Ivory FAQ

What is Heleo?

  • Heleo is the world in which the RP (Ivory of the Mist) is located. Heleo is a Gaia of its own accord in an alternate universe governed by its own laws, various races/cultures, and beliefs. Consider any fantasy world, such as Hogwarts in Harry Potter, The Shire of Lord of the Rings, or another fictional realm you’ve seen in the media.

What is Central?

  • Central is a major city frequented by all species of different origins. People come here to escape, trade or start a new business or life. Whatever the circumstances, it's a major staple point of Heleo and essential mutual territory amongst all creatures regardless of Kingdom or status.

What is Mist?

  • Mist is a valuable energy resource that helps power things on Heleo. Most of Heleo’s population lives on these Misty Continents, named after the thick foggy haze that blankets the lowlands. Large mountain ranges act as natural borders that separate its 12 nations: Kitsune Woodlands, The Wasteland, Shapeshift Rainforest, Fairies Fields, Angel Central Mountain, Dragon's Den, No Man’s Land, The Underworld, Wolf’s den, Vampire Lair, the Forgotten Islands & of course Circuit City.

What time period are we in?

  • We pride ourselves on being the 1st and only long-lasting Steampunk RP on RPR. This RP incorporates retro-futuristic technology and aesthetics inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. Ivory in the Mist is set in an alternative version of the Victorian era, where steam power remains in mainstream use or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power.

What restrictions does a slave have?

  • Slaves have minimal restrictions. They are free to travel anywhere in Central, their homeland of origin, or the Black Light District. However, slaves can NOT adventure outside their homeland into another race’s land without a Master/Mistress accompanying them.

    • Example: A ghoul slave can be in the Wastelands; however, they may not go into the Underworld unless accompanied by a free character.

  • Slaves also CANNOT own businesses. They may work in establishments in Central or Freelance at the Trading Post or Black Light District for profit. Once free, you can request your own shop/establishment.

Does my slave have all their power, or is my slave’s power restricted?

  • It’s your journey. We believe in creative freedom, so your story is totally dependent on you. Slaves still have their power. It’s up to you if you want to restrict it or not.

What type of species are available if I want to apply for a new race?

  • Ivory only accepts 13 species. Demons, Vampires, Ghouls, Werewolves, Shiftshapers, Humans/Mages, Merfolk, Dragons, Fairies, Cyborgs, Angels, Kitsunes, and Hybrids.

  • Hybrids are only made between two of the aforementioned species. If the plan you have for your character is not one of these species but may fall into the category of a subspecies, please PM an admin to see if your character has approval for Ivory.

    • Example: If you want a siren, but Merfolk exist, you can have a siren that fits into the category of Merfolk. If you want a Lycan, it would be considered a hybrid of Vampire and Werewolf. As a reminder: you can only have a max of 6 characters.

What technology does Heleo have?

  • In the world of Heleo, modern-day technology does not exist. Think 18-19th century, but Steampunk. Cell phones, computers, the internet, etc., don't exist. Messaging system is your creativity if you want to contact another character who isn’t in the same room. Think outside the box with this one, and don’t overthink.

Example: You can use a bat or owl to deliver letters. If your character has the ability to teleport, they can simply just teleport from location to location.

If we have a certain number of points, can we change from a master to a slave? or would it be exclusive only to an event?

  • If you would like your character(s) to be traded into slavery, you can do so by relinquishing 550 points to Central Bank and Finance with Admin Emily Mei.

  • Alternatively, your character can opt for the Tax Evasion route (see the aforementioned section below under “Currency”...

How many abilities are we allowed to have, and which ones (if any) should we stay away from (to avoid making FCs OP and such)?

  • There is no limitation on the amount of abilities your character can possess. It is up to OOC's discretion. Please keep in mind that anything plotted between characters must be consented to by both parties OOC to avoid IC God-modding. Please also note that there are no Gods in this RP- not even the Demon King Namvo is all-powerful.

Currency: why do we need it?

  • There is a saying that Money makes the world go round, so why not implement that in our world too? We decided to do this to encourage characters out of their bubble to inspire new ideas, move plots forward and bring more realism to the RP. So what is the Currency in Heleo, and how do you use it? Well, your points, of course! Heleo runs on the profit of Gold in your character's personal account (i.e. taxes)- and for Royals, the amount of Mist that is produced in your realm each month ( ←See Heleo Grand Council Room for more details).

Currency: How do we earn it?


To apply for a Job, tag an admin to request the job. All job requests require FULL admin team approval. If you are applying for a Boss/Owner/Manager position, you have some requirements before being accepted as listed below.


A character may have a MAXIMUM of TWO jobs in Central.
A character may have a MAXIMUM of TWO jobs in the Black Light District.

A character may NOT maintain multiple positions at ONE location (i.e. your character cannot be a watchmaker AND a fruit seller at the Trading Post; or be a bartender AND a dancer at the Nightclub, etc.)
*Keep in mind that only jobs in Central receive monthly wages*


  • To apply to be a business manager/owner, you MUST pay a one-time fee of 100 points to Central Bank and Finance.

  • At the beginning of the first week of each month, you MUST pay 50 points for Business Property Tax. (Official Crowned Royalty are exempted from Property Tax)

  • You will get paid 40 points at the end of the month (10 points per week)

  • You MUST have TWO active posts to qualify for this payment. We define an active post as a post within the calendar month that is at least 2-3 sentences long.

    • Example of a single active post: “Character A turns on the lights in the shop, finding everything as they’d left it the night before. “Time to get the day started,” they say to themselves."

  • Please Tag an admin if your character(s) resign(s) from their position.


  • You will get paid 20 points at the end of the month (5 points per week)

  • You MUST have ONE active post to qualify for this payment. We define an active post as a post within the calendar month that is at least 2-3 sentences long.

    • Example of a single active post: “Character A walks into work, clocking in at the time clock. They sigh, hoping that the day moves quickly."

  • Please tag an admin if your character(s) resigns from their position.


    Freelancing pays "employee" wages, so while your character may have a "theoretical" amount that they charge for their services, they will not receive anything other than the standard monthly wages amount.

    • Example:

      Your character works as a watchmaker at the Trading Post in Central. Your character may "charge" people for their services, but points will not ACTUALLY be deducted from characters that interact with them. Instead, your character will receive the standard 20 points for the monthly wage as long as they meet the appropriate criteria.


Citizen Tax

  • A Citizen Tax to your Kingdom MUST be paid no later than the last day of the month through the Central Bank and Finance.

  • Taxes may vary from Kingdom to Kingdom depending on the Monarch. The minimum tax is 5 points, and the maximum possible tax is 25 points.

Property Tax

  • All Businesses and Homeowners MUST pay a Property Tax of 50 points (per business AND home that is owned) no later than the last day of the month through the Central Bank and Finance.

Official Crowned Royalty Taxes / Exemptions

  • Official Crowned Royalty [♕] are exempt from Citizen Taxes AND Property Taxes

  • Official Crowned Royalty [♕] are responsible for paying their contribution of Mist Tax no later than the last day of the month to the Central Bank and Finance. (←See Heleo Grand Council Room for more details)

  • Kingdom Mist Tax evasion/bankruptcy will result in loss of royalty and Jail time until the balance is completely paid in full (see the Tax Evasion section below for further information).

  • If your character should ever have a balance of fewer than 200 points, it will result in your immediate arrest and enslavement REGARDLESS of status. If your character is a royal, they will immediately lose their Royalty status. In order to become a Free Citizen again, your character must pay the balance that is due or 400 points (whichever is greater) to Central Bank and Finance.

  • Former Royals who have been enslaved due to bankruptcy will NOT be returned to Royal status after paying their balance and will have to pay the Royalty Fee again to have their status returned.

Tax evasion

You may elect to have your character evade taxes. However, the Bank will keep a record of your tax evasion strikes.

  • 1st Strike: The bank will issue a missed payment notice.

  • 2nd Strike: A warning will result in your character(s) arrest until your debt has been paid.

    • While arrested, your character will have their assets frozen - meaning they will not receive monthly payments from businesses that they own, or their places of employment (this includes freelance work). They are also unable to make any purchases (housing, slaves, character changes etc.)

    • Your character can STILL post in said businesses/places of employment as well as their accepted location(s) around Central and the Kingdoms while arrested.

  • 3rd Strike: This will result in the loss of your character's freedom…

SEMI-/HIATUS - If you are on Semi-/Hiatus, these tax rules do NOT apply to you. However, all of your assets will be frozen. No points will be acquired on any characters until you return from your Hiatus.

What is the Blacklight District?

  • This part of Central is notorious for its highly illegal activity, including but not limited to: Gambling, Black Market Merchandising, Illegal ion, and an Underground Fight Club.

  • Here your character(s) can earn points as an entrepreneur without paying those damn business taxes or working at a 9-5 job as Criminals. Entrepreneurs of the Black Light District do NOT pay a Business Property Tax or a fee to purchase a business; however, they do not receive the monthly income/wages that the businesses/employees receive in Central. You are responsible for hustling your own coin.

  • PLEASE NOTE: The Black Light District is completely 100% Rated M, and will be home to plenty of potentially triggering content. By choosing to RP in these rooms, you agree to be subjected to such material. These rooms will be RPed in the same amount of care as the Dark Room (which is now located in The Black Light District as well), so user discretion is advised.

  • Please keep in mind that all of the RP's main rules should still be followed - you MUST receive OCC consent from your RP partner prior to posting there.

This page will be updated routinely. If you need clarification on anything or have any suggestions, please leave them down below with your Admin, Prince Hendery, and we’ll circle back to help out as best we can.

Last Update: Pending updates


♆ Huang Mi Ni 3 months ago
@დ ♕ Tati phew okay! 400 points!! imma do my best mini as a slave is too weird for me uvu
დ ♕ Tati [A] 3 months ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ It's okay, we're working on condensing them cuz they're kinda spread out ^^;
But yes, Mini just needs 400 points to be free again (she just won't get her royal status back unless she pays the 3000 point fee). :)
☾ Dong Youngbae 3 months ago
@♆ ♕ Nam Vo Thank you
♆ ♕ Nam Vo [A] 3 months ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae Updated you career in the riot and black market
♆ Huang Mi Ni 3 months ago
@დ ♕ Tati Yes that makes sense!
I tried to find all the rules relating to points and slavery but I must have missed some. So does this mean if Mini gets to 400 points, she won't be a slave anymore?
დ ♕ Tati [A] 3 months ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ Hey love! Responding to your OOC question here in Ivory FAQ because it'll be the easiest for reference:

♆ Huang Mi Ni ¥ 6 hours ago Reply
i have a question about this whole mini being enslaved biznez
in the rules it says that if you go under 200 points by the end of the month, then you are temporarily enslaved and have till end of the month to recuperate your points
on another page it says that if a royal is bankrupt, they lose their status and are put into jail until the debt is repaid
where does it say that if a royal gets to 0 points / bankruptcy that they're immediately enslaved?
or anyone, for that matter


Official Crowned Royalty Taxes / Exemptions

-Kingdom Mist Tax evasion/bankruptcy will result in loss of royalty and Jail time until the balance is completely paid in full (see the Tax Evasion section below for further information).

-If your character should ever have a balance of fewer than 200 points, it will result in your immediate arrest and enslavement REGARDLESS of status. If your character is a royal, they will immediately lose their Royalty status. In order to become a Free Citizen again, your character must pay the balance due to Central Bank and Finance.

-Former Royals who have been enslaved due to bankruptcy will NOT be returned to Royal status after paying their balance and will have to pay the Royalty Fee again to have their status returned.

Since 200 points is the minimum requirement to remain free, the Central Bank has determined that 400 points will be the requirement for someone who is enslaved due to bankruptcy (having zero points), as 200 points are essentially what is owed to the bank.
This amount is not expected to be due until the November 1st.

Hopefully this all makes sense! If it doesn't, lmk and feel free to PM for any further discussion if needed! We're overdue for a revamp in a lot of places to make stuff more clear tbh, i think by trying to make things foolproof we may have made it more complicated on accident ^^;
☾ Dong Youngbae 3 months ago
@დ ♕ Tati Oh hey. Yes please.
დ ♕ Tati [A] 3 months ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae just realized this was here aflskldfhlasf did you stll want Youngbae to work at The Riot? he can do that and be a mercenary for hire at the Black Market if you're interested in that?
☾ Dong Youngbae 4 months ago
A man needs to eat. Can I have Youngbae work at the Nightclub Riot as a gogo dancer and be a mercenary at the same time?
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ [SH] Hello my love. Welcome back. I'll go ahead and removed your SH.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  Hello lovely, just tagging you to let you know I have returned from my hiatus!
♦ Kim Taeyeon 1 year ago
@♆ ♕ Nam Vo hiii i would like to cc yerim to taeyeon please~
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@† ♕ Hendery thank you!!
† ♕ Hendery [A] 1 year ago
@♦ Christopher Bang done
♦ Christopher Bang 1 year ago
@† ♕ Hendery not sure where else to request this but when you have a moment, i would like to see if i could be put on semi-hiatus for at least until the end of this month
[post deleted by owner]
† ♕ Hendery [A] 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Nahee ¥ yes
♅ Kim Nahee ¥ 1 year ago
@† ♕ Hendery are you sure?
† ♕ Hendery [A] 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Nahee ¥ looks like head admin will allow another character before hiatus
♅ Kim Nahee ¥ 1 year ago
@† ♕ Hendery Got it, just curious
† ♕ Hendery [A] 1 year ago
@♅ Kim Nahee ¥ if you plan to go on hiatus, no. because you'll be sitting on a fc someone else wants and will rp with.
♅ Kim Nahee ¥ 1 year ago
Is okay to ask for another character before your hiatus time period starts?
♆ ♕ Nam Vo [A] 1 year ago
@♆ Huang Mi Ni Announcement notes go out tomorrow
♆ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
@♆ ♕ Nam Vo so any news on if mini can get some points back cause her slave yukhei is no more? spent 1000 points on that boi
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ We have talked bout this a few times. There is an update coming up after the events in terms of that as well.
☠ Christian Yu ¥✔ 1 year ago
@დ ♕ Tati @♆ Seo Inguk @† ♕ Hendery Question, what happens if someone who bought a slave left the rp? Does the Master or Mistress get refunded the points they spent? Or are they just spent, and there's no refund?
⥈Park Jimin 1 year ago
@♆ Seo Inguk oh, thank you
♆ Seo Inguk [A] 1 year ago
@⥈Park Jimin I've already pmed and updated the room with your request.
⥈Park Jimin 1 year ago
Jimin would like to be the bartender at black lotus lounge
♆ Huang Mi Ni 1 year ago
@♆ ♕ Nam Vo okii <3


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SirButtmold 7 hours ago
I have a question
creamsoda [A] 1 week ago
In Effect as of 12/20/24

We appreciate your application to the Ivory of the Mist community.

Until further notice, we are currently not accepting any more Demons, Wolves, Kistune, Hybrids, or Shapeshifters due to the imbalance of races. We are currently seeking Angels, Dragons, Ghouls, Merfolk, Fairies, Humans/mage, Vampire and Cyborgs. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Once the population in the 13 Kingdoms is balanced, we encourage you to reapply for your desired race.

Kind regards, Prince Hendery
Unicorn930 1 week ago
May I reserve Chen Zhuoxuan as a Fae please?
FlyingPheniox 1 week ago
May I reserve Blackpink Jisoo?
iljimae 2 weeks ago
Kim Junkyu (Treasure) as Angel please.
AlexCross 2 weeks ago
Can I have Byun Wooseok as Cyborg?
SirButtmold 2 weeks ago
Is Tom Hardy still around? Can I have him as a 2nd?
Yunho4ever 2 weeks ago
Can I have Taylor Zakhar Perez as Warlock/mage please?
JungHyunki23 [A] 2 weeks ago
In Effect as of 9/25/24

We appreciate your application to the Ivory of the Mist community.

Until further notice, we are currently not accepting any more Demons, Wolves, Vampires, Kistune, Hybrids, or Shapeshifters due to the imbalance of races. We are currently seeking Angel, Humans/Mages,Dragons, Ghouls, Merfolk, Fairies, and Cyborgs. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Once the population in the 12 Kingdoms is balanced, we encourage you to reapply for your desired race.

Kind regards, King Namvo
TheExoticSky 2 weeks ago
I have no idea who I want to be honestly, it's been awhile since I've joined an rp
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