㈣ hot spring

● qingli hot spring
● qingli hot spring
meilan • RATED M
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ "Oh yes!" She chuckles and followed the other to the locker room, she opened them before grabbing her clothes too, it was her usual white hanfu that she likes to wear, simple yet beautiful. "How about you can get dressed, and let me show bring you to my restaurant. It will be my treat! To meet a new friend!" she smiles brightly before closing the locker door. "I will meet you at the door and have some nice yummy food after this hot spring!"
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu She looked at the human before smiling a bit, "You said you're going to show me around Meilan, right?" Seulgi told her before she grabs the bathrobe and wears it as she looked at the other again. "Besides, I'm hungry too. I wanted to try foods from Meilan." She chuckles and tied her hair up, then she walks to the locker room to get her spare clothes to wear.
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ Xuan Lu nods slightly and listened to the other in deep thoughts. Humans are never that bad after all, it must be really tough for Seulgi, she has been tortured by the past experience and now trying to lead the hunters, but at the same time, trying to manage the expectations of the hunters and adhering to not just killing them without any reason. "I know it sounds weird, but I will definitely want to be friends with you to know more about you! It must be really tough to persuade the rest not to anyhow kill the wolves..." She looked at Seulgi getting up, she blushes slightly before getting up to reach for her bathrobe too. "what are you doing next?"
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu "That's the first and foremost impression of the outsiders, they think people from Hangshui are hunters and they always kill wolves whenever they please." Seulgi told Xuan Lu before looking down a bit, "I wanted for the city is to be just, only kill wolves when they had harm them or harm their loved ones. However, I am no tyrant, I wanted what people had wanted." She muttered then she blushed a bit when the other told her she seemed to be a nice person, she couldn't help but to smile, "That's kind for you to say, Xuan Lu. However, you don't know much of me but you'll soon find out yourself." She told her then she got up from the water and walked to where she placed her bathrobe.
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ "Oh yes! I almost forgot..." she chuckles shyly and looked at the other, hugging one of her knees. She let out a gentle smile, nodding her head. She is definitely really proud of her city but of course, not all cities are like hers. "Ah.. Hangshui isn't that bad after all, I heard that Hangshui is quite bad... But I guess the majority had something happened to them that's why they hate wolves... I don't think humans will want to kill someone else, randomly!" She let out a warm smile before continuing. "Then feel free to come to Meilan more often! I am the prime minister of Meilan, supporting my leader. " she smiles warmly. "You sound like a really nice person!"
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu Seulgi smirked a bit and waves it off, "I just told you, I wanted to visit Meilan for the first time, it's nothing important... just a change of pace." She told Xuan Lu before hugging her one knee, "This city has truly accepted wolves, serenity is within your city. My city is the haven for hunters, the hell of the wolves. However, wolves can still live within my city as long as they have a permit where they owned a property in my city and has no ill-intentions to conspire with us." She told and hummed softly, Seulgi had been clear towards the hunters that they should not go and hunt wolves when they weren't attacked first but some hunters weren't listening of it which makes the hybrid frustrated sometimes.
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ Xuan Lu frowned slightly and gently put her hands into the warm water. She did read up about the wolf packs and heard about the Wens before but she had not met anyone that is from the Wen Pack, maybe they are as bad as what Seulgi said? "Thank god you are here... I will be really sad to hear that and that you are hurt by them." Her eyes widen when Seulgi said that she is a leader of Hangshui. "I- woah... Nice to meet you, but what makes you want to come to Meilan? You know... Meilan is a place where we embrace the wolf culture? They said... People in Hangshui hated the wolves..."
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu "In what I've read and encountered, Wen wolves are as cunning as snakes in the fields, an actual wolves in a sheep's clothing. You cannot trust Wens when they are in your territory." Seulgi told Xuan Lu about the Wen wolves, she sighed, "I have encountered some of the most cunning Wens and they almost got my head if I weren't too careful. I can smell their blade behind my back." Then frowns a bit when she heard the other about Seulgi commanding her own hunters to not kill wolves without no reason, revealing she is the leader of Hangshui. "I'm the leader of Hangshui." She responded with a nonchalant tone towards the human.
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ Xuan Lu was really just listening to the other, it always interest her to hear a different perspective. She believe that in order to bring peace back among the different groups of people and wolves again. "Ah... The Wens. Would that work if I meet up with the current pack leader? He seems nicer than the previous pack leader. Maybe that could be a change!" She nods her head listening to Seulgi, hearing how she does not kill for no reason but will find out more. "But it's a start! If the wolves are open to accepting humans and the hunters will think twice, is possible? Meilan did it!" She chuckles and looked at the other, "Are you a hunter leader then?"
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu Seulgi looked down and shake her head, still disagreeing with the fact that humans, hybrids and wolves would unite each other. "Wolves have different packs, different ideals, principles... and if wolves would unite as one, the one pack would never make an alliance that would eventually broke them apart. The Wen." She looked at Xuan Lu with seriousness in her eyes, "As for humans, some hunt wolves for money, some for pelts, most importantly, most for revenge, small or big." She leans against the stoned pavement and sighs, "That's why I'm restraining my men not to start killing them first, but some are stubborn..."
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ Xuan Lu frowns slightly listening to Seulgi. She looked down sadly, she did hear a lot of fights between wolves and humans, and she understand how tough it is. She looked at Seulgi with a really sad smile, "And it's really sad, isn't it... It's dangerous to stay among each other... Isn't it better if all of us don't fight and the world will be safe for our next generation?" She spoke softly, just for her and Seulgi to hear. "Im sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I really hope one day, both wolves and humans can be friends. To eat in the same place. For hybrids to be proud of their birth history, where their parents are mixed. It must have been really tough fighting each other..."
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu "I had fought wolves and rogue hunters, for people's safety." Seulgi's lips quiver as her face darken when she heard the other's positivity about uniting humans and wolves, "Love? Most of the humans hated wolves as much as wolves hated humans. And hybrids... blood uniting wolves and humans, only lead to destruction of one's race." She muttered coldly as she remembered what her enemies killing her father in front of her and taking advantage of her, "There's no peace between two sides when they both hold grudges at each other, it will never end."
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ Xuan Lu blinks and lets out a little pout, getting a little worried about her new friend. She remembered hearing people using drawing and body art to cover their scars. She frowns slightly hearing what the other say, "It must be really tough.. Are you still fighting for your life now? I just hope that the war could be over soon! Everyone should live together! Love and peace!"
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu "No, they're long numbed already. Don't worry." She smiles and looked at Xuan Lu, "Each scars tells horrifying tales, sometimes people cover it up with tattoos and all, but me, I just let it show to anyone." Seulgi told her before looking at her reflection on the water. "In my life, all I did is to fight for my way, sometimes to get away from death."
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ Xuan Lu frowned slightly, hearing Seulgi respond to the question about her back. It feels weird to see someone with so many scars but at the same time, it feels like the other had been through a lot. She is dying to ask her but there is this weird voice in her, saying that she should not ask her at the moment. "Are they painful when you are in a hot spring like that? They look really painful..."
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu Once the hybrid sat next to the human, she nodded and answered with a smile on her face. "Yeah, not as hot as that place." she chuckled before she heard the other asking about the scars she had on her body, she looked at the very obvious scar on her waist. "My back? I'm fine, it's just... scars from my fights." Seulgi now feels weary of the other but doesn't show the expression of it as she masked it with a smile.
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ Xuan Lu let out a soft ahh, nodding her head with a gentle smile. She is really glad that she didn't make the other feel uncomfortable. She hums and nods, letting Seulgi come over. She playfully moves the water around forming water ripples around them. Xuan Lu frown seeing the body scars, she looked at Seulgi, not sure if she can ask. "Ah- Is the water better now? Not as hot? Ah-m-may I ask- sorry if I sound rude but your back... are you alright?"
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu She looked at the human and shakes her head a bit, "Ah no no! I'm not uncomfortable with you, i-it's just the water is too hot. Does your side is too hot as well?" She asked as she looked at the water. She sees her reflection in the water then glances back at the other, "Can I come over to your side? It's a bit hot in here." Seulgi asked before she stands up from her position, walking over to her, showing her body with scars all over her body, already noting that she's a hunter. Then she sat beside the human but still making a small yet safe distance between them.
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ "Yes! Let me bring you around in Meilan!" she chuckles softly and playfully lowered her body and gently get up, gently putting her hair behind her ear, turning to look at Seulgi with a huge smile. "I agree! Ah- I didn't have a Jacuzzi back at home but yes. It is really natural and refreshing! The environment and the water! So warm and nice!" she chuckles and playfully scooping the water once again before pouring it over. "See! A cute small waterfall~" she laughed, amused.

She looked at the other and saw how she was laughing nervously and she sounds like she was stammering a little. "A-am I making you uncomfortable? I can put on some clothes...!"
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu "Chunan? That sounds great! I'm gonna be famished soon after a long ride around Meilan." She hummed softly before looking at the human scooping the water from the spring, Seulgi keep staring at her until she snaps out of it and looked away a bit. She bit her lip and smiles nervously, "Y-Yeah, it's really relaxing here. I only bathe in jacuzzi in my own bathroom but not like this, this is so... natural and refreshing." She takes a deep breath and smiles.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen ruby ᵃ while she was waiting for her alpha to be here, she starts to think of her job and the schedules of her work, the photoshoot she have for tomorrow and meeting people from lan pack. she heard footsteps coming before turning around to see the wen alpha walking closer to her. her hands starts to reach out to her before she hugged her tightly, then yeri leaned closer to her face and kissed her lips gently before pulling away, "i missed you, a lot. how's your work? many customers lately? did you get enough sleep?" she responded and smiles at her.
☼┊wen ruby ᵃ [-deathspace] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ Ruby closed up her tattoo shop while feeling her phone vibrating in the back pocket of her black tight jeans .
She slipped it out narrowing her eyes down to the screen seeing a text from a certain beta she was infatuated with. Undeliverably protective of.
They had been seeing each other in secret due to the fact that the beta was non other than a member of the lan pack , an enemy pack to think she was a prisoner now she’s sleeping with her own victim ?- she pursed her lips with a slight smirk appearing on her sharp features ..
texting back .,” be there in 30” she texted
Walking to her motorcycle sliding on her helmet and speeding away.
It didn’t take the wen alpha long to get to the hot springs ~ frankly she was excited the gods and fernir know she needed a relaxing bath and specially to see her precious wolf.
No longer than 3 minutes she had arrive to the hot springs , getting off her motorcycle.
She walked up to the front where she met a worker who led her to the privet secluded area that was reserved for them .
She stepped into the changing room
To change leaving only her briefs and nothing else .
She slide her bathrobe and walked into the spring looking around the foggy room she saw the visage of the beta tilting her head to the side she smirked slightly ..” missed me ?” She asked .
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ Xuan Lu was playfully doing soft butterfly kicks in the water, as though she is exercising and relaxing her legs while listening to Seulgi. "Woah... The place sounds really big! Bring me there one day!" she let out a soft laugh before smiling widely, nodding happily. "How about, I can bring you around Chunan, and we can have dinner at my restaurant! It's not open today but we can go there, and I can cook dinner for us! How does that sound?" She let out a gentle smile, playfully scooping the water with her hands before spilling them out, making alittle waterfall from her hands. "It's really nice and warm here."
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen ruby ᵃ having no work today, yeri decided for them to meet up. she wanted to spend time with her again, it has been a week since they last met each other. she called ruby through her phone and told her to meet up in the hot spring in meilan, she went over there before ruby could. she made sure to get some spare bathrobes for her as well, once she made it to the vip room she reserved only for the two of them, she dipped herself on the hot water after she undressed herself and sighed, feeling the warmth of the water while waiting for her partner to come.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@人┊xuan lu Seulgi smiles and rubbed her nape a bit, "Hangshui is where you can see skyscrapers, tall buildings and bustling stores in there." The hybrid smiles and washed her face against the warm water. When the human asked about her being a first time in their city, she nodded and responded. "Yes, it is my first time. I only visited Jiashi too." Seulgi hummed a bit before she glanced at the human's bare body then looks away, "Do you perhaps know some places here? I'm a bit lost in the city so I decided to come here to relax myself."
人┊xuan lu 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ Xuan Lu let out a warm smile and rest her head against the surface while she soak her body in the warm spring water. She looked at the other and nods, agreeing that it's okay because everyone is females, she is thankful that Seulgi is okay, if not she will definitely get up to put on her hanfu. "Nice to meet you, Seulgi~ Hangshui? Oh? How is it like there? I have not been there.. mainly just went to Jiashi once!" She smiles softly to let out a soft hum before continuing, "Is this your first time here in Meilan?"


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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