
● wen linghe's apartment
● wen linghe's apartment
qishan pack • RATED M
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ she kept for several moments non stop as the other doesn't stop abusing her insides with his thick shaft that s deeper and deeper inside her. she then felt something warm exploded inside her womb, she squeals and pants afterwards when the other told her not to move. "n-no... no m-more..." she told him as she pants.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ Linghe knew he has found her sweet spot, judging from how loud her moans were when his tip poked on it. Keeping the angle, he s deeper and faster while his hands hold on to her thigh and place it on top of his shoulder, allowing the alpha to penetrates deeper inside. It's a short and deep movements, hitting on that spot repeatedly without any mercy. A few more and Linghe's shaft swells in size, rips apart her wet cavern as it shoots white sticky inside her womb. "Don't move or it will hurt more for you." He warns between their pants.
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ as soon as the other made his movements faster, this made the beta moaned louder as his shaft starts to further. along her moans, she heard the other wanting to call his name loud and clear. however, minjeong pretended not to hear it as she kept as she felt how good what they are doing. when the other changed his position she felt his tip into her spot which made her moan louder and there she moans his name, 'l-linghe... linghe..." she squeals again as her mind starts to think that it is good what they are doing. "a-ah..."
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ Now, pleasureable moans and groans filled up the room and with a single glance, Linghe knew the beta has given up on resisting the pleasure and now, drown completely with it. With eyes locked on her, the alpha increased his, make it fast and short, penetrated deep inside of her once womanhood. The bed made a creacking sounds unable to hold up with their rough movements. "Linghe, call my name loud and clear." He hissed as the hip ed faster. Inside, he could feel how his shaft swelled and changed in size, filled up her inside. Changes his angle, the tip poked accidentally poked on her sweet spot.
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ minjeong's squealing turned into a moan which she's not aware of and keep focusing on the pain she's in, she couldn't think straight at this situation. she wanted someone to save her, anyone, her cousins, her pack. but they are nowhere around, they think she was sulking in the corner, reading peacefully. "a-ah..." then in a few moments of the other's ing into her, she's slowly couldn't think any longer and slowly succumbed completely into the intoxicating pheromones of theirs making her felt the inescapable pleasure and ecstasy. every he made inside her, she felt the pleasure she cannot come back to.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ Painful screams echoed inside but no one ever care or come for a help, they're in Wen territory where beta and omega treated like a mere trash. Once fresh blood colour orbs changed into a brighter one, love how the beta womanhood squeezed his proud shaft as if her life depended on it. It took some moments until she adjusted to his foreign blunt member and those screams turned into a mess. Lacing their fingers together and place it above her head, Linghe places a soft kiss on her teary eyes as his hip moves in steady speed, let her drown in the pleasure. "Ngh.. Ah, you're so tight." Groaning lowly, the alpha gradually increasing his speed. Not too fast but not too slow, enough for both of them to forget about the reality and focuses on estacy of sinful pleasure. "Are you still able to say no, now?" Somehow, it's an odd pleasure for him to teases the beta, make her beg and plead for Linghe to continue his action.
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ she squeals more when his fingers went deeper before pulling it out, minjeong pants softly but hears his underwear taking down. she opened her eyes and see the other's member, she shakes her head and refused, "no! no! please--" again, it was too late when the other slammed inside her which made the beta screamed in pain as she felt the popping pain from her untouched womanhood. "it hurts--" minjeong groaned as holds onto the bedsheets more, she could feel the other's thing throbbing inside her walls, tears starts to fall from her eyes from the pain she is suffering right now. due to the pheromones inside the room, the usual pain she would get will eventually minimal as it would slowly turn it into pleasure which the beta couldn't resist.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ The room used to have Linghe sandalwood-fresh lemon pheromone filled in as he has never brought anyone to his private abode but now, mixture of their pheromones, sweats and reek of mixed into one, creating an intoxicating smell. Loud moans and groans echoed inside with faint skin slapping sounds. His fingers do their jobs perfectly, with gradual increase in speed. The alpha can't wait anymore. With a few deep , his fingers leave her sacred place. Fondle with his zipper, a hook shaped shaft proudly out on the scene. "You'll like this even more." He whispers as the tip rubs against her wet enterance. With his hand, Linghe positions it before slams right into her tight and wet womanhood with a loud satisfying groans. "!" Luck is definitely on his side. Spent a night with two s in different time is something not all wolves able to experience.
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ minjeong closed her eyes shut and squirming on her position while the other is still kept on touching her body, when she was about to answer his fingers starts to pinch her bud which sends chills to her spine as she felt how sensitive it is. she moans once again and couldn't hear herself but she keeps on groaning and as the alpha kept on ing his fingers into her which made the beta groaned simultaneously on him, she feels scared doing this in front of the alpha but she starts to feel the cinch of pleasure coming from what the other is doing. "s...s-stop..." she muffled as she kept on as his fingers ing inside her in a fast pace, "don't.... s-stop..." minjeong is still keeping her eyes shut as she told him, holding the sheets tightly.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ Right now, it is useless for the beta to refuse his advances since both of them are letting their inner wolves taking control. Ignoring her plead, his fingers twirl on her pink sensitive bud, arousing the lady. Other hand slips inside her underwear, smirking as he feels sweet nectar dripping out from her womanhood. "You sure you want me to stop?" He questions her while rubbing on her wet sensitive . "I can stop right now if you wish to." Fingers pinch on her bud lightly but still enough power to seduce her. Linghe leans closer and tongue grazes over her earlobe. "So, what do you want lady?" With that question, two fingers ed inside her and moves in and out in a rough and speedy manner.
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ the beta couldn't help but to just muffling and through their kiss. she knows this is bad but what can she do? she's just a beta, and he is a dominant alpha. she felt his hands slowly creeping inside her clothes, he fondled her mounds roughly as she squeals softly and shakes her head. "n-no..." minjeong denied then she felt his other hand slipping through her underwear and touches her untouched thing between her legs. "d-don't!" she told him but she was too weak to resist, and now she moaned again when the other bit her ear in a sensual way. his fingers are moving slowly in between which made another leak of a nectar from her underwear.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ From third person point of view, this might consider as an act of force without consent from other party. But consent, his inner wolf were growling louder than before inside his head. Sensing minty faint pheromones mixed with his lemon sandalwood one, Linghe knew her heat has been triggered. String of saliva connects them as he reluctantly pulls away with eyes fix on hers. In swift motion, his lips latches on her fair neck while his right hand sneak inside her clothes, fondle on her buds in rough manner. Left hand travels down and slips inside her lower attire, rubs it along her dripping wet enterance in slow manner. "You're so ing y." He whispers on her ear before biting it sensually.
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ minjeong tries to pull away but was pinned down on the bed, then she was bit on her lower lip automatically opens and his tongue roughly plays with hers. she couldn't identity this sensation, the way he kisses her abd the pheromones he got slowly gets her to her sudden heat for the first time since yeri advised her to take heat or rut supressants if she's not ready. minjeong moaned softly as she struggles to break free from his hold. he's stronger, dominant and could take her down with his pheromones spreading across the room. she suddenly felt getting wet, the pheromones triggers her sudden heat and it cannot be stopped. she starts to feel the heat from her thing between her legs as it starts to leak some of her minty scented pheromones.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ Seems like this beta a bit harder to tame. No doubt his pheromones affected her and yet, using remaining conscience within, she tried to stop him. Unfortunately for her, Linghe isn't in his gentleman mode. Instead of complying the lady's request, the alpha's orbs change into a fresh blood one as he pushes both of her wrists against the bed. With no words, he bites on her lower lips, forcing the lady and slips tongue inside. His tongue on hers in rough manner, signalling he has enough playing a good boy role. With a breath away, Linghe releases his pheromone stronger, make her weakers and if she's not strong enough, she might have her sudden heat period. While kissing the lady, he pressing their lower body together, allow her to feel his growing bulge.
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ the beta doesn't know what to do, she inhaled too much pheromones that even her own body couldn't guard up as it relaxed just the way the alpha wants. she wanted to run away but her body was already leaning onto his touch. the other said to follow her instinct, she gasped when their lips touch and he proceeds to steal the beta's first kiss. minjeong muffled a moan as she closed her eyes shut and tries to pull away from him, but because of his pheromones she slowly felt his hands on her chest and , she gasped once again and looked at him. she pulled away from the kiss, "i-i can't... p-please let me go..." minjeong begged but it was way too late for her to get out of the situation.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ The alpha was testing the water, checking if his pheromones worked on the prey or not. When dark brown orbs met with a pitch black one, he knew it was going as he has plan. Now, the wolf within can rest assure. With a fake smile, Linghe swiftly changes their position, cage her beneath him. "Just follow your instinct." Leaning closer, he whispers those words before claims on her pink cherry lips. At first, it's a soft-loving kiss but in a split second, it changes into a passionate one. Tongue on her lower lips asking for enterance. Both hands roam around her petite figure : left hand rests on top of her while his left hand squeezes on her .

(For scene, to avoid Godmodding, I'll have short replies)
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ minjeong then listened to the alpha, refusing to borrow her the book he had always read because of people not lending it back to him. honestly, same as minjeong's, as a part-librarian, she always makes a list of those people who borrowed books with overdue dates. "i see, i had troubles with people borrowing books from the library since i work there." she muttered before looking at him as she was taken again to his private bedroom with only three lit candles and the illuminating moon through its window. when the other hovers her over the bed, she slowly realized what they are about to do. yeri, her older cousin had told her something about rut and heat, and now she is facing someone's rut. her eyes widen when she felt his tongue grazed on her lobe, she felt the sensation through her spine and turns around at him, her heart is racing and because of his single tease, her legs immediately weakened by the effects of his pheromones but still tries to step backwards from him. "h-how..." she then realized that she inhaled his pheromones already, at this rate she couldn't use her power to disappear into thin air. it's too late.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ For heaven's sake, what a luck the alpha has to be able and got a beta for the second time? The first one was Ryujin and has to admit it was a hot rough night with rounds of . Now, with another beta in his hand plus rut period, the probability of knotting her will be much higher. A trembling feminime voice snatched his attention back to the reality, grinned ears to ears seeing how her rosy cheeks redden, affected by his pheromone. "Borrow it? Nah, how about read it here instead? This is my favorite book and I don't think I am able to lend it to you." He reasoned. Picking up the book, Linghe pulls her by her wrist and leads the lady to another room : his private bedroom. Inner wolf within has been whining non stop and protest against Linghe's humane method. To soothes it, he needs to take a step closer. Two to three candles are the only source of light inside the room. Fortunately, full moon is bright enough to illuminate it. The alpha sits on the edge of the bed with the beta on top of his thigh. Pulling her back closer to his chest, Linghe places his chin on her shoulder, emitting his pheromone in full power. "You see, I really like this self improvement book, because it also teach you how to be better on bed." Last few words turn into a seductive whispers as his teeth grazes on her earlobe, teasing the lady. "Do you want me to teach you about it?" He questions once more.
☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ minjeong followed the alpha inside his house, still engulfed by the pheromones, the beta's eyesight starts to trigger her colorblindness. the red colors are turning into purple, thinking she is inside yunmeng but she isn't. but the inside is aesthetically beautiful, and the alpha's words are true when he said that he has some new self-improvement books inside his home. minjeong then walks to the mini library which sparks her inner bookworm to look at the new books she found inside his house. she was about to take a book when the other took one book that he always read and his body is pressed against her back, slowly feeling the bulge from between his legs. minjeong doesn't know what it is but it kinda distracts her. she listened to the alpha and looked at him, "r-really? can i borrow it for a few days?" she asked him as her rosy cheek starts to redden due to the pheromones he emits around the house.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan minjeong ᵇ Holding the lady's wrist along the way of Qishan while releasing his pheremone, they arrived in front of a chinese style residence with huge welcoming gate and vast front garden. Passing by some rooms and a pond, Linghe pushes a door, revealing a mini library he has inside. At least the alpha didn't lie on her completely. "Please come in my lady." Once inside, he shuts the door and trailed behind her petite figure. "Welcome to my humble abode." Now, the innocent rabbit is in lion's den. The alpha in rut inside urges him to do the deed right here and now but Linghe still has some human senses and wants to take it in rather slow one. "I have a lot of self improvement book over there." Casually lures her to the corner of the room where lights are dim enough for their humane eyes. When her guard is down, he takes the chance and cage her from behind, pretending to take a book. "This book is really good. I have read it several times." His pheromone filled the air completely and press his lower body against her back, let her feel his growing bulge beneath the cloth.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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