William's house

William's house
+Jimin lives here.                                         
♦ William Chan 6 years ago
@♥ Jimin *as always, i'm intoxicated by your reactions, and it feels good to have your fingers tugging at my hair and your chest arched so obscenely to press against my own*
*smooths my free hand down over your side, past your hip, to squeeze at your thigh, mapping out the soft muscle definition with my fingers*
*mouths at your throat possessively, able to feel the heat from the marks i made earlier against my lips*
*its harder than i thought to maintain my pace in this cramped space, and soon my skin is shining with sweat, the muscles on my back contracting beneath your fingers with each movement*
jimin... *utters your name with the utmost reverence, lifting my head to lightly nuzzle my nose alongside yours*
♥ Jimin 6 years ago
@♦ William Chan /my hands are left to hold onto you again, the grip as tight as i could manage but the sweat makes it slippery and hard to maintain, sure to leave faint pink marks on your shoulder blades and surrounding areas
/exhales a shaky moan of your name and my gaze turns fuzzy as i try to focus on you, gladly welcoming the sudden kiss and any slight discomfort from adjusting to your large girth is soothed
/our lips meshed together swallows my soft and pliant mewls, fluffy ears laid back into my caramel locks and it's as if any desperation was gone now that you've sated my urgent requiring of being filled
/arches my back slightly, as much as the current position could allow and my chest meets your own, short fingers curling into your hair and the grip tightens again, taking open mouthed breaths as i snivel in complete pleasure
♦ William Chan 6 years ago
@♥ Jimin *i've never seen you so utterly discomposed before, and i'd be lying if i said it wasn't arousing to watch you fumble so desperately in your actions*
*shuffles forward on the seat once you line me up, gliding into you in one smooth due to the unbelievable wetness*
*groans at the feeling, taking a few seconds to compose myself before i focus on you once more, wanting to make sure you're comfortable. the first thing i notice is the redness of your cheeks, and i hurry to divest you of your shirt, not wanting you to become feverish and overheat*
*presses my hand to the door beside your head and leans in to kiss you deeply, making sure the angle is right before i begin to my hips with a steady, firm pace, not wanting to tease you or make you wait for things*
*breaks the kiss when i sense how breathless and feverish you truly are, instead choosing to nuzzle into your neck, careful not to let my weight rest on you as i you*
♥ Jimin 6 years ago
@♦ William Chan /my hips stutter when something is pushed deep inside of me, my head craned to the side as if begging you to continue; i'm addicted to the marks you have left on my skin, and i want more, i want everyone to see them, too.
/the heat is overwhelming, wondering why i have been left to struggle in my shirt, though i can't complain as you're giving me what my body genuinely needs.
/my body trembles with the mere thought of someone finding us out, and i elicit a shaky moan, multiple images running throughout my mind as my chest blooms with warmth, loving every second of your protectiveness.
/i choke on my words when i'm left empty, frustrated, throaty sounds escape me as all i can do is watch you mess around with your pants, arms trying to aid you, finally acheiving the satisfaction of you being too.
/sniffling, i can't control how messy my actions are when i try to pull you in closer, producing more slick each second and soon enough my small hand has a faint grip on your length that has taken too long to be exposed, legs spread as much as the cramped space could allow; i try as hard as i could to insert the girth in my hold inside of me, crying out loud as it's so difficult to focus, but when i successfully guide you in, it's easy and smooth with little pain.
♦ William Chan 6 years ago
@♥ Jimin *shifts and slides my middle finger deep inside you in one smooth movement, stroking, as i make a mess of your neck, wanting to see blooming hickeys peeking out from the collars of your shirts for the next week- at least*
*plans on keeping your shirt on you because I'm suddenly filled with the want to see it sliding off your shoulders as i into you*
i hope no one pulls up next to us...
*pants into your neck*
i don't want to share this image of you with anyone. you've made me a very selfish man.
*all but whispers, impatient to be inside you giving you what you really need, so i withdraw my finger from your heat and reach down to fumble with my own pants, even with everything so siippery because of your slick*
*my lips are like fire on the shell of your ear when i lean even close to whisper*
guide me inside, baby. i want to see how much you need daddy. show me.
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /acknowledging the mess i have made of myself already, i'm even more red if at all possible and i force my gaze away, eyes trained on something else while i'm reminded of my own slick as my jeans don't come off easily.
/cranes my neck to the side, fingers tangling into your hair and gripping on it lightly as your lips find their way up my neck, aching to feel more, the s only making me twitch with need and my straining girth is pointed up towards my tummy.
/with a meek, soft call of your name, i slowly begin to submit, able to settle down a bit after you assure me with gentle, loving words as well as giving me what my body needs.
/my eyes find your own after i've been trapped between your arms and the door, legs parting to welcome you closer, admiring the expanse of skin shown to me.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin god, you're so wet, aren't you?
*asks almost rhetorically, because its almost fascinating how much slick you're producing, and i want to see everything*
*struggles to help you out of your ridiculously tight jeans, feeling them stick and cling continuously*
*takes your boxers off while i'm at it, exposing your soft, pretty legs which i immediately and fondle adoringly, latching on to the pulse point in your throat to kiss and nibble at*
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
*murmurs, thinking the familiar compliment might be grounding for you in the midst of the dizzying heat you feel; something to hold onto so you don't feel used*
*leans up and tugs my shirt off roughly, throwing it into the small back seat and shifting to cage you in against the door*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /the pressure against my aching length urges a loud, pleasured sound to slip past my lips, but i'm not given the luxury of it lasting long enough and the tears return.
/my fluffy, pale ears droop at the side of my head, clearly stressed out and i'm barely understanding a word you say; adamantly refusing to let you go but i don't even have the grip to make you stay and max was clearly going to be an issue.
/small fingers fumble with my jeans but i can't even pull them off, now balling my fists as i squirm and wriggle in discomfort, kicking childishly for a few moments and calling your name loudly until you've finally returned.
/while encased in your arms i sniffle, squeezing my thighs together and a lewd squelch is heard, taking hard open-mouthed breaths while staring down at the pants i couldn't get off.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *startles at your desperation, having never honestly been with or even seen a cat boy in heat; its all new to me*
*tries to soothe you at first with gentle kisses and back rubs, but it only works you up more, and i realise i just need to be concise and firm in my actions*
okay, - baby, okay. i've got you
*reaches down and presses my hand against your crotch, rubbing in firm circles with not even a hint of a tease to the way i touch you*
*nips at your neck in the hopes of making you feel a little more submissive and relaxed, but i dont get very far before max is letting out a gentle growl, propping his front paws up on my leg and bristling as you sob at my touch*
*breaks away from you and quickly scoops up the puppy*
wait, little one. take your pants off and wait- ill be two seconds
*whispers, jumping out of the cab and quickly moving to put max in the roomy tray in the back with his snacks and his toys, leashed up safely*
*slides back into the cabin for the last time, hopefully, pulling you into me protectively*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /there is a large lump in my throat that i try to swallow after you shut the door and the firm, loud lock is heard clearly, but still it rattles me and i feel completely ashamed no matter what.
/with small, desperate jerky movements my arms fly out to wrap around you, crying against the crook of your neck where i hide my face and max has since inched his way out from between us.
/wanting to apologize over and over, nothing comes out, just quiet and strained moans from even the slightest move and a sob hits my body violently.
/even a mere fingertip of yours is enough to set me off right now, your whole palms and how close your face is making it so much more harder for me to not cry your name and beg for you to touch me, and i've become increasingly wet over just a couple of seconds.
please.. p-please, it hurts..!
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *and at last, it all clicks. i realise why you were crying and flushed, why you're holding onto me, and why you're calling me daddy, and my eyes fly wide open. we'd never discussed your heat period; how long it lasted, what you needed to make it pass quickly etc*
*glances down and sees the slick beneath your fingers, shocked by the sheer amount and feeling awful that you must have been waiting and impatient for so long*
*slowly closes the door and slides back toward you, forgetting max between us and swallowing roughly, putting my hands on your hips, not wanting to overwhelm you right away with too much contact*
baby... i didn't know.
*leans in close, softly nuzzling your jaw and neck, feeling how dewy your skin is and how fast your heartbeat races*
i'm here, don't be ashamed
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /urging max into a calm state wasn't very easy seeing as we were both being quite noisy, but a firm click of my tongue has him lowering his head and i reassure him with gentle pettings.
/now that you have parked i begin to cry some more, frantically reaching out to you in refusal to you leaving the car, i cannot and will not stay alone even for a moment and any longer it'll be too much to bear.
/looking up at you for the first time within our drive, my eyes are puffy and my cheeks stained with tears, choking on my own saliva as i try speaking but nothing comes out.
/while shifting in place, the way i had moved my thighs urged a mewl from me, pulling my hands from you and i cover the damp spot on the seat from my own lubricant; gazing down with a troubled look and my voice is completely shaky.
don't go.. p-please, daddy, d-don't. i- i need you..
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *max's protectiveness is a good trait for a guard dog, but it always makes me wary when it's directed at me. max is manageable now at a small size, but i dont want him to grow up to be aggressive toward me, so thats something ill have to work on*
*your behaviour, on the other hand, is getting more and more erratic, and i now know that there is something more than just a simple cold going on, but i doubt ill have a chance to find out what until i can calm you down*
*soon enough, a lookout appears in the distance, with no cars around for miles and views of only rolling hills; and i quickly pull into the carpark*
*unbuckles my seatbelt and kills the engine simultaneously*
alright, I'm going to get water, some plain crackers and some painkillers, and we'll just go for a little walk to clear your head okay? i'm going to help you, jimin, don't worry
*briefly brushes my lips over your temple and pushes my door open, ready to jump out of the cab and get to work*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /i can see in everytime you glance down at max and myself that he grows a little defensive, small growls leaving his body but i hug him tightly, trying to calm him down, and he really doesn't mind being my stress ball for a few moments here and there.
/it grows more difficult to keep my focus on something else, my skin burning to the touch and i lean back against the seat, kicking my feet and i hit the seat beside me, trying desperately to not just .. stick a hand down my bottoms or ask for you to pull over; i don't want to be seen so incredibly needy like this.
/max is growling again and i'm torn between trying to calm him down and writhing in pain, the spot i'm sitting in is now soaked and i'm completely embarrassed, wanting to curl up into a ball and wither away, refusing to even make eye contact with you; but i know soon my control is going to snap.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *its so hard to concentrate on driving with the sounds of your distress and max's protective instincts as background noise. i glance over every now and again and it tugs at things in my chest to see how worked up and teary you are, your face becoming permanently pink from whatever it is you're going through*
*we've just passed the first town and are out amongst the rolling hills when you finally speak up, and i instantly begin to slow down, eyes scanning the side of the road for somewhere i can pull over and assess the problem*
where does it hurt?
*glances at you again, looking you over briefly*
is there something you're not telling me, baby?
*my fingers are tight on the steering wheel and I'm not aware that my jaw is tightly clenched, simply because I'm getting so worried, thinking i made the wrong call it letting you choose to go back out on the road*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /the nudges to my side weren't exactly welcomed but our pup seemed persistent, max having laid down with a huff and stared between the both of us for a few moments as if he really understood.
/thankful for the space i was given when you handed me some clothes, it was less than pleasing to try and fit tighter jeans over my problem .. my thighs had begun to get sticky and my small strained up against my abdomen.
/getting into the truck was a struggle and i leaned back into the seat, more tears running down my cheeks, hissing and sniffling all at the same time and your palm on my thigh was like a fire; i was sure the wet patch on my jeans was going to become visible.
/reaches out for the pup to bring him closer, urging him to lay across me to hide my problem, face buried into his fur and though it became rather soaked after a few minutes, max didn't seem to care in the least, instead whined silently as it was clear he was feeding off of my discomfort.
i-it really hurts..
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *if max is confused by you then I'm confused by max, wondering why he's being so pushy and curious and wishing i could understand what was on his mind... then maybe id know how to make you feel better*
*purses my lips, not entirely sure that you're telling me what you honestly want to do. the more i think about it, however, the better the idea of fresh air sounds for you in your sickly state*
okay, lets get out and about. find you something to eat for breakfast, maybe.
*helps you pick out something to wear and dresses myself while giving you some privacy to do the same, not wanting to crowd you when you obviously feel terrible*
*i return the motel key, pack the truck up and then help you and max up into the cab, my big hands gentle on your hips as i let you lean on me*
*rubs the outside of your thigh in what i hope is a comforting gesture before giving you a little smile and shutting your door, heading around to my side of the truck to start us off*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /it's hard to even concentrate on a word you stay, stifled moans and groans eliciting left and right every time i move and i'm even a little too ashamed to want you to see me in this state any longer.
/attempts to lightly nudge the puppy away, knowing he is just curious but i don't want him to give away any signs of my.. 'discomfort'.
/bunches up the blankets and hugs it tightly, my tail no longer between my legs but my ears remain pinned back, hating the intense wave of heat the washes over me every now and then and the seizing cramps.
just.. let's g-go out.
/nods, though extremely reluctant, the low hiss that escapes me making it clear that i'm really not feeling well and another cry bubbles up from my throat, the friction of the sheets against my skin is agonizing.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *shifts to rest back against the headboard so its easy for you to press close to me and get that proximity you require*
* your hair and rubs your arms, feeling like this is all my fault because i was too stupid not to delete old hookups from my phone*
*sighs heavily, wishing i had a quick and easy fix even though you tell me its just a cold*
what do you want to do? we can rest at the hotel today if you like, or if you need a distraction we can keep driving...
*trails off thoughtfully, looking at your face and giving a curt shake of my head*
but we won't drive far. maybe just a few towns over. i don't want to put extra stress on your body. its up to you- and don't make a decision based on what you think i want okay, beautiful? please make sure youre taking good care of yourself so that i can take care of you, too.
*max has jumped up on the bed in the meantime, and is sniffling all up and down your body in curiosity, appearing confused by something*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /as if it was instant, the second you part from my body i emit a loud, perhaps too childish of a cry, my expression twisted with discomfort and when you return my hands reach out for you.
/my intense body heat isn't so easily subdued by a cold cloth, and i choke out on my words, knowing exactly what is happening although i hate the thought of ruining our trip because of it, my only other option being to play it off as a small sickness.
/holding onto your arm whilst you speak, i shake my head, just the thought of you leaving my side has me sniveling like a newborn baby.
/internally screaming, my body aches and i shift and turn, unable to find a comfortable position and.. unfortunately, throughout the whole ordeal and my fake coughs, i've become aroused, the way the sheets rub up against me when i move is too good of a feeling to not want to delve into.
m-my body.. hurts.. um. i- it's just a cold i think.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *somewhere along the line i had drifted off to sleep, holding you firmly enough to be secure but gently enough not to stifle you. your small movements and sounds wake me up nonetheless, as i feel very attuned to your sleeping patterns, and i know when they're not regular*
*battles my drowsiness, and becomes alert enough to see you curled protectively around your own belly, little tears wetting your cheeks*
*makes my own little noise of concern, a frown creasing my brow as i press the backs of my fingers to your forehead, eyes widening at the scalding heat*
jesus, baby. you're on fire.
*throws the blankets off me and quickly moves to the bathroom, returning with a cold, damp wash cloth which i put on your forehead under your fringe*
don't cry, little one, don't cry... *murmurs, hating to see you like this* tell me where it hurts? i think i have some painkillers in the truck
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /the warmth of your return to the bed was welcomed and very much needed, my smaller frame naturally fitting myself closer in your arms as a series of soft, tired whimpers slip past my tightly pursed lips.
/lithe fingers grip the blankets tightly, giving them a small tug while i shift my weight, thighs clenched together and my expression has become something more of discomfort, eyelids threatening to open.
/the wave of heat keeps coming and going, my insides clenching and it almost feels like cramps but not quite; i whine out a little louder and i'm now awake, ears pinned back and tail s between my legs, a few tears slipping down my cheeks.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *falling asleep and still having you in my arms after all this is the best feeling; but I still wait for you to rest before I do so myself, wanting to make sure there's no more worry furrowing your brow and no more sadness in your big, beautiful eyes*
*wakes up with max in the morning and regretfully leaves your side, taking him out into the small motel garden to do his business and stretch his legs. We come back inside and I shiver, regretting not wearing a heavier jacket as I set some food out for him*
*the image of you lying there under the sheets is too inviting to pass up, so I allow myself a morning to sleep in, knowing max will put himself down for a little nap after his breakfast anyway. I slide under the sheets, careful not to jostle you, loving how warm your body is against mine*
*its as I'm starting to feel sleepy and heavy again that I realise you feel a little warmer than just "warm", and you're breathing heavier in your sleep than you normally are*
*my expression twists in displeasure at the thought of you being ill, but your face shows no sign of distress so I let you get your rest, hoping that you'll wake up feeling fine*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan but i still should not touch what isn't mine..
/mostly still stressed out from what i had witnessed, i normally would have been a little more calm by now; i was about to keep going on but your words stop me, and as if everything finally came together, a large weight had lifted from my shoulders.
i love you too..
/as the room is filled with a sudden darkness it's not scary, but peaceful, and my chest swells with warmth and i'm wrapped in your arms; it's all i needed and wanted.
/lifts my head ever so slightly just to give the tip of your nose a sweet, loving peck, as i usually do when i feel happy.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *shakes my head, knowing you must feel like you were seeing something you shouldn't have, but i really dont think about it like that*
little one, your actions were perfectly justified. its not a big deal to me. if you ever wanted to look at my phone because it gave you peace of mind, i would happily offer it to you, okay?
*holds the blanket firmly in my hands and does my best to stop you from hiding away too much*
i love you.
*reminds you, the words feeling all kinds of unusual as they come out of my mouth, but i like knowing that I'm sharing such a sentiment with you*
*reaches out to switch the lamp off, turning to face you in bed and pressing our foreheads together adoringly*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan you wouldn't had to of done all that if i just.. didn't look at your phone.
/while appreciating being coddled, i still feel bad, as i was essentially snooping by checking your phone; nonetheless i do feel a little at ease after your endless reassurance.
/lowers my head in shame after you do end up telling me how worried you were, forcing myself not to well up in tears and i use the blanket to try and cover myself with.
i- i'm sorry..
/i utter the nth apology that night, just as i look up and feel your lips against my own, soon enough hiding away against your chest again.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin *cradles you like you're the most precious thing i've ever laid hands on, because you are, and i want you to feel safe here, in my arms*
all i did was delete those contacts from my past, kitten. i've been meaning to do it for a long time, but i used to have a hard time letting go of the past.
*sighs softly and rubs your arm, feeling goosebumps still rising along your skin, and i really hope you won't fall ill after this*
you really had me worried, jimin. i was really scared that you would do something drastic, or that someone might snatch you up and i'd have to go all liam neeson to track you down.
*chuckles dryly at my own joke and shifts lower down into the bed so i can tilt my head and give you the gentlest of kisses on your pouty lips*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /the sound of the rain drowns out my heavy thoughts, still shivering the odd moment and i found myself sneezing a couple of times, head resting against you with lidded eyes, small hands gripping at the towel i have refused to let go of for no good reason.
a little bit..
/my voice is still quiet, expecting you to give me a firm scolding for running out and risking hurting myself but i got nothing, and part of me is relieved while the other half remains worried about.. things.
y-you should sleep.
/blurting out, i slowly shrink back down into the blankets and rub at my eyes.
♦ William Chan 7 years ago
@♥ Jimin i'll be there in just a minute...
*tells you in a gentle voice as i sit at the table and scan through my contacts, deleting each and every number that isn't easily recognisable... and i know this is something i should have done a long time ago. doing it now, however, makes me feel like I'm really at a stage in my life where i'm moving on*
*puts the phone aside with a relieved sigh once my phone is clear, and hastens over to you to help you finish drying up*

*half an hour later and we're cosy in bed, watching the rain through the blinds of this cheap motel room, only one bedside lamp giving a weak wash of light to the space*
*kisses your hair and cheek over and over whenever i feel like it, not wanting to let you go*
are you warmer now?
*mumbles huskily, closing my eyes*
♥ Jimin 7 years ago
@♦ William Chan /it comes to the point where i'm too cold to properly feel you against me and i only draw a small look of confusion, shuddering and my teeth chattering.
/your torso is chilly as well but it's warm enough, my instincts to cling to such source of heat and i hide my face against the pit of your neck, hunched around you like a little koala but my face has changed from distressed to a little nore relieved when i spot max jumping up on your leg, nose pointed at me and i reach a hand down, albeit still shaky, and pat his head slowly.
/grips onto the blankets tightly and tries wiping away my tears, our puppy happily joining me although i'm soaked; i'm a little reluctant to make eye contact in fear that you are a little disappointed in me.
/tightens the towel around me, catching what is in your hand out of the corner of my eye and my small ears flatten, a hiss threatening to come out but i'm so cold that it's just a weak wheeze.


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repeat124 4 years ago
Hello, if this is still alive, I would like to reserve xiao dejun please?
cautionramen 5 years ago
KittyKat5646 5 years ago
If this is still alive I'd like to join. If not, does anyone wanna pm rp this?
BaekYeollie87 5 years ago
active here still?
MochiKinkPrince 6 years ago
I'm on mobile and I looked through, I don't THINK I saw Park Jimin (BTS) listed, so if he's available would I be allowed to apply?
rantani 6 years ago
leaving every muse except for Jinho XD
sayonarababy- 6 years ago
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
AliceYuiAK 6 years ago
Could I be Yuri? Also, what is the "group" in the application?
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Left Xiumin and kumsung. Keeping Hwanhee
daftbearaveo 6 years ago
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7
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