
Seoul (Hospital)    
+ The city that never sleeps.                                          
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan Mhm mhm the biggest man ever.
/chuckles quietly and stares for a moment.
ah I love you...
And Nemo...
I’m glad to be able to raise a smol bwebbi with you
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /looks over at you and snorts, biting back a smile./ yeah .. okay, big man. /i mumble, keeping little nemo tucked close./
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan ....I’m your big mannnn
/whispers from afar, but lowkey guSHING OVER ALL
OF THIS, comfortably settling down and trying to keep
my cool in case any nurses pop in/
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /adjusts his little beanie and leans down to snuggle my nose against his teeny tiny lil button nose. gently coos when he opens his mouth and gives a widdle yawn,/
my little man ..
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan Mm he’s adorable and just precious like his mama.
/gurgles quietly and sits back onto a chair,
lowkey wanting to take pictures of you both and highkey
wanting to put one as my lock and wallpaper on my
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /grins and stares down at little nemo, bringing him closer, and pressing a kiss to the squishy bit of his crown -
you think so? he .. is .. good lord, i can't keep thinking of how small he is ..
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan Mm I think you’ll be fine if you hold him...
He needs to be closer to his mama..
/chuckles softly and quietly oogles at you both.
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /nips at your lips, before snuggling little nemo close, cradling him neatly in my arms, as i rest back against the bed./ we should probably let him sleep - do i just .. hold him while he sleeps? or-
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan Mhmmm our precious son should be safe from others
trying to steal his heart with false love.
/shakes my head and chuckles, pecking at the top of his
head then next your lips/
Mm no no mama bear I’m okay really. I’ve stayed up
way longer before, I’m alright.
You both stay comfy.
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok he better not be bringing home anyone until he's as old as me,
/huffs against his head, looking up to you as you spout such novel thoughts, bringing my heart to a complete swell. i smile, leaning up to catch your lips in my own./ i love you, too. i love the both of you - my little men ...
you wanna try laying down? you must be so tired - you've been up this whole time
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan He’s going to grow up to be a handsome little stud
muffin like a his papi
/wiggles my brows and grows extra soft as you sob in
happiness, can’t help but shower your face with a ton
of little kisses/
I love you mama bear....I love you so much..
and I’ll be like a boulder, protecting you both.
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok 'Has my eyes', I can't wait to see, /because little baby nemo's eyes are closed, and he looks like the most precious bundle on this earth. i lean down to kiss the top of his head, fixing his little cap, and look up to you./
look at him ... he's .. so, so tiny .. just .. /i choke out, a smile fluttering between my soft sobs of happiness./
look at him ..
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan /more than willing to let you see our precious baby
as I slowly hand him over to you, my breath caught
within my body as I successfully pass him to you, my
fingers raising to slide through your hair as I lean to
press a loving peck to your temple/
He does? He has your eyes though...
/chuckles quietly as my cheek gently rests against your
head just barely, eyes admiring the new baby you’ve
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /how long had i been out? longg enough for the tests to be done, i guess. i push myself up with a lot of difficulty, suddenly findig the strength as you walk over with little nemo. i adjust the bed, propping myself up, and hold my arms out. i wanted to hold him, too. i smile, tears filling my eyes as i look at him,/ our tiny .. tiny lil bwebbi..
oh my goodness he has your nose-
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan /not too far from you, my back was against the
reasonably cushioned chair by your side while my arms
were cradling the small tiny child of ours that you were
successfully able to give to the world, my eyes shot up to
you once I hear your voice and I can’t help but manage
a huge smile on my face; slowly getting up and heading
next to you as my voice comes out in almost a whisper/
....look mama bear...
look at our tiny bwebbi...
/carefully leans a bit so that the chubby little face was
presented to you/
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /i don't know when i knock out, only that i feel a slight pressure on my belly, in my sleep. it's weird, and kind of burns, but isn't painful in any sense. that was the only thing out of the ordinary, in my little lala land. how long has it been? when i wake up, the moon has risen in the sky, i'm in a completely different room, my belly is stitched up and noticeably smaller, and i only hear one heartbeat - for now, that is./ papa bear-- /i can't sit up, the cut across my belly sewn up and making it hard, painful, to move. i just wonder where everyone is - where you are, and our baby.2
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan I- yes- I’m sure we can give them the life they’ll enjoy..
/leans and presses a small peck the cheek as they
start the process, giving your hand a small squeeze
before letting it go and watching you, never keeping you
out of my sight; fingers running through my hair as I
scope out a wall clock above the door we entered in,
wondering how long we would be here although there’s
not really a point as to think about it since it won’t be
a quick delivery/
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok I want them to have a life like that, too. I hope we can give them the one they want - /My chest tightens, and I let out a little, happy sob, smiling towards you./ You'll be the best father ever, the best- c'mere, kiss me before I get numb, and all that. /Even though that might not be for a while, but I don't know that. I hold my hand out to you, tied up to machines, and listening to two heart beats: mine, and little baby nemo's. I my lips and close my eyes, lulled, and I don't even realize they're already putting the medicine to knock me out into the iv./
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan /my breath occasionally stopping at the sight of you
being all hooked up, lips pursed as my brows furrow with
such worry; hoping things will go very smoothly if that
was even possible, my hand gently squeezing at yours
from time to time/
We made it here...
Now ... now all we have to do is wait and welcome
our little sunshine.
/highkey wants to cry but is too busy putting up a
front of being a tough papi, spewing up little words as
to keep you calm and try to take away the pain that you
could be feeling right at the moment/
You know...
when the baby comes..
I want to make sure it has the best life that it ever could.
Much better than ours.
We’ll still be holding hands like this throughout its entire
life, slowly growing up, taking its first steps, saying its
first words, seeing them off to their first day of school..
You’ll be the mother they seek for advice when they have
their first crush, I’ll be the father they get embarrassed
over but still love regardless...
Even when they’re all grown up and on their own..
When they’re struggling and crying at how adulting is
so hard..
We’ll be there together with open arms to welcome
them back home.
I want them to have a life like that..
/glances away and disguises my light sniff with a cough.
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /nods slowly and gets helped onto a moving bed, looking up to you as the nurses push me along, squeezing your hand the entire way. there's an elevator, and we're brought up a few floors to where you can hear crying babies, and loud coos from family members, and i can't help but look to you with wide eyes, and a wide smile./
soon, that'll be us--
/i grin as we're brought to a bedroom, being helped into the nice, comfy bed, and being given an outfit to change into. not moments after, i'm being hooked up to iv's, and tests are being ran, the baby being monitored from the inside
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan /glances as you waddle, lowkey cant help but internally
coo even though nOW is not the proper time to be
all fuzzy, lowers my eyes and takes hold of your hand
as she urges; finding it a big relief that we can finally
get a room for you, bringing the back of your hand
against my lips, smothering it with gentle pecks/
....I’ll be with you every step of the way mama bear..
/mumbles against your hand, exhaling deeply from my
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /she stares at you, and rolls her eyes, before checking another clipboard. her foot taps, and she tries making things seem like it was a big inconvenience. she's tired, and wants to go home after a 13 hour shift./ i can get him a room, but right now, there are many other people currently giving birth. if he just went into labor, it could be hours before we cut open his belly and actually do the surgery. we have to test, and make sure, before cutting him open. give me a moment. /she holds up her finger and wanders over to the computer,' name?

/i perk up, waddling beside you, as i watch the nurse./ Mark tuan-- /shes asks me basic questions, and types on the computer, before creating my own little hospital band, and situating it on my wrist./ c'mon, /she urges,/ we have to go to the room
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan no- no no. You are not going to wait in the waiting
/inhALES and goes up to the nurse with so many
emotions taking over my face/
miss, nurse lady, yeah see, my spouse is in dire need
of a doctor at this moment. Unless you want your
hospital floor to be all bloodied up and covered in baby
slime, I suggest you get a doctor immediately.
If anything I’ll fill out everything while he’s being helped.
I need a room. nOW-
/in all my lifetime my face seizes to express the all too
familiar smile and presents a face full of seriousness/
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /I watch as a nurse looks towards us and pops her gum, before waltzing over with a clipboard, and pen./ Go ahead and take a seat, /her accent is heavy, she sounds foreign,/ and fill out these papers here. Your .. spouse will be fine. It'll be just a bit. /I stare at her as she shoves the clipboard and pen towards you, a deepset frown on my face./

... so i have to wait in the waiting room
when i'm about to have a baby
♦ Jung Hoseok 6 years ago
@♥ Mark Tuan /winces at your nails being dug into my skin but
puts my own pain aside to provide more attention toward
yours, looks around and wails for a doctor to assist you
♥ Mark Tuan 6 years ago
@♦ Jung Hoseok /clings to your side as my stomach contracts, feeling an uncomfortable press along my lower belly. I dig my nails into your skin, breathing heavily, breaking into a sweat
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Moonbin Kevin mews lightly, tongue darting out to at Yunhos hand. Eyes blinking sleepily as the others clean the two kittens. Listening he hears the nurse speak more.
"Yes we've got special beds made for the car. I'll go get you one. All of them should fit. Jun too if he doesn't want to shift back." She nods and leaves the room. Coming back a bit later with what looks like a car seat but I a bed with enough space for all of them. Moving she brings it over.
"Here you go. Lay them I'm it and take then home. He did a lot of work and will be tired for a few days."
♦ Yunho 6 years ago
@♥ Moonbin @♥ Kevin "We need wash them all...all three baby" yunho looked at moonbin and pulled him closer. He watched kevin then looked at the nurse "Do you guys have a seat or something we can take them home in? i would like it if they can go with us to the house after we wash them" he asked as he soaked up some towels and gave one to moonbin. Taking a warm towel he lightly and carefully cleaned kevin's fur then the Jinho's fur. "So cute" he cooed
♥ Kevin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho ((poke?))
♥ Moonbin 6 years ago
@♦ Yunho @♥ Kevin "Thank you dear nurse..." Moonbin smiles as he watched Yunho's tears form and his attention to Kevin as he is still in his kitty form. He knows this might be difficult for the older man since he had just given birth ti two babies and then now he has to stay this way so he can feed them. " we would like to wash them yes..." he answers with tears forming in his eyes and he wipes them away before turning back to Yunho. "Would you like to carry our children?"


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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