plots, headcanons, skeletons
use this room to post your plots or connections you want fulfilled, headcanons that apply to your character, or character skeletons that you have fleshed out but can't or don't want to play.
be as creative as you want but keep it realistic as this is still an entertainment au. for plots that require them, please do post a trigger warning as some people may be uncomfortable with certain themes/topics. below is a format you can use but not required!
— for connections
*tw if applicable!
relationship type
preferred age
preferred gender
face claim suggestion
brief info about the type of connection/relationship with your character
— for plots
*tw if applicable!
plot title
plot genre
open slots
relationship type
preferred gender
brief description of the plot
— for character skeletons
*tw if applicable!
type of skeleton
any relationship with a character?
preferred faces?
brief bio of the character skeleton