㈢ lake

☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he was beyond disappointed in his sibling. she knew more than anyone else how unfair their lives were. they were not born as a peaceful members of the pack - the rankless. they were children of the leader. to live a simple life, they would have to leave the pack and give up on their ranks , on their rightful positions. sehun had promised his father to be a kind and great leader, and sometimes it take some sacrifices. they had to be made. sooner or after. sehun wanted to leave and be cold to his family. he could not stand betrayal. yet when his sister suddenly fainted he widened eyes and ran to her. the male shook her and called for her name before collecting his sister in his arms. he could feel the crack in the core as he carried her quickly back and called for a royal physician as soon as they entered the premises. they were indeed twins - the one who got his core damaged for protecting his love and the other - for making the wrong decisions and having a heartbroken first love. sehun was disappointed in them both, they were his only family, yet he deeply knew that it was inevitable.
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☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ hearing what the leader had told her, she stopped in her tracks and listened, she couldn't stop crying and it was hurting her more. everything he had told her made feel more and more saddened, she couldn't muster up more emotions like a water was tipping over the glass. she clutched her chest more, she wanted to apologized to him and her twin, but she think it was too late. she was about to take one more step when she felt her golden core made a crack inside her, feeling the stinging pain in her chest as if she was getting a heart attack. she groans in pain and let out a huge gust of wind before it dispersed, she instantly went unconscious right after she felt the pain in her core.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ when the other spoke about her trauma and the way she felt like she was not being respected, the other felt his blood boil. sehun was usually a calm person, he put everyone in front of himself. 'you think you are the only one hurting?' he looked down. 'you are allowed to mate with whoever you want. what about me? I am forced to mate with someone I do not like. 'he looked up at her. 'not being enough with you? you are not a simple beta. you are royal beta. your whole life is being decided. you think the council would allow yibo to mate with zhan if he was from any other pack? do not make me laugh. he got 40 beatings and being resentful his whole life and he married an ally omega. you know what wens did to our dad, to our family. you expect me to understand?' he gritted his teeth. 'I was put down as well. the only alpha in the whole family to be a late bloomer. to release pheromones late in the teenage years. being a beta is bad? imagine if you were a future leader and an omega. this is what I went through. ' he sighed and looked up. 'no wen alpha is a good person. they can act good and nice in front of us. to get close to us, to get to the sacred library. to get us down. the things ruohan did to our father, to anyone else to get what he wanted. the unorthodox cultivation. I am sorry, but you are right. I was born as a leader and I will die as a leader and I will not let anyone destroy our clan.' he said as he looked at her, powerful leader's aura finally being let out.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ she never expected to be like this, yeri never had seen how her older brother be angry at her, this was her first. she thought she would understand, maybe yeri is too kind towards their enemies. the beta suffered enough trauma in her life, getting kidnapped and tortured, severed connections with her twin, their father's passing, the council neglecting her, and now her older brother scolding her for falling for their enemies. "i thought you would understand..." she muttered and stood up from the ground as he turns his back, "all those years, you were the only one i can always count on. as a brother, you always told me i can be what i wanted to be and what i wanted to be with..." yeri answered him while her voice is still shaky, "yibo had his mate, you had been busy as a leader, and me... i have been lonely, comforting myself that everything will be okay. but the wen wolf you so hated, she was there when two of you weren't with me. she's my happiness..." then she looked at her brother with a bit of courage in her eyes. "ending it is just taking away what makes me happy..." then she clenched her fist, she still holds her family dearly as they were before, "but if it's for our family's safety... i'll do what you said." then she turns away, clutching her chest as her heart is hurting inside, "you can tell it to the council or not... it's your decision as a leader. i am ready for any consequences that will befall on me, even banishment, i can take it..." and she starts to walk away from him, still clutching on her chest as she is ready to end the relationship with her and her precious wen. tears falling from her eyes as she walks.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he listened to her when she told about the dark times. the rescue team of gusu had looked for the taken princess all around the kingdom and even the neighbour packs before they found her in wen. the story about her being taken, her fists clenched and it only fuelled the alpha's anger towards the wens. how dare they to touch a royal alpha. the male was about to apologise that it took them so long to rescue her, to find her. they did try their best. at the mention of a rescuer, he looked at her. suddenly, he understood what she wanted to say. it was a wen wolf that rescued her. sehun suddenly stood up and looked at the lake. 'not as your brother but as a leader. ' he clenched his fists.' I am against it. you are not an ordinary wolf to fall for a wen person, yeri!' he raised his voice. 'do you know what they did to our family? what they did to our pack? and you suddenly want me to understand? you think it is love?' he let out a chuckle of disbelief, his eyes flashing blue at the anger. 'especially if your rescuer is a high ranked official. you think suddenly they would fall for you? what ? do you have a Stockholm syndrome? wake up,' he didn't notice how angry he was . 'they know who you are. they are waiting like predators in the bushes to jump out and destroy our pack. they are threatened by us and you were a target.' sehun yelled at her. 'immediately end this relationship or I will have to remove you from the pack. I won't trust anyone who is going to be close to the wen family.' he said his verdict and turned around, his own heart clenching as he had to be like this, like a true leader towards his own sister.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ "i..." she bit her lip and fiddled her fingers as her mind battles if she would say it or would not say it as if she's going to unveil her secret to her older brother. "d-do you remember the time i didn't show up in our mansion for a week? when father became wary of me because i didn't came back home?" she told him, "i went hunting with my friends for food for our pack when hunters ambushed us all of a sudden, when we're outnumbered a pack of wen wolves killed them and took us as their prisoner in their city..." yeri tells sehun what really happened that time she got lost again. "my friends were killed for trying get away from the prison and they met a burning end from wen soldiers, the scars on my skin right now... got them from the tortures they made, they knew about me... and they want me to tell everything that our pack has..." she looked down, as her eyes became teary as she could still remember the tortures she had experience within the walls of qishan. "i tried to keep my mouth shut but the pain they gave me... it's too much... then they threatened to assassinate our father, you and yibo... so i... i gave in..." then she bursts into tears but she continues to tell her brother. "t-then... in my third day... someone rescued me... a wen wolf..." then she looked at him with her eyes filled with tears, "she was the one who brought me to the nearest hospital to get me recovered... and then we... slowly and eventually, start seeing each other again and again... until we..." yeri couldn't finished her sentence as she hugged herself as she couldn't hold back all the guilt she had as she sobbed and dropped to her knees, "i'm sorry, oppa... i'm so sorry i kept this from you..." she covered her face as she cried silently.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he nod head, he did remember irene from the childhood. he and her went to the same medical department and high school as well. irene was no stranger to the royal family. at her words, he smiled and looked up. 'yeri-ya. I am the leader, I decide who goes after me. the council can go to hell.' he cursed and laughed before looking at her. 'I know that in the past me and yibo...we were different, we were looked at differently and it was wrong. we both understood the importance of an alpha, yet we could not tolerate seeing you so sad. yibo once got hit 40 times with the wooden paddle because he dared to protect you. he went against his own leaders to prove that you are more than capable. so don't think you are not important. you are our little sister.' he smiled and ruffled her hair. 'I know that you, more than anyone, understand the importance of our pack. we all are a big family. we should stick together and protect each other. ' he looked at the lake. 'I remembered the ruckus the council caused when yibo introduced zhan.' he shook head. 'zhan had broken all of the rules before and suddenly he was mated into the royal family. you know how council does not like the mix of the packs.' the alpha sat up and grew silent as she suddenly spoke. 'we are a family, yers. we are there to protect each other and understand.'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ yeri is very careful of keeping secrets since she's on her own, her own family despised wens as long as they can remember, but yeri is different, she knows that not all wen wolves are bad. some wen wolves only believes on their own ideals with no understanding with others. but since she had been with a wen for a few years, sooner or later, her brothers will know everything. when time comes, yeri would lose everything she build for herself. as she listened to her brother, she couldn't help but to chuckle at his response, "you know irene unnie is my childhood friend right? she became more busier when she became the leader of our pack as well, her father was a good man." she smiled at the thought of irene's father preparing foods for them before. "he used to cook foods for us and he always gave us treats whenever we're heading out to the woods, i missed that old man. but well, he raised unnie well enough to be more reliable and responsible leader." then she throws her final pebble to the lake. then eventually became silent, back to her being the second heir, she's more worried of it when they found out. yeri looked back at sehun, "oppa... i know you already noticed it but... there's something i need to tell you and you must understand that i only speak the truth and nothing but the truth." she looked at him in the eye with honesty, "please don't get mad at me and must understand that everything i have encountered in my life is nothing but unexpected outcomes." then promised her brother.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ when the other suddenly started to act weirdly, almost freezing at sehun's statement, he took a whip of anxiety from her. he wondered why and hoped she would be honest with him. his eyes moved back at the lake, yet his mind focused on the strange behaviour of his sister. as blood runs deeper than water, the pack was a priority. and if someone dared to betray the pack and its' ideology, family or not, they would be banished from Gusu Lan - especially if it was a royal wolf. sehun looked up at the mention of the kids and sighed, they could not. they would have to undergo a special ritual with the Fenrir and ect. 'no, I am wondering why the council even have a leader alpha. I mean we cannot produce kids. maybe it is because of her background.' the other wondered.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ she stopped throwing rocks and looked at the older one, her spine grew colder once she heard she'll be the second heir in case sehun couldn't bear a child. with the news, yeri frowned more and looked away, fearing that what happens when they knew she had rendezvous with a wen. "i... that's..." she's shocked but she's also happy for it, but both fear and happiness lingers in her. "i should feel happy about it but i fear of something..." the lan beta said before she continued to throw pebbles to the lake. Then she chuckles when she heard her brother about irene, "she's cold but she is very hardworking kind of an alpha, does male alpha and female alpha bears a child?" she asked him.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he shrugged and thew another pebble. 'well, you are very wrong.' the alpha grinned. 'I haven't told anyone...but our dad he left something behind. an official document of the new rules he had changed. he named you as the second heir. it is if I won't have kids.' the alpha chuckled and shook head. he was really not ready to be bound down with a bunch of little puppies. he was too young for kids, besides his nephew was on the way. 'irene?' he sighed at the mention of the female. 'she is very..difficult. earlier she had fallen sick and tired to act like hero until I made her stay in the bed. I do not wish to ruin our reputation if the enemies will realise that one of the leaders have a weak immune system.' the other stared at the water. 'I wish...stuff would be different, but we all have to sacrifice something, no?'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ yeri rolled her eyes and sighs when she heard sehun telling her to be what she is, she disagreed. "it's like telling me i'm just on my second best, i'm not buying it." then she throws another pebble and it went farther than the last throw, "even i'm the rightful heir after you, as long as our pack knows that i'm a beta, they will replace me with yibo, because they know he's an alpha... and i will just go back to where i'm supposed to be." yeri gets another pebble and throws another one before looking back at her older brother. "anyway... how is irene unnie doing? i heard she moved to our mansion for closure." then she asked as she changed the subject while crossing her arms
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he jumped off the pier and walked closer to the shore as well. the leader sat down on the rocky shore, picking up some pebbles and inspecting them. he played with the rocks in his hands and chuckled. 'but being the only girl also have privileges, yeri-ya. technically, since you are the second born, you are the rightful heir to the throne after me. I think it is impressive too. ' he looked up and smiled. 'we all have our faults and things we dislike. but should we live our whole life focusing on the negative? you were born as a beta, embrace it. love being a beta. love being who you are. this is what I learned, you cannot change how people think about you, but you can change how you think about yourself. and no one is ever going to love you more than you can love yourself.' the male smiled and threw the pebble into the lake as well.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ yeri snorted at the fact that some people in their clan thought of sehun not being a true lan, "oh please-- you know what's worst than that? not getting acknowledged by most of the pack because i was born a beta." she sighed out of frustrations just by thinking about it, "you and yibo are always ahead of me..." yeri muttered before she stood up and goes down to the shore where there are pebbles on the ground, "you two spend most of your time training together to get stronger while i just watched, i wanted to look after the two of you." then she picked up some smooth flat pebbles to throw on to the lake, "i want to be stronger, i can't stand being just a hunter for our pack." then she threw one pebble to the water, making it skip through the surface until it submerged.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he hummed, 'to build ayusoft in hangshui was his own idea, as soon as he heard that I am opening a hospital there.' the leader exhaled softly. 'I guess it is his way of looking after me. knowing how I am the reckless one. sometimes...people say I am not a true lan, because of my personality.' there was a hint of sadness in his voice as he spoke. he turned head to look at her. 'hangshui is not safe for betas or omegas, yeri-ya. I am not downgrading you because of how you are..it is just...me and yibo, we have been training to be not only high ranked officials, but also soldiers..and we want our family to be safe.' he leaned to pat her head once more, slipping his palm inside of his pocket and getting out his phone. he pressed onto few buttons before sending her the number. the alpha winked playfully and pressed his index finger against his lips, 'don't tell him I gave you it, let it be our little secret, okay?'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ yeri smiled and looks at her brother, "i know he's working in hangshui, the city of hunters..." she muttered and looked down again as her worried appeared on her face. "zhan told me he kept himself busy since he's pregnant with a yuan." then she turn her body to face towards the older man, "i want to visit him while he's at work and catch up with him but i don't have his number, i can go there alone but i can't guarantee of my own safety." she had been worried so much for yibo upon learning his work in hangshui, she wanted to go there and check up on him. yeri wanted to reconnect with him since they last talk after their graduation from fenrir academy. "oppa, i know you have yibo's number. if i may, can you give it to me? i wanted to talk to him again." she softly asked him, "i really missed him, a lot..."
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he chuckled as she suddenly spoke about the past. 'you two are really twins.' he shook head and laughed. 'yibo..he might be quiet and demure, but actually he is the one being led by his emotions. he refused to listen to the father..do you know why?' he looked back at the water and seemed as if he was lost in his thoughts. 'because he has been blaming himself this whole time. he is this youngest bratty child, who sometimes does not think twice before hurting. he unconsciously wants everyone to hurt if he is hurt.' he smiled and looked at you. 'you blame yourself for what mother did, yibo blames himself for killing him as well. but no one is at fault. it was mom's decision. it was mom's choice to do what he did. no one is at fault.' he sighed softly and shook head. 'I wish I could help, but lately he has been....not himself?' he shrugged. 'I think dad's death just broke him completely. he shows like he doesn't care but I know he misses you too..yeri-ya'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ the lan beta couldn't help but to feel sorry to her brother every time he told her that their mother weren't fond of being with him, only at that time, he most loved the twins in his dying breath. "i'm sorry to hear that, oppa. i wish he could live a few more years but without yibo on my side." she sighs and looked down, "i do love yibo as a twin, but things went upside down when we knew about our mom's death and how she died." then she clenched her fists. yeri is still blaming herself for being born first and not giving yibo the equal essence as her, making her weak and always getting sick, as well as her mother's life for her twin brother. "i don't blame yibo for our mother's death, i was to blame for that..." then she touches her blue necklace with white jade flower pendant, "don't worry about my powers, i know my limits." yeri smiles at sehun and sighs again. "i want to talk to yibo again... it's been a few years since we last talk, he even changed his number." then she pouted a bit.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ when the other mentioned about how he had seen the mother, his expression darkened, 'there is nothing to be jealous of. despite me seeing him, he never visited me. unlike you and yibo, mother never loved me, like he loved you both.' he somehow forced a small smile as he looked at his sister. 'but he was really beautiful and..' when the other mentioned how she did not resemble the mother, he shook head and chuckled. 'you are mistaken, you have his powers and his eyes.' he looked at the water and closed eyes for a bit, allowing sun rays to hit against his face. 'you are more him than I will ever be. I guess I am more of a father's child. ' he let out a soft chuckle. 'and since you have his powers, ' he opened eyes and looked at the other. 'I hope you will put it to the good use, for our pack. remember, the powers have a side effect. the more you will use them, the more your core will crack. it takes great spiritual power and growth to cultivate that, yeri. and you sadly cannot save everyone.' he looked at her with greatest concern and reached to gently pat her head.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ yeri smiled at her older brother and sighed as they remember the story of their mother, their mother who has the passive ability to make, even the rarest blue peonies, bloom. "i used to make flower crowns out of it when we were kids, yibo loved it whenever he was wearing that. blue peony crown." she softly told him, "i kinda envy you seeing our mom when you were little, me and yibo never see her in person, only in pictures." she sighed. that's true, the twins never see their mother's face in person as he died holding onto them in his arms, "yibo is the only one that resembles mom, i don't look like anyone familiar." she looked down a bit.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he looked up at the sky. it was unusually warm for that time of the year. he felt as if his parents' were looking after them and making sure they stayed warm. he chuckled and nod head. his father was one of the wisest people he knew. qiren was calm and down to earth, that's why he was the best leader to lead lan pack. sometimes..sometimes Sehun wondered if he could be as great as their father. the thought that did not leave his mind for months now.
when the other spoke about the essentials, he remembered the story. they used to sit around the camp fire. he would hold little yibo's head on one thigh, as the latter had decided to fall asleep, and yeri on the other. they had lost mother, but they still had his father.
their father was the best out there. he was the only one who could be closest to the father of the year. qiren was their everything and one day he was taken away. he could have lived for many years, he was too young. qiren was barely 46. Sehun looked down and sighed. 'remember the stories about mom? how he could make the rare blue peonies bloom?' he chuckled. 'sometimes when you and yibo do it, it kinda makes me remember it.'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ when she opened her eyes after finishing her meditation, she looked over to see her older brother beside her. "he used to bring me here when i'm alone." yeri told him about her time with their alpha father in the lake, "we used to fish here but he said that these fishes we see in this lake are the only species in the world, so once he caught one of the fishes, he throws it back to the lake." she added and looked at the blue and white koi fishes beneath the water. "our father used to tell us that we're the three essentials of the earth, you as the sky, me as the water, yibo is the earth..."

"at first i thought we were gods, but when we grew, i realized that what he told us... is how important we are to him." she chuckled softly and looked up at the sky, "three of us represents the foundation of our pack as well, without one of us, our pack will be unstable." the beta told sehun and smiled at him.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ everyone knew that the leader had times when he wanted to be all alone. like today, he loved to just walk around his beloved land and enjoyed the breeze. gusu lan seemed like a frozen land from the outside, but only the true lan wolves could see the beauty. gusu lan wolves were one with the land, the Mother Nature loving all of her wolves. when the leader stepped inside the forest, it seemed like all of the flowers bowed their heads to the leader. he reached to caress the petals of the blue peony. there were only two people who could make them bloom. at first, there was only his beloved omega parent, but after he had passed away, it was his two siblings. sehun was jealous, he never inherited even anything from the omega parent. all he inherited was the royal gusu everything from the dad.
it was a rather nice day. it was warm, as if the summer was still there. he followed the flowery path and smiled. he saw his sister by the pier of the healing stream. he stepped closer and plopped down next to her without saying anything. he hooked legs over the edge after taking off shoes and splashed water with his toes. ' what are you doing?' the alpha smiled and leaned back against his palms.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ yeri made her way to the lake where she supposed to meditate alone to make appease with her inner core, to prevent herself succumbed to depression and the blackening of one's core. she went to the pier and takes a deep breath, she hummed softly as it was about to dawn. yeri sat at the edge of the pier and starts to meditate, she closed her eyes and takes a deep breath, she starts reminiscing the times she had with her siblings when they were kids, when they were still with their father. the beta wolf smiled as she cherished the moment with them.
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☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang seonghwa ᵒ sehun knew he had to bring someone along.
humans kept bothering the border line, but everyone was busy at the front post. some of the sleek humans had decided to walk around the border and find the holes in their barrier. he had fought them, the best he could.
sure, sehun was the best alpha when it came to a close combat, but they were too many. it was a battle of life and death. the other was rather badly injured, yet he won - the lifeless humans slowly rot on the ground, decorating the nearby blue peonies with their blood. he somehow managed to got himself to the lake. gusu lan's cold spring had curative powers, it was used for centuries as a bathe of life - to bring back energy and strength.
yet, he was too tired to get to the lake. he had rested against the tree and didn't even notice how he had shifted into his pure white wolf. the tired animal curled into a ball before a soft voice managed to wake him up. sehun got surprised, his blue crystal eyes looked at the omega. he was so surprised, the alpha was ready to attack, yet taking a whip of his scent, he stopped his attack. he could not harm an omega.
❀┊jiang seonghwa ᵒ[TaeKook] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ @☁┊lan sehun ᵃ Seonghwa was exploring the lake, he looking for something he had dropped.He had come here with the intention of finding some herbs that were commonly used in his packs kind of medicine.In his journey he came across an alpha that was injured"hello there mister wolf ,can I help you?"he didn't get a chance too at the wolf shifted into a human.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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 ▸ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ - 1
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ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀs!
W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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