⇾ceo's office

hangshui• RATED M
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ Zhan leaned in close to him, chuckles softly while he hums softly, he walked into the room with Yibo and looked around, letting out a soft gasp, realising that the room is just theirs. He let out a soft moan and pout slightly, wanting Yibo to touch him more especially when it has been months. He sat down and playfully leave a gap to show that he is pouty when Yibo his but instantly shifted in close when the menu is with Yibo. "Yes yes! Lots of veggie and meat!" he grins brightly. "A Yuan wants both too!" he pats his tummy slightly, he frowns as he looked through the menu. "The menu is missing one thing! I want to order a Lan Yibo" he stares at his love with a playful grin.
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he nod head as he listened to it. he rubbed the bump and entered the restaurant. the alpha announced his name and they were guided to their private space. they entered the room, it was Chinese style. the waiter left, leaving them all alone. he winked at the other and playfully d the other's . he winked and sat down on his knees, waiting for the other to sit next to him. he pressed on the button and waited for the other to bring the menu. 'so veggies? what about meat?'
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ Zhan blinks and looked at him, nodding slightly when he talks about the loopholes. He always finds Yibo really y when he wears his suit and hosts his meetings. He remembered he would stare at his love all day when he first had the shareholder meeting. Thank god they were seating down, if not, they would have spotted him with a little . He got up slightly holding his back. His stomach is getting bigger, at least is getting more visible. He leans in and gently kisses his lips. "I'm strong! But my tummy will get bigger? Should we get it for the next few months?" he chuckles shyly and gently pats his bump. He then playfully dragged Yibo to the place to eat. "Hungry hungry! I want lots of veggies and meat!!"
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he chuckled as the other mentioned about the meeting, yet he was still a ceo. his word was a law. 'actually, I noticed some holes in the plotline as I went through it, they are redoing those parts.' he chuckled as the other mentioned his hunger and got up. the alpha marched to the side to open the door for the other. he held zhan's hand and helped him get out. he crunched down and rubbed his stomach. 'baby? is he very heavy? should we go buy those elastic things that held the bump?' he asked worriedly and wrapped an arm around the other.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ Zhan eyes widen when he saw how Yibo cancelled all of his schedule. He immediately took out his phone to check his schedule. "My lovely CEO, didn't you have a meeting with the beta testing team to test out the update. Is it okay to clear it? " he knew how important work is and gently hold onto Yibo hand, he wouldnt deny that he is very touched to see Yibo doing this. "But since you cancelled everything, you are mine today! No phone calls from work! " he nods and grins happily to kiss the other cheeks.

"Let's go!! I'm so hungry! "
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he took his phone before calling his private secretary, using the inbuilt telephone in the car. after few beeps the secretary picked up the phone. he informed the other about his schedule, asking to clear it. without saying anything, yibo ended the call. 'would you look at that, suddenly my schedule is free.' he winked and followed the gps to their favourite restaurant. he parked the car and turned to peek at the other. his dark orbs moved over his built and he smiled, 'you will always be so freaking beautiful for me, baby.'
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ He nods happily and squeezes Yibo's hand lightly. "Let's do it, baby! Especially when my love is freer today!" He grins brightly and his eyes widen when he remembered something, blushing softly. "Ah- We need to buy more clothes.. My pants are getting a little tight.."
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he chuckled and nod head as he started the engine. he looked at his beautiful mate once more before speeding off to the restaurant. he rolled his car out of the parking lot and the gps to their favorite restaurant. he stopped at few red lights. ‘if you want, we can do it.’ he chuckled and gently held his hand.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ He walked towards the black Ferrari car, he remembered the last time when they just graduated from school. Their big dream, them working towards building Ayusoft to them, owning it. He gets into the car and blushes softly when Yibo kisses his lips, he could still feel butterflies from the small movements that Yibo did. He looked at Yibo in his driver seat and chuckles softly, "You look really y my baby CEO." he gently holds his hand with a little squeeze.
"One day, we should go shopping to prepare the nursery.. and I want to go back Yunmeng to tell Uncle Jiang!". He let out a bright smile, he is sure the previous leader will be so happy to know about this news. "Im hungry! Let's go!"
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he nod head and chuckled before guiding the other to the underground parking lot. he knew that the other was not used to all of the employees showing their respect by bowing, but he understood where it came from. they have owned ayusoft for not so long and yibo could not get used to it as well. he leaned to peck his lips back and unlocked their black Ferrari car. he opened the door for his pregnant mate and sat on the driver's seat. 'I love you more. more than words can say.' he leaned over to buckle his belt and stole a small kiss off of his lips.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ He hums softly and immediately shaked his head quickly when Yibo asked for a driver. He wanted to spend time with just his love and he knows he driver has been tired driving them around for meetings. "Just us? Our poor driver is going to feel so weird to be our third partner, let the poor guy rest alittle. " his eyes widen seeing everyone bowing and laughs, quickly waves for them to get up. It has been a few years since they have set up Ayusoft, and he is still surprised whenever he sees this, but it's a sign to show how hard his mate have worked to obtain this. "I love you Lan Yibo. " he leaned in to peck his lips gently.
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he chuckled and reached to cup the baby bump, sliding fingers over the curve. he smiled as he felt another life inside of his mate, it was precious. he leaned to kiss his cheek and lean to peck his lips. 'shall I call our driver? or shall we go there by our car?' the male entered the lobby and hummed as all of them bowed when they saw the ceo couple. yibo squeezed zhan's hand a bit more, being proud that it was his mate, his husband,
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ He walked happily with Yibo, leaning close to him, playfully kissing his cheeks. He chuckles and waited before walking with Yibo, he hums softly. "Oh! That is so yummy! Let's go there baby, they have everything! I miss their dessert the most! " he chuckles and walk quickly, "I'm hungry! Shall we take the transport and we can walk later, I'm definitely gonna take a long time! My y ceo needs a little break before going back to work! "
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he chuckled and wrapped an arm around his waist. he proudly went to the elevator and went to the down floor, passing endless offices on their way out. ‘let’s do this. you are my priority.’ he smiled as he said that and waited for the spinning door before walking inside with his mate. ‘ should we go to that one place we did a year ago? the Swedish table? I mean they always have everything. In case you change your mind.’ he chuckled.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ Zhan held onto Yibo hand, he let out a playful smile and squeezing Yibo's hand back as though. he is playing a little 'Compare who has more strength' game. He doesn't know why he has a craving for carrots, he always wanted to have Korean BBQ with Yibo as they are both big meat eaters, could it be their little A Yuan who wants to eat carrots. "Baby~ shall we have buffet instead? We can have both meat and veggies! For my lovely Yibo baby and our A Yuan baby~" he chuckles and leans in to kiss Yibo cheeks.
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he scrunched his nose in distaste as the other mentioned vegetables. yibo was not the biggest fan of the veggies, he thought they tasted the worst. he was a big fan of the meat. he chuckled and reached for his wallet, pushing the item into the chest pocket of his jacket. he turned off his computer and fixed stuff on his table. unlike his brother sehun, yibo was a clean freak. as his brother used to joke - he was the truest lan out of them all. yibo had principles he followed and made zhan do the same. the alpha held his hand, gently squeezing it the most dominant way. a small playful smirk appeared on his lips as he guided them both outside of the office.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ He let out a soft hum and let out a soft giggle when Yibo caresses his little small bump. He chuckles and spinned around before looking at his love, he kisses him back. "Oh yes! A date sounds fun! It has been so long since we had a date~ I want.. Carrots", he blinks and grins brightly, "the carrots! And we can dipped in sauce, carrot and Apple!" He thinks a little and looked at Yibo with a huge grin, "I miss the cafe food we went to the other day! The one with the cute food display! "
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he nod head and wrapped arms around his mate. his heart was full with the happiness and his mind produced a photo of them three. he cupped the slowly growing baby bump and caressed it. his lips went to kiss his cheek and he stayed like this for a while. yibo looked out of the window from his office, the beautiful scenery of hangshui and the clouds were present. he suddenly spun the other around and whispered. should we go on a date today? what are you craving? he cupped his cheeks once more and sweetly pecked the soft lips.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ Zhan nods his head softly as Yibo talk about the new character and his eyes widen when he heard that it's A yuan, his eyes got teary and sniffles softly, "Yes yes! It will work, A Yuan will be the most popular character! He will have your good looks and my smart brain!" he nudges Yibo playfully and chuckles. "I can draw A yuan and pass it to you later! It will be creating a little Yibo~!"
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he shook head as he pulled himself out of his own thoughts and smiled. 'I was thinking about adding new characters in the future. it would be cool if in the next game version we can add a new main character. ' he chuckled to himself and stood up straight after carefully observing the posters. he looked at the other, soft smile decorating his lips. 'uh...I was thinking..since this is ayusoft..how about a main character called ayuan?' he let out another chuckle at his silly idea. 'what do you think?'
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ "Hello papa"

Zhan let out a soft giggle as speaking in a slight high pitch voice, mimicking a child voice. He blinks and immediately goes to the laptop and looked at the posters, he took the mouse to zoom in and check on all the designs in details, showing his serious side of really wanting to do well. "Mmm.. This looks pretty and it looks really good! It fits with the new game update that we are going for! I will speak to them on the new characters that I created and we can come out with new posters, if we could rush it in time, we can add to the new update too. Yibo? " he looked up from the screen then looked at the other with a cheeky smile, he let out a wide smile, "What is my y CEO hubby thinking~?"
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he chuckled and kissed the tummy. he pressed his face more against the tummy and chuckled. 'hello, my baby '. he stood up after he told him about the game update. 'it is almost finished. the creative director had already done the ads and posters. they look nice.' he pulled away to kiss his cheek before opened the posters on the screen. he scrolled down to show the unfinished drafts of the posters. they contained the characters from the games. 'is it nice? I like it.' he chuckled and looked at the other, still leaning on the table and smiling cheekily.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ He shakes his head and gently caresses his hair softly when he knee in the front, he chuckles softly with a little blush. "We love you too, both A yuan and myself. We love you, our family. " he chuckles and gently get Yibo to get up and gently wipe his wet cheeks, hugging him close. "It's so magical.. Our a yuan will come after our game update..! It's nice timing" he chuckles and rest his head on his shoulder. "Sehun gave me some vitamins just now too. Ah- sorry love, I shouldn't do that just now."
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he held the other in his arms and set the other down. I am sorry, baby, I didn't notice..I feel like the worst since I was so busy with the update. the alpha got on the knees in front of the other and pressed his cheek against the flat tummy. he heard the other mumble and nod head, his chubby cheek rubbing against the clothed abdomen. he kissed the round space and smiled. you will never be ugly, you are carrying my child. it is the best self you could be. he muttered and rubbed the tummy, pecking it gently. his lips landed all over the baby bump. I love you...both..my family.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ His eyes widen and immediately hold onto Yibo tightly as he let out a soft squeak when he started to spin him around. He chuckles along with his alpha and gently holds him close, closing his eyes as he kisses back lightly too. "You will be the best father, the greatest alpha parent as well," he mumbles really softly and leans his head on his chest. "I-its so magical.. Just now Hoseok and his mate, Jungkook managed to smell it too.. I was so nervous that I kinda puke.". He looked at his alpha and let out a little worried smile. "You, you are not allowed to work too hard. We got to rest too.. but.. is this okay..? I know you are rather stressed recently with the latest gaming update.. I-I finished the art proposal! S-Shall we have a break one day? Have a little date before I got really fat and ugly..?"
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he blinked as everything fell back into their places. why he suddenly took the leave and why his brother did not respond to him. he got up and gathered his omega in his arms, spinning around as he held zhan in bridal style. he let out a cheerful laugh and kept spinning him around before stopping. the alpha leaned to kiss his lips, a small peck lingering on zhan's delicious lips. you are going to be the best mother. he hummed. you are going to be the greatest omega parent. he whispered as he pressed his forehead against the other's and looked into his eyes.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ Zhan gently reached out to Yibo and caresses his cheeks, gently rub his tear away with his thumb lightly, he is getting teary too. He looked at Yibo and nods his head shyly. "Yes.. I went to Sehun and confirmed with him.. " he mumbles and gently take Yibo hand and put it on his tummy. "It's too small to see it through the scan now.. But the test is 2 lines. I missed my heat so I went to Sehun just now.. I'm going to my second month soon baby.. That's why I took leave today, baby"

He explained softly and immediately pulled Yibo into a tight hug. "I.. I don't know.. If this is a good time.. I'm worried I might not be a good mama... But a yuan is finally here baby.. He is here"

His tears started to roll down his cheeks, sniffling softly, fearful, anxious, worried, and of course excited.
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he looked up as his omega entered the office. he wanted to get up, but the other already beat him to it. when the smaller one sat on his lap and wrapped arms around him, he finally felt like home. he pressed his lips against zhan's bony shoulder and sniffed him. his omega smelled sweet as per usual, yet he found another scent. it was a bit fresh, somehow reminded him of his own scent. he chuckled, 'baby, you smell like me.' if anything, yibo's worst trait was that he was clueless. he looked up at his omega, smiling softly. zhan was glowing or was it his whipped mind that made him glow.
at first, he thought he was referring to the future. how they planned to have kids together. yet, when the other spoke about the baby. how he was the father of the baby. he froze. he allowed zhan to move and even get out the small hanfu. his hand shakily lifted up to touch the soft material, sliding fingers over it. the pads rubbed the embodiment on it. his eyes naturally went to the tummy. it was not round, but he could smell a scent coming from it. and it was when it hit him. he was about to be a father. the alpha didn't notice how his eyes became teary, those were tears of happiness. a lone tear rolled down his cheek, his eyes looked up at the other. he chuckled softly as he whispered breathlessly. 'really?..you meant it?' he had the widest smile and the most hopeful gaze, his hand slowly, hesitantly and shakily reaching for the tummy.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ Zhan ran back to the office and looked up at his alpha, he bits onto his lips and instantly felt really guilty, he knew how hard the other work and how it is really tiring now when they have a gaming update deadline approaching soon. He immediately goes to Yibo and gave him a tight hug, resting Yibo head on his shoulder, gently caresses his back softly. "I'm sorry Yibo..." he mumbles softly and gently pull him even closer if possible.

"I am really childish and that is bad isn't it? When we are going to be parents soon.."

He mumbles softly and whispered into Yibo ears, he closes his eyes, sending some of his pheromones towards Yibo, as he caresses his back gently. "I love you, the father of our baby.." he mumbles softly and gently pull away, he reached out to pass the bag to Yibo, with a gentle sweet smile.

"I actually got our first family outfit, we can wear it together when our little a yuan is here."

He took out the little baby hanfu and show it to Yibo, smiling softly with teary eyes.
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ his expression suddenly changed. he had made a mistake. he never wanted to hurt or make zhan upset. it was the least the second in command wanted to do. he was just tired. he knew it was not an excuse, but he was indeed tired. he tried his best to mask it from his mate. the alpha always wondered how his brother could do it. so many duties and upon it all - the heavy weight of being a leader of the pack. responsible for so many things. yibo was some sort of a leader too, being responsible for his coworkers and the company itself. so, he kept wondering how he could do it. he was about to stop the omega, but zhan left anyways. he sighed and leaned back, his shoulders finally slumping down.
the male leaned his head on his palm and massaged his temples, the migraine was getting worse. he could feel his dark and ominous powers bubbling inside of him. the aura wanted to kill, yet yibo disagreed with his own golden core.
his eyes slowly went up. the other had left his hand bag. yibo was always a man of honour, he never checked zhan's phone to see who he is texting with, or checking his private stuff. there was a mutual trust between them. besides, if zhan did something, yibo would know. he has eyes and ears everywhere, perks of being the right hand of the leader.
his hands slowly reached for the bag before the door bursted open and he pulled his hands back. instead, the tired alpha looked at the omega dumfounded when he acted as if the alpha had committed a sin.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀs!
W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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