─ solar's sky parlor


kim yongsun

private quarters

the private living quarters of kim yongsun - solar. knock before you come in and bring snacks!

cozy and warm attic apartment located in seongdong-gu, on one of river Han's left sleeves, near hanyang university and the Seoul forest park. 
click to see all rooms and aesthetics.

in character interactions only! ooc talk should be in brackets. be respectful and behave accordingly!


☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 2 days ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ //with my trembling hands being swatted away, I can focus better on the way your fingers, much more skilled in this particular endeavor, work to open up my shirt, and just as I was about to say something about it all the air was knocked out of me when I land on the couch with a thud/
//again my protest whine is cut short as I am being pulled and shoved, twisted into a pretzel before I can even register what is up and where is down, only to suddenly end up precariously face-to-face with my own knees, so I prop my hands on the cushions ready to pull myself up and give you space, as this is not usually a situation we would be found in, only to once again be aborted in the mission, this time by surprising but not undesired sweet kisses along my thigh/
Jagi-- Minho-yah...
//i am made strikingly aware of the fact that now only the thin fabric of my underwear and your clothes is what separates our intimates, but the look in your eyes is what blurs everything around but the single focal point of your face/
Y-you... of course, but... jagiya, you don't have to...
//mutters carefully, raising myself up on an elbow while pulling myself up just a little, so you have more space on the cushions and you don't have to have a veneris mound right in the face/
◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ *Minho's eyes traced her fingers eagerly as they ed her blouse at the pace of a snail. It took everything in him to not yank the shirt apart, knowing the value of her wardrobe, it wasn't worth the destruction for his impatience*
*he did eventually swat her fingers away, though, undoing the last few buttons with the practiced ease of a father. With the blouse undone, his hands slid up her thighs to push the skirt up to her hips and as he did, he wiggled himself out of Solar's locked legs so he could push her backwards on the couch*
Sorry - *he apologized playfully when she fell with a whoosh. He hopped the back next to her and picked up right where he left off*
*with a yank this time, Minho pulled Solar in close by the hips. His fingers brushed along the length of her thighs, where he pulled again so her was flush to him and her legs were up. He hooked her legs over his shoulders and brazenly squeezed her milky thighs. His shamelessly bulged against his pants, pushing into Solar. Minho fluttered open-mouthed kisses up the inside of her thighs to distract himself, diving until he was nearly at her folds*
*he fluttered his gaze up to meet hers, his breath as hot as he where it blew as he whispered*
May I...?
☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 1 week ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ //sighs a little into the kiss, a little sound of content, as my thighs lightly tighten around your hips, a natural bodily reaction I'm not ashamed of anymore, and especially not with how your hands grip at them beneath my skirt//
//in the midst of mustering enough power to remind you not to leave visible marks as I have to be at Music Core tomorrow, you pull away which is enough for me to get back my bearings and try to focus my bleary gaze on you//
I don't think I need it either...
//moves one of my hands from your neck, to undo the buttons of my white shirt, fingers already trembling around the little buttons//
Just... a moment...
◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 1 week ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ *Minho didn't respond with words, but he did work his mouth in other ways. He eased into the kiss at first with a careful press of their lips, falling for Yongsun's enticing ways easily. She could blink in his vague direction and he would fold.*
*as one of his hands cupped the back of her neck, his fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her in deeper to tangle their tongues*
*the other hand kept her clutched firm at the thigh, preventing from falling backwards until he was ready to do so. The tips of his fingers turned white from how they dug into her porcelain skin - soft, inviting - he had no choice but to explore* *he broke off their kiss, nudging her face up to nuzzle along her jaw, down her neck, and - The hem of her shirt stopped him*
*trying his best not to show how hard he was breathing, he broke off for a second time, and turned his eyes to Yongsun. He s his hand from her hair to tug on the hem of her shirt*
I don't think you need this for what I'm about to do
☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 2 weeks ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ More like 3 months late...
//murmurs in a low tone, a surprised quip eliciting from my mouth as I am plucked up suddenly, wrapping my legs around your waist and arms around your shoulders to hold on for dear life, an exclaim in protest making its way through before I am deposited on the backrest, still wrapped around you with every limb, but now more comfortable to tug you in with a press of my thigh at your waist, hands loosely finding their slot against your nape/
Well since you asked so politely...
//accentuates every syllable in "politely" making my lips brush against yours, a hint of the tip of my tongue fanning across as our breaths mingle, our lips ready to close into the other/
◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 2 weeks ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ I don't know
*Minho hummed when Yongsun asked what else they could be celebrating the first anniversary of, peeling away from her ear only so he could pretend to fiddle for a photo of the cat in his pockets*
Maybe Noodles... It's a little early to celebrate her birthday, but who am I to judge?
I did think we would celebrate /with/ the guest, though
*he still held a playful smirk on his face as he rounded his gaze to Yongsun once more, avoiding her eyes playfully as if he hadn't heard her*
Huh? Eating?
I don't know anything of it...
*But as he spoke, he scooped her forcefully by the thighs, giving her no choice but to hold on or fall, and hopped her onto the back of the sofa*
*when she was safely seated, he leaned in closer until the gap between their noses was slim, whispering in a low voice*
I'd like a taste of my main meal now, please...
[post deleted by owner]
☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 2 weeks ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ You know what i mean, Lee Minho.
"All for us" - for who else? Is someone else celebrating their first anniversary?
//laughs as the cake is taken off my hands and put away, and I'm being gathered into a pair of nimble arms; I wrap my own around your neck, comfortably tilting in a way to allow more access for you, humming in content, while I feel a kind of heat spreading from where your hands hold me across the full expanse of my spine/
Ah... You mentioned something about... eating...?
◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 2 weeks ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ *there weren't many scenarios in which Lino condoned gaslighting, but when it came having to re-explain wanting to spread Yongsun's legs, hook them on his shoulders and go to town on her, he figured he could use the excuse*
Huh? *he feigned ignorance, peeling his eyes from his phone where he wasn't truly reading only to fix her with a confused stare*
*his eyebrows unfurrow as the box she held was unfurled before him, a small, but stunning cake, neatly decorated, daintily sat inside*
Yah! Yongsun-ah, did you get this all for us? *he tossed his phone to the side to take the cake from her hands (placing that to the side more delicately so he could scoop her up into a hug* *his hand rubbed at her lower back affectionately while his chest vibrated in a happy hum* Happy one year, you amazing, silly, gorgeous, perfect person *his voice was muffled from where he hid his kisses against her neck, on the attack yet again*
*when he nipped at her ear, he paused - more to build his confidence than the anticipation - and whispered*
Now, how else do you want to celebrate...?
☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 2 months ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ //thinking you were going in for a kiss, I also lean in, only to feel a shiver run down my spine from your breath against the side of my neck/
//shivers, my jaw dropping slightly as I turn my head to follow your movement, my feet rooted to the floor in shock - did this mean... what I thought it meant?/
Uhm... jagiya? Could you... could you elaborate on what you meant?
//shakes my head to clear my mind, leaving the mug on the coffee table for a moment, in order to take a small box out of the fridge and move to open it in front of you/
Something that goes well with cake? Happy one year, seonsaengnim, I'm happy I get to call you more than just ssaem now.

◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 2 months ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ *Minho held his hands securely over the warm mug of cocoa, but his eyes were drawn to Yongsun's lips. He barely blinked back into the moment, and only did so because of strand of her hair fell into her face*
*a warm smile spread over his lips. He tucked the strand behind her ear, and took the opportunity to lean in; close enough that his breath fluttered over the crest of her ear*
I can think of one place I'd like to go down on
*he whispered it softly and walked away just as quickly, blowing on his cocoa and taking a sip to hide his smug grin*
*he was already in the living room scrolling his phone for take out options, like nothing had happened*
What do you feel like eating? *he called quietly so as to not wake Gyu*
☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 2 months ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ //smiles wide at Mingyu, completely enamored with his joy, patting his head when he does his little bow, then slowly steps out of the room, quietly, so as not to disturb the process of putting a baby to sleep, and slips into the little adjacent kitchenette to warm up the two cups of cocoa still remaining on the counter/
//rounding the corner with the two cups steaming in my hands, I blink out of my surprize, quickly settling with a huffed-out laugh, handing you one cup/
That's good. And you mentioned ordering takeout? Wanna go down too?
//motions my head towards the couch in the living room with a questioning expression on my face/
◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 2 months ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ Yongsun-ah *Minho gawked at the room, taking a step in. Mingyu had already raced ahead with an overexcited squeal, climbing onto the bed and regarding the adults with bright eyes and a smile so wide it could break records*
"APPA! APPA! DO YOU SEE!" he shouted
Mingyu, inside voice *Minho reminded, joining him on the bed with a wide smile of his own* And yes I do see. I see it all. *here, he pointed a knowing smirk at Yongsun* Now, what do we say when someone does something nice for us, Gyugyu?
*he watched his son with pride and fondness as he straightened his shoulders, and lowered himself into a clumsy, almost 90 degree bow*
*Minho scooped him up, smothering his adorable face in kisses and starting to get him ready to wind down for the nap. As he settled his son into the blankets, eyes swinging around the room again in wonder, Mingyu whispered* "I still want... hot cocoa..."
*it wasn't long after that, that he fell asleep, a teddy bear squeezed tight in his arms. Minho kissed him softly on the forehead a final time and hesitantly crawled out of the room. He was somewhat ashamed that he almost forgot he was at Yongsun's and that she still lived here, but he jumped a mile into the air when seeing her*
Jesus- sorry - I - wow- sorry - *his face flushed crimson* He's uh, he's down. I mean, asleep. He's asleep.
☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 2 months ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ //at the increasingly more sensual kiss, i sigh out in content, returning the slow motion of the lips on mine, but it seems my grip on the little gremlin loosened, because he is suddenly complaining loudly, coming up into out faces to split us and demand attention/
//exhales a little breathy laugh, looking at said gremlin, who is now happy to receive the attention he needs (read: all of it), while his father brings him to order/
Oh, is this why you're fussy, pumpkin? Understandable, I'm also bit--... bitter, ahem, when I'm tired and sleepy and cranky.
//places a kiss on each of his cheeks and his nose after the last three words, then lifts him to his feet, where he wobbles but soldiers on, so I can also get up and take his hand/
You're never imposing. You wanna see a surprize?
//motions to the door and we start walking, passing the bedroom to duck into the other side, beside the bathroom, where a closet should have been, only to present a little guest bedroom I repurposed from the closet initially, soft light coming from the top window and some teddy bears already residing on the bed/
Ta-daaaaaa, you like it?? Do you wanna try out the bed? You'd be the first one ever!
◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 3 months ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ *The more Yongsun fake screams, the more Minho attacks, pretending to get more aggressive with his kisses until he's distracted by the lips that have him swooning every time they meet his*
*it was hard to believe that the woman he used to ogle from the sidelines was now one he could dance center stage of his life with*
*it was a bit ambitious to think of her so dearly so early in the relationship, so he kept most of his strong sentiments private, except for these rare bursts like now, in the privacy of their homes, where he allowed himself to believe this was true*
*on Yongsun's last kiss, he held her delicately by the back of the neck to deepen it slightly, stopping only when Minggyu whined from the lack of attention*
Be patient *Minho chastised in a fatherly tone, detangling himself from the mess of limbs they'd become on the floor*
Yongsun noona was nice enough to let you come over, so you're gonna be a good boy, right? *he swiped the young boy's disheveled hair from his forehead and held back a smile of his own when his son stifled a yawn*
It's almost nap time, I think
*he glanced to Solar* Sorry to impose... Do you have somewhere I can lay him down. We didn't plan to stay out so long, but... I can order us some food to make up for our interruption?
☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 3 months ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ //yips initially, from the surprize coming from the back, but soon my mind catches up and I lean back, tugging Mingyu with me as we both topple backwards into you/
Aaaaaaaaaaaah he's eating meeeeeee, Gyu-yah, help meeeeeeeeeee
//wails into the abyss, but still turns my head enough to meet your lips in their onslaught, so some kisses fall on mine as well/
◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 3 months ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ *Minho was glad to have his little rascal off his hands for even a second. As much as he loved his son, the older he got the more rambunctious he became*
*he lowered himself into a chair in the kitchen, taking the time to catch his breath while listening with a smile to the two most important people in his laugh*
*their giggles rejuvenated his old man spirit, and he snuck behind Yongsun, grabbing her from behind to seal both her and Gyu in a hug*
And I'm the hungriest one there is! *he roared playfully, smothering Yongsun's cheek in kisses*
☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 3 months ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ //still chuckling from the little voice coming through my intercom, I open to door to greet the newcomers, stepping aside a bit to let them in, already opening one arm to wrap around Minho's shoulders/
Why would I return such a lovely parcel, hm?
//leaning up, I gently press my lips against the man's pair, kicking the door closed, while Mingyu is already running inside, shedding shoes and jackets along the way, like a little crumb trail; then I pull away just an inch, still smiling as I look at the young man/
Hi. I've missed you. Glad you're (in) my home. Don't look out the windows if you cherish your sanity. I'm gonna go tend to your son now.
//with a last smooch, I take the tiny backpack from your hand and follow the crumb trail to my sofa/
Hey, Hansel, where are you hidinggggggg, where is my delicious little boyyyy~? I haven't eaten lunch today and I'm gonna NYAM him, AHA HERE HE IS!
//cackles and play-lunges at the little boy, who screeches in excitement and squirms in my hug, but quickly lets go and also squeezes me in a hug, us both kneeling on the carpet/
◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 3 months ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ COCOAAA! *Gyu shouted from below the intercom and Minho ruffled his hair with a reminder to use his inside voice*
See you soon - *he promises in a distracted tone to Solar through the intercom*
*it doesn't take long for them to reach the door (though they did take one wrong turn on the way up) and then he's knocking*
Delivery! *he panted, out of breath from an over excited child* No returns!
☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ [A] 3 months ago
@◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ You only come for the hot cocoa??
//makes sure to sound as offended as possible over the intercom, but I press the little black button that makes the intercom buzz and the door to click open//
Take the elevator, the last floor, then the apartment on the left. Follow the cocoa aroma~
◈ lee minho ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ⁻ᶜʰᵒʳᵉᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ [A] 3 months ago
@☾ kim yongsun ˢᵒˡᵃʳ *Gyu had tired quickly of the take-his-shoes off game and had politely trudged (more like dashed) alongside Minho at the promise of going to visit Yongsun*
'Yongsun noona! Yongsun noona!'
*the child sang the entire way, until they made it to the private apartment. He paused at the bottom door, buzzing the appropriate apartment number and waiting for the intercom to buzz on*
Yongsun~ah! Let us in! We were promised hot cocoa!


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persica [A] 2 weeks ago

⇛ (priority) NEW BOY GROUP (wip) - members ages between 1998 and 2004
☇ Available slots (boy trainees): 4 (various talents)

⇛ STAFF Available roles:
☇ Managers: 3 out of 6 slots available
☇ Make-up Artist: 2 out of 2 slots available
☇ Rap Coach: 1 out of 2 slots available
☇ Vocal Coach: 1 out of 2 slots available
☇ Stylist: 1 out of 2 slots available

⇛ Please follow the comment format to reserve your character! If you do not follow the format we will not reserve the character! Thank you! ❤️

ㅤㅤ☇ full name: (ex. stephanie hwang)
ㅤㅤ☇ ic occupation/role: ( ex. trainee)
ㅤㅤ☇ stage name (if applicable): (ex. none)
playlist 2 weeks ago
☇ full name: tokuno yushi
ㅤㅤ☇ ic occupation/role: trainee
ㅤㅤ☇ stage name (if applicable): none
snowfirefly 2 weeks ago
/rolls in/
jamjari 1 month ago
chaerrybaerry 2 months ago
☇ full name: choi yena
ㅤㅤ☇ ic occupation/role: member of quartz
ㅤㅤ☇ stage name (if applicable): nabi
gemini_dotcom 2 months ago
☇ full name: park jihoon
ㅤㅤ☇ ic occupation/role: trainer
ㅤㅤ☇ stage name (if applicable): none atm
pintobean 2 months ago
ㅤㅤ☇ full name: yoon jeonghan
ㅤㅤ☇ ic occupation/role: janus
ㅤㅤ☇ stage name (if applicable): yuzu
morsmordre 2 months ago
ㅤㅤ☇ full name: huh yunjin
ㅤㅤ☇ ic occupation/role: trainee
ㅤㅤ☇ stage name (if applicable): none atm
colazero 3 months ago
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 months ago
I want to join, but I have a question
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