Zelo grumbles annoyed as he stares annoyed at the law professor as he drones on and on in his monotonous voice as he taught the class. Zelo sighs softly and started to doodle on his notebook wishing for the time to pass and to talk to someone. He was new here, just recently transferred to the University and felt out of place since he didn't know anyone and that he was more of a reserved shy person which made it hard for him to make friends or talk to others.
@♦ Zelo Looking back up at the student, Siyoung nodded before answering the question. "Did you try to download a textbook or something? These types of hackers usually go after students. Once you opened the program and ran it, that let them in." He started to explain, handing back the laptop. "A better firewall and virus protection. Have you recently lost a subscription to one?" he asked, looking around at his office mates before speaking quietly. "The uni probably wouldn't want me telling you this but I can email you a service that can protect you for free. I recommend it to most of the students that walk in here."
@♦ Zelo Sitting in the IT office, Siyoung worked on another student's laptop. It had caught a virus and the student had put in their information in the prompts, making it so someone could hack into their laptop. Luckily they brought it in time and I has a USB that has a code that fixes it and they will be able to get most of their things back, depending on how long they had the virus for. Finishing up, he sent an email to the student that the laptop will be ready for pick up whenever they are ready. He sat back in his chair, logging in his hours. Waiting for any other requests to fix things, he went over different codes in his head, making sure he remembered how to do certain codes he doesn't usually do.
My time has come to say goodbye. I was here when this place was beautiful and it hurts to say goodbye but I must go~ Thank you for the wild ride and if you ever revamp please let me know!❤
Hey, Seungwon has left the building
I wasn't rping here all that much and I wanted to free up the character
But who knows, I might return as someone else
See ya'll later o7