㈤ kindergarten

● sunny days kindergarten
● sunny days kindergarten
yunmeng jiang PACK • regular rating
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊han jisung hyunjin had stood on his one knee in front of the other. blame him for his love towards children, but for him, it didn't matter whenever it was the son of the eve or Fenrir. kids were harmless, precious and innocent and it is the adults, who dare to taint them. he smiled softly as the older one spoke, reaching to gently ruffle the little boy's hair. sungjin was cute, he was about the same age as minwoo, the little troublemaker alpha. another alpha like him made hyunjin very happy. he stood back up and stretched his hand out, waiting for the little one to take it. he always radiated friendly aura, every kid adored hyunjin for his prince-like features and bubbly personality. when the little guy took his hand, he mentally cooed, but as the leader spoke, his eyes moved back up. he was feeling full of happiness, so he couldn't stop smiling, a part of his beautiful, wide smile dedicated to the other one. he wiped his hand in the apron and outstretched his hand for the other to take, for a while forgetting his shy self. 'hyunjin or prince jin, or teacher jinnie. I am the teacher here. I am very glad sungjin is joining our day care. I will take good care of him, sir.'
人┊han jisung[WooBear-] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Jisung let out a faint hum as he glanced down at his younger brother ghat held onto his hand tightly. Like him he also loved wolves amd because of Meilan's good connection with them he was able to pull some string to get his brother to attend the same school. To say the least he wouldn't stop yelling about how excited he was the way there. Once entering the class room Jisung could tell that his presence caused a littke tension so he let a smile pull onto his lips hoping to show he meant no harm before glancing down at the male that went down to his siblings height.
"Sungjin!" The boy said excitedly while hoping up on his toes for a momemt. The action caused Jisung to smile more as he watched the interaction before speaking himself. "Sorry, I know its a little weird but my brother is super excited to be here. I'm also thrilled fo met you all as well. I'm Jisung, the leader of Meilan. I apologize from now he can be a bit energetic..." his words trailed off as Sungjin was already letting go of his hand to try and talk to another child.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Felix showed a kind smile as he felt the hand on his shoulder. He looked at the other and nodded. Of course. The other knew what he was thinking. He chuckles lightly amd nodded "thank you jin hyung. We have each others backs always. So even if you have an cute omega you can still come to me for anything" he smiled and got everything "yes let's go" he said excited and walked out to the shops.

() what about just going to hyunjin apartment and skip the shopping part. So they did the shopping and now arrive at his home?
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ his eyes landed on the book the other was holding. he didn't notice how he had missed it. he smiled as his brother took it and placed on the shelf. the alpha walked closer and placed his palm on the other's shoulder. it was a comforting manner, how he slid his fingers over the bump of his shoulder. 'I know what you think. I thought of the same when I saw it.' he said quietly before spinning the other around. hyunjin placed his palms on the other's shoulders and looked down, before leaning so their height would match. 'I promise you with all I have, I won't leave you alone. you can rely on me. okay?' he gave him a bright smile. 'shops it is!' he announced, hooking his backpack over his shoulder.

() should we move to another room? :O
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Felix couldn't help but chuckle and got up seeing his brother being a little annoyed his job was done. He got up and did help. Cleaned up some of the legs blocks that where lying around and some other toys.
Puts the books back on the shelves. He got distracted by a book there omega parent used to read as they where little before he had died. Felix smiled while reading the book. He looked up as his brother called and he nods "yes I am. Last book" he smiled and placed it on the shelve. He got up and got the bag then looked at his hyung "shops?"
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊han jisung being a kindergarten's teacher was his dream job. hyunjin had never been very socialise, he had been a quiet alpha after all. even in the university, he was very popular for his looks, yet his personality always made people be wary of him. hyunjin was a loner, and when he got inside the education major, he was rather bullied. if he had been a stronger alpha, he would not allow it, but hyunjin just kept quiet. he wanted to graduate as fast as he could so he could finally do what he had intended to do.
his co-workers and kids absolutely adored him. he was kind, shy and yet a bit playful. the parents were satisfied with his work, all the kids nicknamed him either "prince jin" or "teacher jinnie."
recently they got more kids in their daycare. he was rather happy. meeting new kids, becoming their friend, the thought alone made him smile widely. suddenly, he was pulled out of his daydream, washing minwoo's plate, before the door opened. he smiled brightly, wiping hands in his usual apron before stopping in his tracks as he smelled a human. his eyes focused on the small child, who radiated his human scent, back up to the older male. he swallowed down his fears. his past made him scared of humans, but he decided to act strong and approached the newcomers. 'hello, welcome to the sunny days daycare.' he leaned down to match the height of the small kid. 'im teacher jinnie, what's your name?'
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he had gasped at his reply, his little brother was so naughty. when the other pretended to be asleep, he just couldn't believe what he was seeing. ' I will tickle you.' he muttered and focused on the tables. he made sure to wipe them clean, clean enough to make it even sparkle. he did not ask Felix for help anymore, he had given up and decided to clean it himself. after he had put the toys into the respective places, cleaned all the dishes and the tables, he felt exhausted. it was a pleasant exhaust as he loved taking care of the kids. thank god, he didn't had to clean the rest, they had a person to do that. he walked closer to his brother, taking off his apron. 'are you ready?' the alpha smiled and peeked out of the window, it was night already.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Felix nods "sure, that's a good idea" felix smiles and watches his brother a little and wiggles his legs, the boy on his lap laughs at it. Felix smiles he helped the boy down on the floor as his parent appeared. The blond omega smiled and waved at the kids. As everyone of them where gone he looked up at hyunjin. Watching how the man cleaned his work. Felix stared a little until the other talked. "Oh, no.. I can't jinjin hyung, tooooo tired" acts dramatically he lays his arms over the table and his head on his arms. "Sooo sleepy" he said as he closed his eyes but couldn't help to let out a chuckle.
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he chuckled and shook head. 'let's bring it back home?' he peeked at the leftovers and let the little boy go. he pat his and took the leftovers before placing them into the containers, placing back into Felix's bag.
he went back and noticed how some parents' came for their kids. he bowed to them and wiped his hands against his apron. he bid the goodbyes and waved at the kids until they left all by one, leaving him and his step bro alone. he walked back to the kitchen and got a wet cloth. 'wanna help me?' he smiled as he leaned over the table and cleaned it. he placed the pencils into the holder and arranged their drawings. 'another one is in the kitchen, if you aren't lazy.' he looked up and pushed his blonde hair behind his ears.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ 'Oh yeah then let's go together then. Oke can you tell me what you need?" Felix smiled and asked curious "we can go shopping when your ready here then." Smiles happily and looks at the kids. He looked at jin "you wanna have my left overs?" He chuckles as an other kid came to felic and tried to come on his lap. Felix chuckles and pulls him up so he could sit on his Laps
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he chuckled and nod head, a sudden idea popping in his mind. 'or you can call me and we can go together? there was something else I need to buy.' hyunjin had an idea to dye his hair black. he adored his blonde hair, but the alpha needed a change in his life. he also wanted to surprise Felix, but he was also a man, who always spoke the truth. not even once he had hid anything from his step-brother, besides his inner feelings. he did not want to push that burden on Bambi's shoulders.
he peeked at the empty plate. jin knew that the other was not a big eater, that's why, despite being a hunter, Felix was rather skinny. hyunjin, however, was possessed by the demon of gluttony. he could eat the whole day and never gain any weight.
his eyes went back at the kid on his lap and he smiled at the interaction. he was so focused on the doe eyed kid on his lap, that he did not notice the other suddenly laughing. he stopped his doings in the midair and looked up. it was as if a sun rays fell on his face, his chest suddenly tightened as his eyes met with the most beautiful smile ever.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Felix smiles and took a bite of his sandwich. It made him happy with the answer at the other. He didn't know but he always asked. Just wanted to make sure jin was oke with him around. "Wel.." Looks for words but can't find any "Okay then I cone alone and yeah if you have the ingredients. Then I can. Ot I should by them on the way"
Shove the plate away as he was finished just a little bit of sandwich left as it was a bit much for the omega. He chuckles and watches his hyung and the pup he moves his hand to the pup on his hyung lap and ruffles his head. Felix chuckles as jin clapped the hand of rhe pup and the cute omega starts to laugh.
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he hummed and leaned to gently pat his head, something he always did. it was almost like a habit. a bright smile appeared on jin's lips when the other mentioned the hang out. Felix was his most favourite person in the whole world, honestly, only one, who gave a damn about him. spending time with the other was nice, they were so close that they could even finish each other's sentences. 'of course, why are you even asking? remember. ' he gave up thumbs up before pat his own chest. 'my house is your house! and besides..' he peeked at the kids and chuckled. 'you could make them at my house? no?' he gave out a suggestion and picked up an omega pup who ran to him. he sat him on his lap and gently bounced. 'hyesungie is looking cute today.' he cooed and focused on the tiny boy on his lap. he took his palms and clapped them together, creating a rhyme using the sounds the clapping produced.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Shaking his head at his brother and laughed "oh wel.. then need to make new ones" smiles happily eats the food happy to see the face his brother made and chuckled at him again "well, it's a good school lot of good teachers" looks at the kids than back at the alpha next him "well I was hoping I could hang out with you. Can I watch you paint? I'm just gonna relax maybe read a book" he said and looked at his food again as he ate "oke...then next time I bring brownies" chuckles as some kids heard it and started to cheer happily "and it looks like teacher jinjin has to share~" grins at his brother
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he hummed and rubbed his chin. "not much? I ate everything in one go." he had prepared chopsticks for them both before his brother placed the plates down in their respectful places. he quietly munched on the food before letting out a soft "ah" sound and leaning back against the chair. he shook head, acting as if he was shocked and pointed in the air with his chopsticks. "the food you make is getting better every day. I didn't know you can improve in such a short time." he closed eyes and peeked behind a closed eyelid, smiling in his mischievous smile. "I was thinking about painting. what about you? I have had a lot of free time, and enough inspiration to do it." he chuckled and leaned on his palm to look at the other, then lazily looked at the kids who were playing and drawing excitedly, sharing the milk his brother had brought. "your brownies is the best thing ever.."
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Felix chuckles and smiles at the kids as they happily sip the banana milk. He looks up and nods. "How much do uou have left? So I know if I have to make some new one for you" With a bright smile he sits down and places one plate infront of his brother "well good. Hope uou like it hyung" smiles and watches as the other eat really hoping the other likes it "any.. any plans after work?" Wonders as the omega took a bite of the sandwich himself and looks at the cute kids that are still around playing or still drinking the milk he brought. "Next time I bring my homemade brownies"
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ the young alpha peeked behind the corner and smiled at his brother. "yes. I am still eating it. you know me and my obsession with the kimchi itself! Fenrir bless the kimchi!"he let out a small dance before disappearing into the kitchen once more. the alpha made freshly brewed green tea and brought to the other, settling it down and sitting next to him. the alpha leaned to sniff the sandwiches and let out a hum of approval. "damn, I am hungry." feeling comfortable around his brother, he easily threw the shyness away and could finally breathe in his jokester self.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵇ Smiles and knees down felix got the milk and for ever kid he takes out the straw and puts,it in the milk box drink so they can drink it happily "there you guys go~" he smiles and stands up gets the other back woth food and walks to stand next jin he shook his head and opened the containers in the bag. Places the sandwiches om the plates "they're sandwiches hyung. Chicken ones. They don't need to be heated up. but sure kimchi is always welcome. Is it the one I made for you a few weeks ago?" Asks softly as I look at the kids leaning against the small kitchen counter
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he nod head and smiled "they have been waiting for you milk." he frowned as the other told him about his starvation, hyunjin did not like that. at the mention of the green tea, he got up and walked to the small kitchen. they used it for snack preparation for the kids. he reached for the upper counter and took out the green tea leaves, dropping them into the pot and boiling the water. "should we heat up the food? I have still some kimchi left over." he opened the containers and placed on the plates.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵇ Felix smiles and follows in he watches the kids as he places the two plastic backs on your table and looks at the kidd then at his brother "can I give them the milk hyung?" Smiles "nope I haven't." Looks outside for a second then back at his hyung "oh yeah do you have green tea? And yeah let's eat then" Eyes the other
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he hummed as he pat their heads, little kids let go of him and ran to their table. he focused on his brother and wiped his palms in the small and cute apron he was wearing. the kids were playing on the table, drawing and making the cube castles. at the mention of the milk, they jumped up and ran excitedly to his brother, jumping happily. 'I haven't. and knowing you, you probably did not too." he joked and guided the other to his table near the window. "do you want tea? I am ending soon, last kids are going to be picked up."
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵇ Felix chuckled as the 4 little devil's let go of him and he sat up. He ruffled one of the kids hair before looking at his brother "well it's lunch time and I learned how to make these amazing sandwiches" he got up on his feet and holds up an other bag "and... brought bananamilk for the kids" he smiled bright at his tall friend "have you eaten yet, jinjin?"
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago

@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he was where he supposed to be, or so the beta thought. nothing made him more full with joy than looking at those little toddlers and kids. for others it would be weird, but for hyunjin it was endearing. how he made arts with them, played with them, read books with them. everyone at the sunny days daycare adored the teacher jinnie. he had always thought that to be good at your work, you have to love it.
it was the middle of the day, when his younger step brother decided to visit him. he was busy trying to act like a tree to little koalas to notice the familiar scent. his eyes went up, he smiled brightly at the intruder. some kids noticed the presence and ran to Felix, him being the constant visitor due to their favourite teacher jinnie. thankfully, the beta was strong enough to carry the little pups and moved closer to Felix. "minwoo! guseok! minhyuk! inwoo! " let go of lixie. they pouted but did as said and instead went to crawl over the teacher. he let out a soft chuckle and looked up. "Bambi? what's up?"

❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵇ /slowly and carefully walks into the buildinglooking for your classroom. Blinks as I hear children yell and scream and before I know it 4 of those cuties jump on me making me lose balance and flop down om tge ground on my tummy and the all sit on me they hols me down/
Aah! Noo I been captured... jinjinie help... they gonna eat me
/they laugh/


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀs!
W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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