing the extra glass on top/
"i'll be borrowing him for a while. i need a little help with my event here." /grins cheekily and loosely circles an arm around you, gesturing towards the heart of the party/
"would you care to wander around a little with me? or maybe you'd like to go off to the side a bit? /tilts my head ever so slightly/
♥ Luizy [A] 6 years ago
@♦ Chanyeol Wai-Mister-
/stumbles over my words when you take the tray, trying to get it back without breaking anything but I also don't want to be seen slacking as I need this job to help pay for school, my lips parted in confusion but I shake my head to the glass, my face flushed pink in nervousness
I-I don't drink.
/says lightly as you gaze down at me, my lips parting slightly as I'm quieted, soon biting my lower lip
I would like to spend time with you, sir, no doubt but should really…
/my voice trails off when you imply that this is your event and I hear your name and I can't believe someone like you is really talking and possibly flirting with just a student like me
Cho. Seungyoun. Cho Seungyoun. That's me.
♦ Chanyeol 6 years ago
@♥ Luizy /a soft look of displeasure touches my face with a playful undertone to it as my fingers carefully move towards your hand, head nodding lightly as you speak/
"i guess that really isn't too fun is it? here-" /i carefully snatch the tray with glasses into my hand, placing my glass back on so i can move to your other side and loosely drape my arm over your shoulders, offering you a glass with a warm grin/
"-i think it's time for you to take a break. have a glass. relax and enjoy yourself." /hums softly, head tilting slightly as i eye you over, just a little before letting my eyes linger on your face/ "on the condition of course, that you spend a little time with me."
/leans back, moving my arm from your shoulder so i can hold my hand out to you, a warm grin on my face/ "i'm park chanyeol. thank you for catering my event here. what's you're name, love?"
♥ Luizy [A] 6 years ago
@♦ Chanyeol /feels my arms start to get tired from holding this tray up all night, not really getting any breaks in between, especially in this hot three piece thing they make us wear, black slacks, a white shirt and a black vest, like THAT'S practical for moving around
/is walking around at a slow-ish pace, seeing your hand reach for a glass as I pass by and I stop, nodding in a short hand of a bow, your words stopping me from walking again and I turn back, matching your grin with a well practiced one of mines though your genuine undertones pulls mines as well, my eyebrow quirking when you call me "gorgeous"
/quietly slides my tongue along my teeth, the corners of my lips tilting up a bit in an amused smirk as I listen to you, holding back a laugh at your question and waiting for you to finish before I respond
I'm serving wealthy people while my arms get an uneven work out. There's not much fun to be had with me. Someone as cute as me looks forward to getting a break.
/says with my terrible comebacks as I'm not good at thinking with my brain too much, your fingers so close in my face prompts me to blink but I let you, grinning at the gesture
♦ Chanyeol 6 years ago
@♥ Luizy /i lightly ruffle my light pink hair, eyes wandering around the room, pleased with how everybody seems to be getting along pretty well, hoping that perhaps by the end of the night, a few of my people will have made a couple new connections that could help to further my business a little more/
/humming, i take a glass of champagne, hand coming to my lips for me to take a sip as my gaze shifts to the waiter who served me a drink, deciding that i should thank them for doing their job - after all, without them, who else would take of this many people/
"thank you-" /i pause for a moment, just enough to let my eyes wander before a playful, toothy grin paints my lips, head nodding in a soft bow/ "-gorgeous. hopefully you're having as much fun as you can, hm? i know you're working but hopefully someone as cute as you can find a way to keep a smile on your face." /my smile stupidly brightens, free hand lifting up to tuck a lock of your hair out of the way, winking playfully a second later/
♦ Seungwon 6 years ago
@♥ Inoo Kei "Nods, yup. Definitely not safe. Especially for a cute hybrid like yourself," His voice playful before giving a small smile. Seungwon didn't want to completely terrify the poor thing, but he had to drive in his point that traveling by himself and even taking a little nap painted a large 'kidnap me' sign on the kitten's back. He couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped his lips at he kitten's grumbling tummy before nodding. "You must be starving. What are you in the mood for? There are plenty of options to choose from."
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Moonbin ((its okie))

Kevin blushes and nods, a small chuckle slipping out as he walks with his family to the bathroom. Moving to wash his hands he hums slightly. Then theres a cry and he panics, turning because he knows thats Jun. Eyes wide he's gonna move over to comfort his brother... only to see Yunho already doing it. Freezing he blinks and watches. A small smile appearing as the other properly takes care of his baby brother. Smiling he feels the burst of love for the Master. Looking over as Moonie takes his hand that same burst rockets through him as he looks up at his lovers. Nodding he chuckles.
"Mmmm omlettes.... bacon... french toast.... fruit... it all sounds do yummy. And they have watermelon juice~" He grins at Moonie and walks out. Turning he smiles as the others come out as well. Taking Moonie's hand he smiles as Yunho carries Jun with both hands. Watching the black cat curl close as they head back to the table. Moving to sit down in the booth he smiles softly as its a round booth and a booster chair is brought for Jun.
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Kevin [ I'm gonna switch POV here for a moment ]

I noticed that Yunho was walking slightly slower than Kevin hyunggie and I as we were making our way to the family bathroom. Not that I really cared about how people looked at us. We were a family after all. As hyunggie and I were washing our hands, a loud cry was heard and immediately I turned my attention to where the sound was coming from, and it was no mistake, it came from Jun, the poor baby kitty was scared of the water because he thought that Yunho master was going to take him a bath. But eventually he was calmed down, and I couldn't help but be proud at how hard our new master is trying. You could say that I was falling harder by the minute for him. I smiled softly and held onto Kevin hyunggie' hand to reassure him that he will no longer,-- no-- that we will no longer be alone in taking care of our baby. "Shall we go? I am starving and I would really like to taste some burritos!" I smiled widely as I led Kevin hyunggie out the door holding the door for him and waited for Yunho and Jun to come out as well before letting go of the door
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin Yunho shook his head when hand sanitizer was brought up "Hand sanitizer kills good germs too and someone here needs those good germs to protect some upcoming kitties" yunho chuckled as he bounced jun up and down on leg to calm him down from being to excited to be here "Let's go wash our hands plus our table is saved" he said before standing up and waiting for kevin and moonbin to walk in front of him to make sure no one tried to pull a stupid act like the recent one. He was still pissed at that, he didn't think it could be possible for people to be dumber. He opened the door wide for them to walk in not letting go of jun who seemed to be amazed by his phone. Watching the way jun's ears moved he kissed his small cheeks and took him to the sink "You like the phone, buddy?" he asked before taking the phone back in his back pocket so jun could wash his hands. Before anything, jun hopped off Yunho's arms and ran to the corner crying "No no jun, it's not shower time it's just that we need to wash our hands to eat" he softly said to the crying kitten since kevin and moonbin were washing their hands. Slowly picking jun up, he walked back to the sink and rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands along with jun. He wiped the tears away "shhhh it's okay jun, we just need to kill the nasty germs"
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin smiles at Moonie, about to continue the conversation when someone comes over and touches his belly. Freezing and feeling kinda embarrassed as Yunho gets protective and Moonie hugs him. Hugging the other kitten back as they move to the table. "Uhm... I was hoping we could get a variety and then share everything."
He says softly, blinking as Yunho mentions washing their hands. "Oh I've got hand sanitizer if you'd rather just use that?"
He asks shyly, "I mean we can go to the bathroom if you want but shouldn't someone save the table so they don't give it to another group?"
He bites his lip and lays his arms on his belly protectively, not liking that the other had touched him. He doesn't like all the touching without permission. He likes it better with just his family. Moonie, Jun, and Yunho. But the two of them were so protective now he feels a bit flustered. But loved too.
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Kevin "That all sounds so good, Kevin hyunggie. Maybe I'll have the same thing as you or if you'd like we can also share--" The young man's voice was suddenly cut off at the harsh tone his master has let out to someone who accidentally perhaps touched Kevin's bump. Immediately, he wrapped his arms around his hyunggie and glared at whoever that person was. "Okay master!" Moonbin happily replied and made his way to sit across his master and watched as Jun took up the space that's next to Yunho. "Hmm? Wash hands? I can go-- but it looks like Jun is eager to go!" He let out a laugh watching Jun raising his hand.
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin Yunho was instantly greeted by the curious kitten as soon as his foot touched the ground, he pick Jun up in his arms and carried him inside. Right away people saw kevin and looked at his stomach but still came closer to feel his stomach which made Yunho extremely sad and upset that people would do that. He stepped in front of his kittens and glared at the person "Excuse you idiot but these kittens are mine, touch them and you will be on your way to the hospital or even hell" he said in a angry voice tone keeping his hand on kevin and holding moonbin near feeling like people would try to take them from him. "Let's go sit down loves" he told and let them walk first before punching the guy in the stomach hard. He chuckled as Jun clapped and hugged his neck "Let's sit by the window..." he said as he got closer to moonbin and kevin kissing their cheeks before letting jun walk on his own "I need to wash my hands.....want to come together? im already mad that other people might try to do something stupid like that" he said looking at everyone near them
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin smiles as they drive to the cafe. Listening to Yunho hum along he turns as Jun starts to speak.
"I want... french toast... and eggs ... oh and fruit and juice!" The kitten babbles excitedly and Kevin chuckles. Reaching over he tugs on his hair.
"Take a breath and slow down Junnie. We'll look at the menu and we can share and try some things that way." He orders and the boy takes a deep breath. Nodding he smiles at his brother as they pull in. Done parking he unbuckles and then moves to help Jun out. Climbing out of the car he tugs on the hoodie Yunho had bought him- 'Hands off the Bump' on the front makes him smile as he watches Jun move to wait for Yunho to climb out. Launching himself into the others arms with a grin. Kevin chuckles and moves to take Moonies hand as they walk around. Watching the younger kitten reach to take their masters hand as they head inside.
"I heard they do great omelettes here. And then the french toast is done with italian bread and spices in the egg mixture. Plus they do fried chicken and some great fish. Its a brunch buffet. I figured we could all get some bits of whatever and share?"
He asks, cheeks turning a light pink as he realizes he was rambling.
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Kevin Moonbin hasn't had the luxury of eating with a master in a while along with his hyung and Jun. it almost felt too complete, that's why. The young man smiles softly at that and puts on his seatbelt as he sits down in the front passenger seat while Kevin sits in the back next to Jun as he is still a young child.
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin After finishing buckling up the smaller kitten jun, yunho got in the driver's seat and the car. He made sure the mirrors were in place and that every one had their seat belt on "Who's ready to eat?!" he smiled at his precious kittens and blew them each a kiss before driving to the dinning place. This would be a nice day to just get to know his kittens ,even if it was little by little. They were the only family he had left and he was going to make sure that they had all the care and love in the world. As he drove down the road he hummed along with the songs that were playing on the radio
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin chuckles softly and smiles at them, heading out of the house and to the car he makes sure the booster seat is still set up right for Jun. "I'll sit in the back."
He says softly as he moves aside so Yunho can put the youngest into the seat. "The belts back here have the extender on them already so its just easier to buckle back here."
He explained his reasoning and smiles at them, climbing into the back next to Jun he buckles as the other two climb into the front. "The cafe is right on Broadway. Its got back parking so hopefully everything will be good. And they do special home made juice."
At this Jun's eyes light up and he starts to giggle, "yes I thought of you when I saw that." He chuckles at his brothers reaction, reaching out to scratch the black ears.
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Kevin As Moonbin struggles with his hoodie, he is then eventually been help by Kevin and soon he feels him pull to Yunho's side so that all of them are standing next to each other. Moonbin smiles at how they all look so perfect and nods at Yunho's question. "Looks like we're ready.." he is in truth happy for the two of them, Yunho and Kevin is what he means, and holds onto Yunho's hand to give it a reassuring squeeze
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin Yunho put on the outfit that was chosen for him liking the colors. He put his blazer and ran his fingers through his hair to comb it down a bit. "Are we all ready? " he asked slipping his hands into his pocket before jun hugged his leg and pouted. "Guess you are hungry too right little guy?" he picked the smaller kitten and held him fixing his outfit.

[] i broke my wrist so it will take a bit for me to type, that's why my replies are short
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin smiles and nods, then realizing the other can't see him calls through the door. "Ok well take your time."
He turns and moves to the closet with Jun. Letting the boy pull out jeans and shirts and jackets for the other two he chuckles and kisses his brothers head before moving to lay the two outfits out. The colors were brighter than what he'd have picked but he thought the plain black blazer and dark wash jeans for Yunho and the lighter colored hoodie and light wash jeans for Moonie. Kevin had turned around when he notices Jun push Yunho over and closer to him. Blinking at the others words and the small peck to his lips a small red tint covers his cheeks.
Smiling shyly he watches Moonie move to dress. Looking up at the human he leans up and kisses his cheek, "you're welcome."
He smiles at him and then chuckles as he covers his face, gently he hugs the human. "Cute." He whispers softly and steps away, "now get dressed mr. cutie."
He teases and turns to move over and help Moonie with his hoodie. "I do think Jun picked out some pretty colors for you both. The two purples on Moonie and the light jeans and then the nice green on Yunho."
He says as he helps fix the sleeves on the other and kisses his cheek. Pulling Moonie over to Yunho's side he sees Jun is happy and chuckles. "And Jun seems to think we all look cute so thats a win in my book."
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Kevin Moonbin began to purr happil as he was taken out of the bathtub and into his master's arms covered in a warm dry towel that was felt around his wet fur. He noticed Yunho gave Kevin hyunggie a kiss, causing him to smile inwardly and then trots off to the room and shifts carefully so that he may not side himself and began to change in his own clothes.
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin Yunho was just finishing up showering along with moonbin as he heard kevin speak. "Yeah that would be nice" he said loud enough for kevin to hear him . As he got out of the shower, he dried moonbin first then he wrapped a towel around his own waist before walking out with moonbin in a towel in his arms. He opened the door and right there was jun making a kissy face and pointing at kevin. Yunho walked closer to kevin when suddenly jun pushed him forward. He didn't have time to react before he was right there in front of kevin. "" he whispered and quickly pecked kevin's lips before putting moonbin down and covering his face. Even if he was a master he was still very shy and new to this so it would time some time.
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin smiles as Jun asks if they can pick clothes out for Yunho and Moonie Chuckling he moves to knock on the bathroom. "Yunho? Jun would like to pick out the outfits for you and Moonie today."
He calls through the door, rubbing his belly as he speaks. "So you mind if we pick out the clothes?"
He asks through the door, watching Jun bounce happily.
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Kevin Moonbin was now placed in the water even as a kitty form and began to play with the water just a little, noticing that there are bubbles on the surface. He smiled happily as he loved bubbles and didn't mind his master changing. After all, he wasn't even aware of it because he had his back facing the tall man. When he heard splashes then being placed on his fur, Moonbin turned around, his small tail swaying happily and began to his master's hand.
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin Yunho walked in the bathroom with moonbin in his arms as he the water to luke warm. He set moonbin down on the floor and began to change forgetting that moonbin was there. He wrapped a towel around him and walked towards moobin to pick him up. He did that all without speaking a way since he didn't feel well enough. Last night he had felt so sick to his stomach but he decided to just continue on through the day instead of being a burden. He sat in the tube holding the small kitten close to his chest as he lathered moonie's fur with soap. "So cute...." he whispered
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin smiles as he's hugged by their master. Taking Jun he hugs his brother and then nods at the others words. Chuckling at the cute sneeze he stands and kisses Moonie's head. "Ok then. I'll get Jun and myself dressed."
He smiles at them, "then we can go."
He nods and kisses Yunho's cheek before carrying his baby brother to the bedroom. helping the kitten change into fresh clothes before moving back to the other room. Stripping he changes into a different set of maternity clothes. This time pants and a shirt, and sit on the bed with his brother to wait.
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Kevin Moonbin, still in his kitten cheetah form, was now looking around not on his feet but in the arms of his new master although understanding well what his two males are saying to one another. He was a curious cat and began to his master's arm soothingly before nuzzling in his arms' skin. He turned to Kevin with a curious glance at his question of being too tired to eat and shook his head while sneezing a little, which anyone would've found adorable.
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin Yunho looked at kevin then at moonbin before holding them both close along with jun on his chest. His nostrils were feeling with the sweet smell of strawberries and the semi sweet scent. "Moonie....let's take you a shower, stinky kitty" he chuckled as he picked up moonbin in his arms and cuddled kevin close to jun. "I'll take a shower and help moonbin too so we can leave as soon as we are done" he said kissing moonie's small head.
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin nods and chuckles as Jun moves to snuggle with the human. Then seeing Moonie shift and move to Yunho he giggles. Smiling he shifts positions, hands rubbing his large belly as he moves closer to Yunho and Moonie and Jun. Kissing Yunho's cheek he smiles.
"Yes I'd like to have a family date. With the two people I love and my adorable little brother." He reaches out and gently tugs his baby brothers tail. Chuckling at Jun's reaction to snuggle closer to Yunho. He hums as he watches Moonie drink the milk and nods.
"I had a bath last night and so did Jun. But if you and Moonie need to shower and dress thats fine." He gently scratches the cheetah's head before taking Yunho's hand and smiling. "I should probably change into a different outfit as I've worn this dress two days in a row."
He looks at the human, "are you too tired for food?"
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Kevin "An afternoon date, hyung?" Moonbin asked still a bit tired from last night but then at the feeling of Jun shifting to push him down and tickle him with his small hands, the young man was a bit more awake. He gazed at Kevin hyunggie lovingly and nodded slowly. "Yeah sure. I don't mind. As long as I get some French toast..." he yawned after his voice trailed off and looked at Yunho. Moonbin suddenly shifted in his small kitten cheetah form, spots of brown all over his slightly orange fur and jumped a little to his master's cheek and snuggled his scent all over before he went to his milk and lapped the liquid with his small pink tongue


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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